HCGS Catalogue – Virginia

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VACensusHead of Families at the First Census of the U.S. Taken in the Year 1790 - Virginia
VACensusVirginia 1810 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
VACensusVirginia 1820 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
VACensusVirginia 1830 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
VACensusVirginia 1840Ronald Vern Jackson
VACensusVirginia 1850 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
VACensusVirginia 1870 Census IndexVol. 1, A-DBradley E. Steuart
VACensusVirginia 1870 Census IndexVol. 2, B-KBradley E. Steuart
VACensusVirginia 1870 Census IndexVol. 3, L-RBradley E. Steuart
VACensusVirginia 1870 Census IndexVol. 4, S-ZBradley E. Steuart
VACensusIndexes to Manufactures Census of 1820 Virginia
VAMarriagesMarriages of Some Virginia Residents 1607-1800Vol. 1, Surnames A-EDorothy Ford Wulfeck
VAMarriagesMarriages of Some Virginia Residents 1607-1800Vol. 2, Surnames F-MeDorothy Ford Wulfeck
VAMarriagesMarriages of Some Virginia Residents 1607-1800Vol. 3, Surnames Mi-SDorothy Ford Wulfeck
VAMarriagesMarriages of Some Virginia Residents 1607-1800Vol. 4, Surnames T-ZDorothy Ford Wulfeck
VAMarriagesMarried Well and Often: Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia 1649-1800Robert K. Headley, Jr.
VAMarriagesIndex to Marriages of Old Rappahannock and Essex Counties, Virginia1655-1900Eva Eubank Wilkerson
VAMarriagesSome Virginia Marriages 1700-1799Vols. 1-13Cecil D. McDonald, Jr.
VAMarriagesSome Virginia Marriages 1700-1799Vols. 14-25Cecil D. McDonald, Jr.
VAMarriagesSome Virginia Marriages 1800-1825Vols. 1-12Cecil D. McDonald, Jr.
VAMarriagesSome Virginia Marriages 1826-1850Vols. 1-2Cecil D. McDonald, Jr.
VAMarriagesA Finding List of Virginia Marriage Records Before 1853Inez Waldenmaier
VAMarriagesSome Marriages in the Burned Record County of Virginia
VAMarriagesVirginia Marriage Records
VAVitalsVirginia Vital Records
VACourtsThe Deeds of Amhearst County, Virginia 1761-1807 and Albemarles County, Virginia 1748-1763Rev. Bailey Fulton Davis
VACourtsVirginia's District Courts, 1789-1809 Prince Edward DistrictMary Bondurant Warren & Eve B. Weeks
VACourtsIndex to Virginia Estates 1800-1865Vol. 1Wesley E. Pippenger
VACourtsIndex to Virginia Estates 1800-1865Vol. 2Wesley E. Pippenger
VACourtsIndex to Virginia Estates 1800-1865Vol. 3Wesley E. Pippenger
VACourtsAbstract of Land Grand Surveys 1761-1791Peter Cline Kaylor
VACourtsCavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land PatentsVol. 1, 1623-1666Nell Marion Nugent
VACourtsCavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land PatentsVol. 2, 1666-1695Nell Marion Nugent
VACourtsCavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land PatentsVol. 3, 1695-1732Nell Marion Nugent
VACourtsCavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land PatentsVol. 4, 1732-1741Nell Marion Nugent
VACourtsCavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land PatentsVol. 5, 1741-1749Nell Marion Nugent
VACourtsCavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land PatentsVol. 6, 1749-1762Nell Marion Nugent
VACourtsCavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land PatentsVol. 7, 1762-1776Nell Marion Nugent
VACourtsCavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, Supplement Northern Neck Grants No. 11690-1692Nell Marion Nugent
VACourtsCertificate Book of the Virginia Land Commission1779-1780
VACourtsMaster Index Virginia Survey and Grants 1774-1791Kentucky Genealogical Society
VACourtsMother Earth: Land Grants In Virginia1607-1699W. Stitt Robinson, Jr.
VACourtsVirginia Land Causes: Lancaster Co., 1795-1848 & Northampton Co. 1731-1868Stratton Nottingham
VACourtsVirginia Land Records
VACourtsVirginia Norther Neck Land Grants1694-1742Gertude E. Gray
VACourtsVirginia Revolutionary WarrantsSamuel M. Wilson
VACourtsVirginia Tax PayersAugusta B. Fothergill
VACourtsVirginia Tax Records
VACourtsVirginia Will Records
VACourtsVirginia Wills and Administrations1632-1800Clayton Torrence
VACourtsVirginia Wills Before 1799William M. Clemens
VACourtsOver The Mountain Men Their Early Court Records in Southwest VirginiaAnne Lowry Worrell
VACourtsVirginia Court Records in Southwestern PennsylvaniaBoyd Crumrine
VAHistoriesA Hornbook of Virginia HistoryVirginia State Library
VAHistoriesGleanings of Virginia History: An Historical and Genealogical Collection, Largely From Origial SourcesWilliam Fletcher Boogher
VAHistoriesHistory of Southwest Virginia 1746-1786 Washington County 1777-1870Lewis Preston Summers
VAHistoriesHistory of Tazewell County and Southwest Virginia 1748-1920William C. Pendleton
VAHistoriesThe First Seventeen Years Virginia 1607-1624Charles E. Hatch, Jr.
