HCGS Catalogue – Texas

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TXCensusResidents of Texas 1782-1836Vol. 1
TXCensusResidents of Texas 1782-1836Vol. 2
TXCensusResidents of Texas 1782-1836Vol. 3
TXCensusTexas 1820-1829 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
TXCensusThe First Census of Texas, 1829-1836 To Which Are Added Texas
Citizenship Lists, 1821-1845 and Other Early Records of The Republic of Texas
Marion Day Mullins
TXCensus1830 Citizens of TexasGifford White
TXCensusTexas 1830-1839 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
TXCensus1835 Sabine Dist. Texas CensusHelen Gomer Schluter
TXCensusTexas Census Records 1841-1849Vol. 1Ronald Vern Jackson
TXCensusCombined 1850 Census of Lamar and Red River Counties TexasSkipper Steely
TXCensusTexas 1850 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
TXCensusTexas 1860 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
TXCensusTexas 1870 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
TXCensusTexas 1880 Census IndexVol. 1, A-KRonald Vern Jackson
TXCensusTexas 1880 Census IndexVol. 2, L-ZRonald Vern Jackson
TXCensus1890 Civil War Census Tennesseans in Texas
TXCensus1890 Texas Veterans Census IndexBryan Lee Dilts
TXCensusYanks & Some Rebs In Texas 1890Ericson Books
TXCensusForgotten Texas CensusL.L. Foster
TXCensusTexas 1850 Agricultural CensusVol. 1Linda L. Green
TXCensusTexas 1850 Agricultural CensusVol. 2Linda L. Green
TXCensusTexas 1860 Agricultural CensusVol. 1Linda L. Green
TXCensusTexas 1860 Agricultural CensusVol. 2Linda L. Green
TXCensusTexas 1860 Agricultural CensusVol. 3Linda L. Green
TXCensusTexas 1860 Agricultural CensusVol. 4Linda L. Green
TXCensusTexas 1860 Agricultural CensusVol. 5Linda L. Green
TXCensusTexas 1850 (Mortality Schedule)Ronald Vern Jackson
TXCensusTexas Mortality Schedules 1850-1860Kathryn Hooper Davis
TXCensusTexas 1870 Mortality ScheduleRonald Vern Jackson
TXCensusSupplement to Texas Scholastics 1854-1855 Smith and Tarrant CountiesGifford White
TXCensusTexas Scholastics 1854-1855: A State Census of School ChildrenGifford White
TXCensusTexas 1850 Slave ScheduleRonald Vern Jackson
TXBirthsEarly Texas Birth Records 1833-1878Jane Summer, Alice Gracy & Emma Gentry
TXMarriagesMarriage Records of Early Texas 1824-1846
TXMarriages8800 Texas Marriages 1824-1850Vols. 1 & 2Frances T. Ingmire
TXMarriagesTexas Marriages Early to 1850
TXMarriagesWest Texas MarriagesJim