VAMilitaryVirginia Militia in the War of 1812Vol. 1
VAMilitaryVirginia Militia in the War of 1812Vol. 2
VAMilitaryWar of 1812: Virginia Bounty Land & Pension ApplicantsPatrick Wardell
VAMilitaryCivil War Sites in Virginia: A Tour GuideJames I. Robertson, Jr.
VAMilitaryThe Seven Days' Battles Around Richmond
VAMilitaryA Guide to Virginia Military Organizations in the American Revolution1774-1787E.M. Sanches-Saaverdra
VAMilitaryHistorical Register of Virginians in the Revolution: Soldiers Sailors MarinesVol. 1, 1775-1783John H. Gwathmey
VAMilitaryHistorical Register of Virginians in the Revolution: Soldiers Sailors MarinesVol. 2, 1775-1783John H. Gwathmey
VAMilitaryVirginia Revolutionary War Land Grant Claims 1783-1850 (Rejected)William Lindsey Hopkins
VAMilitaryVirginia Soldiers of the American RevolutionVol. 1Virginia State Library
VAMilitaryVirginia Soldiers of the American RevolutionVol. 2Virginia State Library
VAMilitary51st Virginia InfantryJames A. Davis
VAMilitaryList of The Colonial Soldiers of VirginiaH. J. Eckenrode
VAMilitaryVirginia's Colonial Soldierslloyd DeWitt Bockstruck
VAMilitaryVirginia Military Records
VACommunitiesJamestown Rediscovery II
VACommunitiesA History of Lynchburg's Pioneer Quakers 1754-1936Douglas Sumners Brown
VACommunitiesMarriages and Deaths From Lynchburg, Virginia Newspapers 1794-1836William M.Kelso
VACommunitiesRoanoke: A Pictorial HistoryCarolyn Hale Bruce
VACommunitiesA Brief & True Report Concerning Williamsburg in Virginia: Being an Account of the most important Occurrences in that Place from its first Beginning to the present TimeRutherford Goodwin
VACommunitiesA Williamsburg Scrap Book
VACommunitiesOfficial Guide to Colonial WilliamsgurgMichael Olmert
VAChurchesA Guide to Church Records in the Archives Branch Virginia State LibraryJewell T. Clark & Elizabeth Terry Long
VAChurchesFredericksville Parish Vestry Book 1742-1787Vol. 1Rosalie Edith Davis
VAChurchesFredericksville Parish Vestry Book 1742-1787Vol. 2Rosalie Edith Davis
VAChurchesThe Vestry Book and Register of Bristol Parish, Virginia1720-1789Churchill Gibson Chamberlayne
VAChurchesThe Vestry Book and Register of St. Peter's Parish: New Ken and James City Counties Virginia1706-1786C.G. Chamberlayne
VAChurchesVestry Book of King William Parish, Virginia1707-1750
VACemeteries294 Confederate Dead Interred in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Va., From the State of MississippiTommy Lockhart
VACemeteriesBruton Parish Churchyard: A Guide With Map
VAObituariesIndex to Obituary Notices in the Richmond Enquirer from May 9, 1804, through 1828 and the Richmond Whig from January, 1824, through 1838H. R. McIlwaine
VAObituariesObituary Notices from Richmond Enquirer and Richmond Whig(same as above)H. R. McIlwaine
VAGeneralA Brief of Wills and Marriages in Montgomery and Fincastle Counties, Virginia1733-1831Anne Lowry Worrell
VAGeneralA Guide to Seventeenth-Century Virginia Court HandwritingKent P. Bailey and Ransom B. True
VAGeneralAdventurers of Purse and Person Virginia 1607-1624/5Vol. 1, Families A-FJohn Fredrick Dorman
VAGeneralAdventurers of Purse and Person Virginia 1607-1624/5Vol. 2, Families G-PJohn Fredrick Dorman
VAGeneralAdventurers of Purse and Person Virginia 1607-1624/5Vol. 3, Families R-ZJohn Fredrick Dorman
VAGeneralAncestry and Descendants of the Nassau-Siegen Immigrants to Virginia 1714-1750B. C Holtzclaw
VAGeneralAnnals of Southwest Virginia 1769-1800Part 1Lewis Preston Summers
VAGeneralAnnals of Southwest Virginia 1769-1800Part 2Lewis Preston Summers
VAGeneralApprentices of Virginia 1623-1800Harold B. Gill
VAGeneralArlene Eakle's Research Notebook "Virginia"Vols. 1-5
VAGeneralChronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in VirginiaVol. 1Lyman Chalkley
VAGeneralChronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in VirginiaVol. 2Lyman Chalkley
VAGeneralChronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in VirginiaVol. 3Lyman Chalkley
VAGeneralColonial VirginiaHarold B. Gill, Jr. & Ann Finlayson
VAGeneralEarly Adventurers on the Western WatersVol. 3, Part 1Mary B. Kegley
VAGeneralEarly Quaker Records In VirginiaMiles White Jr.
VAGeneralEarly Virginia Immigrants1623-1666George Cabell Greer
VAGeneralEarly Virginia Families Along the James River The Deep Roots and Tangled Branches Charles City County-Prince George County, VAVol. 2Louise Pledge Heath Foley
VAGeneralEarly Virginia Families Along the James River The Deep Roots and Tangled Branches Henrico County-Goochland County, VirginiaVol. 1Louise Pledge Heath Foley
VAGeneralEarly Virginia Families Along the James River The Deep Roots and Tangled Branches James City County-Surry County, VirginiaVol. 3Louise Pledge Heath Foley
VAGeneralEmigration to Other States From Southside VirginiaVol. 2Kathryn B. Elliott
VAGeneralEmigration to Other States From Southside VirginiaVol. 1Kathryn B. Elliott
VAGeneralEnclyclopedia of Virginia BiographyVol. 1Lyon Gardiner Tyler
VAGeneralEnclyclopedia of Virginia BiographyVol. 2Lyon Gardiner Tyler
VAGeneralEnclyclopedia of Virginia BiographyVol. 3Lyon Gardiner Tyler
VAGeneralEnclyclopedia of Virginia BiographyVol. 4Lyon Gardiner Tyler
VAGeneralEnclyclopedia of Virginia BiographyVol. 5Lyon Gardiner Tyler
VAGeneralEnglish Adventurers and Virginian Settlers: A source material guide in the Phillimore genealogical research seriesVol. 1Noel Currer-Briggs
VAGeneralEnglish Adventurers and Virginian Settlers: A source material guide in the Phillimore genealogical research seriesVol. 2Noel Currer-Briggs
VAGeneralEnglish Adventurers and Virginian Settlers: A source material guide in the Phillimore genealogical research seriesVol. 3Noel Currer-Briggs
VAGeneralEnglish Duplicates of Lost Virginia RecordsLouis Dex Cognets, Jr.
VAGeneralExcerpts from Hinshaw's Encyclopedia of American Quakers including Marriage Bonds of Bedford Co. Va. Marriage Bonds of Campbell Co. Va.
VAGeneralGenealogical Abstracts from 18th-Century Virginia NewspapersRobert K. Headley, Jr.
VAGeneralGenealogies of Virginia FamiliesVol. 1, A-ChThomas L. Hollowak
VAGeneralGenealogies of Virginia FamiliesVol. 2, Cl-FiThomas L. Hollowak
VAGeneralGenealogies of Virginia FamiliesVol. 3, Fl-HaThomas L. Hollowak
VAGeneralGenealogies of Virginia FamiliesVol. 4, He-PThomas L. Hollowak
VAGeneralGenealogies of Virginia FamiliesVol. 5, R-ZThomas L. Hollowak
VAGeneralGenealogies of Virginia FamiliesVol. 1, A-Ge
VAGeneralGenealogies of Virginia FamiliesVol. 2, Gi-Pe
VAGeneralGenealogies of Virginia FamiliesVol. 3, Pi-T
VAGeneralGenealogies of Virginia FamiliesVol. 4, W-Y
VAGeneralGenealogies of Virginia Families From the William and Mary College Quarterly Historical MagazineVol. 1, Adams-Clopton
VAGeneralGenealogies of Virginia Families From the William and Mary College Quarterly Historical MagazineVol. 2, Cobb-Hay
VAGeneralGenealogies of Virginia Families From the William and Mary College Quarterly Historical MagazineVol. 3, Heale-Musco
VAGeneralGenealogies of Virginia Families From the William and Mary College Quarterly Historical MagazineVol. 4, Neville-Terrill
VAGeneralGenealogies of Virginia Families From the William and Mary College Quarterly Historical MagazineVol. 5, Thompson-Yates
VAGeneralGermanna Heritage Book Germanna Record No. 15
VAGeneralHebron Communion ListsAndreas Mielke & John Blankenbaker
VAGeneralHistorical Collections of VirginiaHenry Howe
VAGeneralHistory of the Lower Shenandoah ValleyVol. 1J. E. Norris
VAGeneralHistory of the Lower Shenandoah ValleyVol. 2J. E. Norris
VAGeneralHomes and Gardens in Old VirginiaFrances Archer Christian and Susanne Williams Massie
VAGeneralIndex to Hayden's Virginia GenealogiesRena Gray Fazel
VAGeneralIndex to Printed Virginia Genealogies Including Key and Bibliography
VAGeneralIndex to the Virginia Revolutionary "Publick" ClaimsJanice L. Abercrombie and Richard Slatten
VAGeneralJamestowne Ancestors 1607-1699: Commemoration of the 400th Anniversary of the Landing at James Towne1607-2007Virginia Lee Hutcheson Davis
VAGeneralLee of VirginiaDouglas Southhall Freeman
VAGeneralLife Under 4 Flags in North River Basin of VirginiaC. E. May
VAGeneralLynchburg, Virginia and Nelson County, Virginia Wills, Deeds and Marriages 1807-1831Rev. Bailey Fulton Davis
VAGeneralOld Churches and Families of VirginiaVol. 1Bishop Meade
VAGeneralOld Churches and Families of VirginiaVol. 2Bishop Meade
VAGeneralParish Lines Diocese of Souther VirginiaCharles Frances Cocke
VAGeneralRegister of Albemarle Parish Surry and Sussex Counties1739-1778Gertrude R.B. Richards
VAGeneralRegister of Ancestors
VAGeneralResearch in VirginiaWendy L. Elliott, C.G.
VAGeneralShaping a Nation: Stories of the LeesLudwell Lee Montague
VAGeneralShenandoah Secrets: The Story of the Park's Hidden PastCarolyn & Jack Reeder
VAGeneralSome Emigrants to VirginiaSecond EditionW. G. Stanard
VAGeneralSome Prominent Virginia FamiliesVols. 1-2Louise Pecquet du Bellet
VAGeneralSome Prominent Virginia FamiliesVols. 3-4Louise Pecquet du Bellet
VAGeneralSome Prominent Virginia Families, Index toLloyd F. Oliver
VAGeneralSouthside Virginia FamiliesVol. 1John Bennett Boddie
VAGeneralSouthside Virginia FamiliesVol. 2John Bennett Boddie
VAGeneralThe Conquest of Virginia The Forest PrimevalConway Whittle Sams
VAGeneralThe Friendly Virginians: Americans First QuakersJay Worrall, Jr.
VAGeneralThe Ghosts of Richmond and Nearby EnvironsL. B. Taylor Jr.
VAGeneralThe Lees of Virginia: Seven Generations of an American FamilyPaul C. Nagel
VAGeneralThe Nation Builders: Virginia's Role in Westward Expansion 1776-1976-2176Francis Duke
VAGeneralThe Quit Rents of Virginia 1704Annie Laurie Wright Smith
VAGeneralThe Virginia Gazette: Genealogy 1961Dorothy Ford Wulfeck
VAGeneralThe Virginia GenealogistVol. 2, 1958John Frederick Dorman
VAGeneralThe Virginia GenealogistIndex, Vols. 1-20John Frederick Dorman
VAGeneralThe Virginny RifleDoyle Bridges
VAGeneralTidewater VirginiaPaul Wilstach
VAGeneralTidewater Virginia FamiliesVirginia Lee Hutcheson Davis
VAGeneralTidewater Virginia Families: Generations BeyondVirginia Lee Hutcheson Davis
VAGeneralTwelve Virginia Counties: Where the Western Migration BeganJohn H. Gwathmey
VAGeneralTyler's Quarterly Historical and Genealogical MagazineVol. 1, Primary SourceLyon Gardiner Tyler
VAGeneralVirginia County RecordsNew Series, Vol. 1William Armstron Crozier
VAGeneralVirginia County RecordsVol. 6William Armstron Crozier
VAGeneralVirginia County RecordsVol. 7William Armstron Crozier
VAGeneralVirginia County RecordsVol. 8William Armstron Crozier
VAGeneralVirginia County RecordsVol. 9William Armstron Crozier
VAGeneralVirginia County RecordsVol. 10William Armstron Crozier
VAGeneralVirginia CousinsG. Brown Goode
VAGeneralVirginia Genealogical ResearchGeorge K. Schweitzer
VAGeneralVirginia GenealogiesHorace Edwin Hayden
VAGeneralVirginia Gleanings in EnglandLothrop Withington
VAGeneralVirginia Historical GenealogiesJohn Bennett Boddie
VAGeneralVirginia Immigrants and Adventurers 1607-1635: A Biographical DictionaryMartha W. McCartney
VAPeriodicalsMagazine of Virginia GenealogyVol. 45, No. 1, Feb 2007
VAPeriodicalsMagazine of Virginia GenealogyVol. 48, No. 2, May 2010
VAPeriodicalsMagazine of Virginia GenealogyVol. 48, No. 4, Nov. 2010
VAPeriodicalsThe Southwest Virginian1981-1982
VAPeriodicalsThe Virginia Genealogist1984-1986
VAPeriodicalsThe Virginia Genealogist1987-1989
VAAccomackCensusVirginia 1800 Accomack Co. Census Index
VAAccomackCourtsWills and Administrations of Accomack County, Virginia1663-1800Stratton Nottingham
VAAccomackCemeteriesGraven Stones: Inscriptions from Lower Accomack County, Virginia including Liberty and Parksley CemeteriesJean Merritt Mihalyka & Faye Downing Wilson
VAAlbemarleMarriagesAlbemarle County Marriages 1780-1853Vol. 1John Vogt and T. William Kethley, Jr.
VAAlbemarleMarriagesAlbemarle County Marriages 1780-1853Vol. 2John Vogt and T. William Kethley, Jr.
VAAlbemarleMarriagesAlbemarle County Marriages 1780-1853Vol. 3John Vogt and T. William Kethley, Jr.
VAAlbemarleCourtsAlbemarle County, Virginia Land Grants Surveyor's Book 11756-1790Chester R. Johnson
VAAlbemarleCourtsAlbemarle County, Virginia Land Grants Surveyor's Book 21791-1853, 1892Chester R. Johnson
VAArlingtonDeathsAlexandria (Arlington) County, Virginia Death Records1853-1896Wesley E. Pippenger
VAAlexandriaCourtsAlexandria City and County Virginia Wills, Administrations and Guardian Bonds1800-1870Patrick G. Wardell
VAAlexandriaObituariesObituary Notices from the Alexandria Gazette 1784-1915 (Revised)
VAAmeliaMarriagesMarriages of Amelia County, Virginia1735-1815Kathleen Booth Williams
VAAmeliaMarriagesAmelia County Virginia Marriage Bonds, Consents and Ministers' Returns 1816-1852Thomas P. Hughes, Jr.
VAAmeliaCourtsWill Book Amelia County, Virginia Wills 1735-1761, Bonds 1735-1754Vol. 1Gibson Jefferson McConnaughey
VAAmeliaHistoriesAmelia CountyJanice L. Abercrombie and Richard Slatten
VAArlingtonCemeteriesGraveyards of Arlington County Virginia
VAAugustaHistoriesHistory of Augusta County, VirginiaJ. Lewis Peyton
VABathMarriagesVirginia Marriages in Rev. John Cameron's Register and Bath Parish RegisterVirginia Genealogical Society
VABathGeneralAnnals of Bath County VirginiaOren F. Morton
VABedfordMarriagesMarriage Bonds of Bedford County, Virginia1755-1800Earle S. Dennis & Jane E. Smith
VABedfordGeneralOur Kin: The Genealogies of Some of the Early Famalies Who Made History in the Founding and Development of Bedford County, VAAckerly and Parker
VABerkeleyMarriagesMarriage Records of Berkeley County, Virginia1781-1854Guy L. Keesecker
VABotetourtGeneralEarly Marriages, Wills, and Some Revolutionary War Records Botetourt County, VirginiaAnne Lowry Worrell
VABristolHistoriesHistory of Bristol ParishRev. Philip Slaughter
VABrunswickMarriagesMarriage Records of Brunswick County Virginia1730-1852Augusta B. Fothergill
VABrunswickMarriagesMarriages of Brunswick County, Virginia1750-1810Catherine L. Knorr
VABrunswickGeneralBrunswick CountyJanice L. Abercrombie and Richard Slatten
VABuckinghamMarriagesBuckingham County, Virginia Church and Marriage Records 1764-1822
VABuckinghamMarriagesLost Marriages of Buckingham County, VirginiaRandy Kidd and Jeanne Stinson
VACabellCourts1815 Tax List of Cabell County VirginiaNetti Schreiner Yantis
VACarolineCourtsCaroline County, Virginia Court Records: Probate and other Records from the Court Order and Minute Books 1781-1799Kimberly Curtis Campbell
VACarolineCourtsCaroline County, Virginia Court Records: Will Book 1793-1897, Will & Plat Book 1742-1840, Will Book 19 1814-1818Kimberly Curtis Campbell
VACarolineHistoriesA History of Caroline County Virginia: From its Formation in 1727 to 1924Marshall Wingfield
VACharles CityCensusThe 1787 Census of Virginia: Charles City CountyNetti Schreiner Yantis
VACharles CityCourtsCharles City County, Virginia Court Records 1687-1695Benjamin B. Weisiger III
VACharles CityCourtsCharles City County, Virginia Records 1737-1774Benjamin B. Weisiger III
VACharles CityCourtsCharles City County, Virginia Wills & Deeds 1725-1731Benjamin B. Weisiger III
VAChesterfieldMarriagesMarriages of Chesterfield County, Virginia1771-1815Catherine L. Knorr
VAChesterfieldMarriagesChesterfield County Virginia Marriages1816-1853Benjamin B. Weisiger, III
VAChesterfieldCourtsChesterfield County, Virginia Wills 1749-1774Benjamin B. Weisiger, III
VACulpeperCensusThe 1787 Census of Virginia: Culpeper CountyNetti Schreiner Yantis
VACulpeperMarriagesCulpeper County Marriages, 1780-1853John Vogt and T. William Kethley
VACulpepperMarriagesMarriages of Culpepper County, Virginia1781-1815Catherine L. Knorr
VACulpeperCourtsCulpeper County Virginia: Will Books B and C, Court Suits, Loose Papers and InscriptionsDorothy Ford Wulfeck
VACulpeperHistoriesCulpeper: A Virginia County's History Through 1920Eugene M. Scheel
VACulpeperChurchesA History of St. Mark's Parish Culpeper County Virginia With Notes of Old Churches & Old FamiliesRev. Philip Slaughter
VACulpeperGeneralAn 18th Century Perspective: Culpeper CountyMary Stevens Jones
VACulpeperGeneralGenealogical and Historical Notes on Culpeper Co, VARaleigh Travers Green
VACulpeperGeneralHistoric CulpeperCulpepper Historical Socieity
VACulpeperGeneralMap of Culpeper County, Commonwealth of Virginia
VACulpeperGeneralThe Culpeper Classes
VADinwiddieCourtsLand Records Dinwiddie County, Virginia 1752-1820Thomas P. Hughes and Jewel B. Standefer
VADinwiddieGeneralDinwiddie CountyJanice L. Abercrombie and Richard Slatten
VADinwiddieGeneralDinwiddie County, Virginia Data 1762-1865Thomas P. Hughes and Jewel B. Standefer
VAFairfaxCourtsAbstracts of Wills and Inventories, Fairfax County, Virginia1742-1801J. Estelle Stewart King
VAFairfaxCommunitiesMount Vernon: A Handbook
VAFauquierDeathsFauquier County, Virginia Death Register 1853-1896Patricia B. Duncan
VAFauquierCourtsAbstracts of Fauquier County, Virginia Wills, Inventories and Accounts 1759-1800John K. Gott
VAFauquierGeneralAbstracts of Wills, Administrations, and Marriages of Fauquier County, Virginia With Cemetery Inscription, Rent Rolls, and Other Data1759-1800J. Estelle Stewart King
VAFincastleCourtsLand Grants in Fincastle County, Virginia 1772-1776James L. Douthat
FincastleMilitarySoldiers of Fincastle County, Virginia 1774Mary B. Kegley
VAFrederickMarriagesFrederick County Marriages1738-1850John Vogt & T. William Kethley, Jr.
VAFrederickMarriagesFrederick County, Virginia Marriages1771-1825Eliza Timberlake Davis
VAFrederickCourtsFrederick County, Virginia Wills & Administrations1795-1816M.N. Kangas & D.E. Payne
VAFrederickGeneralPioneers of Old Frederick County, VirginiaCecil O'Dell
VAGilesMarriagesGiles County Marriages1806-1850John Vogt & T. William Kethley, Jr.
VAGloucesterChurchesThe Vestry Book of Petsworth Parish Gloucester County, Virginia 1677-1793C. G. Chamberlayne
VAGloucesterGeneralRecords of Colonial Gloucester County VirginiaVol. 1 & 2Polly Cary Mason
VAGloucesterGeneralThe Welsh Lineage of John Lewis (1592-1657) Emigrant to Gloucester, VirginiaGrace McLean Moses
VAGoochlandMarriagesMarriages of Goochland County, Virginia1733-1815Thomas P. Hughes, Jr. & Jewel B. Standefer
VAGoochlandMarriagesGoochland County, Virginia Marriage Bonds and Ministers' Returns 1816-1854Kathleen Booth Williams
VAGoochlandGeneralThe Douglas RegisterW. Mack Jones
VAGraysonCourtsGrayson Co., VA Will Book 11796-1839James L. Douthat
VAGraysonGeneralPioneer Settlers of Grayson County, VirginiaB.F. Nuckolls
VAGreenGeneralGreen County MagazineVol. 2 - Apr 1980
VAGreensvilleCensusThe 1787 Census of Virginia: Greensville CountyNetti Schreiner Yantis
VAGreensvilleGeneralVirginia Publick Claims: Greensville CountyJanice L. Abercrombie and Richard Slatten
VAHalifaxMarriagesMarriage Bonds and Ministers' Returns of Halifax County, Virginia 1753-1800Catherine lindsey Knorr
VAHalifaxCourtsHalifax County, Virginia Deed Book 1 1752-1759Marian Didsib Chiarito
VAHalifaxHistoriesHistory of Halifax County VirginiaWirt Johnson Carrington
VAHalifaxCemeteriesHalifax County (Virginia) CemeteriesVol. 1George Calvin Waldrep III
VAHalifaxCemeteriesHalifax County (Virginia) CemeteriesVol. 2George Calvin Waldrep III
VAHampshireGeneralEarly Records, Hampshire County, VirginiaClara McCormack Sage & Laura Sage Jones
VAHanoverCourtsHanover County Chancery Wills and NotesWilliam Ronald Cocke, III
VAHanoverHistoriesA Sketch of the Early History of Hanover County and Its large and Important
Contributions to the American Revolution
Robert Bolling Lancaster
VAHanoverChurchesThe Vestry Book of St. Paul's Parish Hanover County, Virginia 1706-1786C. G. Chamberlayne
VAHenricoCensusThe 1787 Census of Virginia: Henrico CountyNetti Schreiner Yantis
VAHenricoMarriagesMarriage Bonds of Henrico County, Virginia 1782-1853Micheal E. Pollack
VAHenricoCourtsColonial Wills of Henrico County, VirginiaPart 2, 1737-1781Benjamin B. Weisiger III
VAHenricoHistoriesThe Annals and History of Henrico ParishJ. Staunton Moor
VAHenryHistoriesHistory of Henry County, VirginiaJ.P.A. Hill
VAIsle of WightMarriagesMarriages of Isle of Wight County, Virginia1628-1800Blanche Adams Chapman
VAIsle of WightGeneralSeventeenth Century Isle of Wight County, VirginiaJohn Bennett Boddie
VAJames CityChurchesBruton and Middleton County Parishes James City County, Virginia Parish Register1662-1797Nancy Chappelear
VAKing and QueenChurchesThe Vestry Book of Stratton Major Parish King and Queen County, Virginia1729-1783Churchill Gibson Chamberlayne
VALeeCourts1810 Lee Co. Virginia Tax Lists
VALoudounMarriagesMarriages of Loudoun County, Virginia 1757-1853Mary Alice Wertz
VALoudounCourtsAbstracts of Wills, Inventories, and Administration Accounts of Loudoun County, Virginia 1757-1800J. Estelle Stewart King
VALouisaCensusLouisa County, Virginia Tithables and Census1743-1785Rosalie Edith Davis
VALouisaMarriagesMarriages of Louisa County, Virginia1766-1815Kathleen Booth Williams
VALouisaCourtsLouisa County, Virginia Deed Books A and B1742-1759Rosalie Edith Davis
VALouisaCourtsLouisa County, Virginia Deed Books C, C½, D and D½1759-1774Rosalie Edith Davis
VALouisaCourtsLouisa County, Virginia Deed Books E & F1774-1790Rosalie Edith Davis
VALouisaGeneralLouisa County, Virginia 1743-1814 Where Have All The Children Gone?1743-1814Rosalie Edith Davis
VALower NorfolkCourtsVirginia Colonial Abstracts Lower Norfolk County, 1651-1654Vol. 31Beverley Fleet
VALunenburgMarriagesLunenburg County Marriages1750-1853John Vogt & T. William Kethley, Jr.
VALunenburgCourtsLunenburg County, VA Deed Books 1-16 (1746-1795): An Every-Name Index
VALunenburgChurchesCumberland Parish: Lunenburg County, Virginia 1746-1816 & Vestry Book 1746-1816Landon C. Bell
VAMadisonMarriagesMadison County Marriages, 1792-1850John Vogt and T. William Kethley, Jr.
VAMathewsChurchesA Vestry Book of Kingston Parish Mathews County, Virginia 1679-1796C. G. Chamberlayne
VAMecklenburgGeneralMecklenburg CountyJanice L. Abercrombie
VAMiddlesexMarriagesMiddlesex County, Virginia Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns1740-1852
VAMontgomeryGeneralMontgomery County, Virgnia: The First 100 YearsC.W. Crush
VANansemondChurchesThe Vestry Book of Upper Parish Nansemond CountyWilmer L. Hall
VANew KentChurchesThe Paris Register of Saint Peter's New Kent County, Virginia 1680-1787Vol. 2
VANew KentChurchesThe Vestry Book of Saint Peter's, New Kent County, Virginia from 1682-1758National Society of Colonial Dames
VANorthamptonGeneralNorthampton County, Virginia, Tithables, 1720-1769John B. Bell
VAOrangeCensusThe 1787 Census of Virginia: Orange CountyNetti Schreiner Yantis
VAOrangeMarriagesMarriages of Orange County Virginia 1747-1810Catherine Lindsey Knorr
VAOrangeMarriagesOrange County Marriages 1747-1850John Vogt and T. William Kethley, Jr.
VAOrangeCourtsOrange County, Virginia 1810 Tax List
VAOrangeChurchesThe Colonial Churches of St. Thomas' Parish Orange County, VirginiaLizabeth Ward Papgeorgiou
VAPatrickMarriagesMarriages of Patrick County, Virginia 1791-1850Lela C. Adams
VAPatrickCourtsAbstracts of Order Book "O" Patrick County, Virginia June 1791-August 1800Lela C. Adams
VAPatrickCourtsAbstracts of Wills, Inventories and Accounts Patrick County, Virginia 1791-1823Lela C. Adams
VAPittsylvaniaCourtsThe Land Tax Lists of Pittsylvania County, Virginia1782-1802Gayle Austin
VAPittsylvaniaCourtsPittsylvania County Virginia Abrstracts of Wills1768-1800Thomas P. Hughes and Jewel B. Standefer
VAPittsylvaniaHistoriesThe History of Pittsylvania County VirginiaMaud Carter Clement
VAPowhatanMarriagesMarriage Bonds & Ministers' Returns of Powhatan County, Virginia1777-1830Catherine L. Knorr
VAPrince EdwardMarriagesMarriages of Prince Edward County, Virginia1754-1810Cathine L. Knorr
VAPrince EdwardGeneralPrince Edward CountyJanice L. Abercrombie
VAPrince GeorgeCourtsPrince George County, VA Land Patents 1666-1719Series 2 Vol. #6Rev. Lindsay O. Duvall
VAPrince GeorgeCourtsPrince George County, Virginia Wills & Deeds1710-1713Benjamin B. Weisiger III
VAPrince GeorgeGeneralPrince George County Virginia Miscellany 1711-1814Benjamin B. Weisiger III
VAPrince GeorgeGeneralPrince George County Virginia, Records 1733-1792Benjamin B. Weisiger III
VAPrincess AnneGeneralVirgnia Publick Claims: Princess Anne CountyJanice L. Abercrombie
VARappahannockMarriagesRappahannock County Marriages, 1833-1850John Vogt and T. William Kethley Jr.
VARichmondMarriagesComputer Indexed Marriage Records: Richmond County, Virginia1797-1853Nicholas Russell Murray
VARichmondCourtsVirginia Colonial Abstracts Richmond County Records 1704-1724Vol. 17Beverley Fleet
VARockinghamMarriagesMarriages in Rockingham County, Virginia, 1778-1816Harry M. Strickler
VARockinghamCourtsAbstracts of Executor, Administrator, and Guardian Bonds of Rockingham County Virginia 1778-1864Marguerite B. Priode
VARockinghamCourtsRockingham County, Virginia Court MinutesJoh W. Wayland
VARockinghamMilitaryRevolutionary Soldiers Rockingham County, VA
VARockinghamChurchesLinville Creek Baptist Church Record Rockingham County, VA.
VARockinghamChurchesRecords for Peaked Mountain Church and Trinity Lutheran Church
VARockinghamGeneralVirginia Valley RecordsJohn W. Wayland
VARockinghamPeriodicalsHarrisonburg-Rockingham Historical Society Newsletter1982-1986
VARockinghamPeriodicalsThe Rockingham Recorder1945
VARockinghamPeriodicalsThe Rockingham Recorder1958
VAShenandoahHistoriesA History of Shenandoah County VirginiaJohn W. Wayland
VASouthamptonCourtsWills and Administrations of Southampton County, Virginia1749-1800Blanche Adams Chapman
VASpotsyvaniaCommunitiesHistory of Fredericksburg VirginiaAlvin T. Embrey
VASpotsyvaniaCommunitiesMarriages of Fredericksburg Virginia 1782-1850Catherine L. Knorr
VASpotsyvaniaGeneralSpotsyvania County RecordsWilliam Armstrong Crozier
VASpotsyvaniaGeneralVirginia County RecordsVol. 1William Armstron Crozier
VAStaffordGeneralJames Stark of Stafford County Virginia and His DescendantsVol. 1Mary Kathryn Harris and Mary Iva Jean Jorgensen
VAStaffordGeneralJames Stark of Stafford County Virginia and His DescendantsVol. 2Mary Kathryn Harris and Mary Iva Jean Jorgensen
VAStaffordGeneralJames Stark of Stafford County Virginia and His DescendantsVol. 3Mary Kathryn Harris and Mary Iva Jean Jorgensen
VAStaffordGeneralLaying the Hoe: A Century of Iron Manufacturing in Stafford County, VirginiaJerrilynn Eby
VAStaffordGeneralThe Register of Overwharton Parish, Stafford County, Virginia1723-1758George Harrison Sanford King
VASurryCensusThe 1787 Census of Virginia: Surry CountyNetti Schreiner Yantis
VASurryMarriagesMarriages of Surry County, Virginia1768-1825Catherine L. Knorr
VASurryGeneralColonial SurryJohn B. Boddie
VASussexCensusThe 1787 Census of Virginia: Sussex CountyNetti Schreiner Yantis
VASussexMarriagesMarriages of Sussex County, Virginia1754-1810Catherine L. Knorr
VASussexCourtsSussex County Virginia Will Books A-F 1754-1806William Lindsay Hopkins
VASussexGeneralSussex CountyJanice L. Abercrombie
VATazwellGeneralAnnals of Tazwell County, Virginia From 1800-1922Vol. 1-In Two PartsJohn Newton Harman
VATazwellGeneralArchives of the Pioneers of Tazwell County, VirginiaNetti Schreiner Yantis
VAWashingtonDeathsThe Unfiled Death Records of Washington County, Virginia1865-1896D.E. Brown
VAWashingtonMarriagesThe Marriages of Washington County, Virginia 1781-1853D. E. Brown
VAWashingtonMarriagesVirginia Colonial Abstracts Washington County RegisterVol. 34, 1782-1820Beverly Fleet
VAWashingtonMilitaryCivil War Records Washington County, VA 1861-1865James L. Douthat
VAWashingtonCemeteriesIndex to Washington County Cemeteries
VAWestmorelandMarriagesThe Marriage License Bonds of Westmoreland County, Virginia From 1786-1850Stratton Nottingham
VAWestmorelandCourtsVirginia Colonial Abstracts Westmoreland County 1653-1657Vol. 23Beverley Fleet
VAWestmorelandCourtsVirginia County Records, Westmoreland CountyVol. 1William Armstrong Crozier
VAWytheMarriagesWythe County, Virginia Marriages 1790-1853Beverly Repass Hoch and Mary B. Kegley
VAWytheCourtsWythe County, Virginia Will Books 1-2 1790-1822Douthat, Murphy, and Hatcher
VAWytheChurchesKimberling Church, Wythe County, Virginia: Annotated Baptismal and Cemetery RecordsBeverly Repass Hoch and Mary B. Kegley
VAWytheGeneralThe Lost Children of Wythe County, Virginia 1790-1878Mary B. Kegley
VAWytheMilitaryWythe County Virginia During the War Between The States 1861-1865Emerson, Hoch, and Johnson
VAYorkCourtsVirginia Colonial AbstractsSeries 2, Vol. 5 Wills, Deeds, Orders of York County Virginia1657-1659Rev. Lindsay O. Duvall
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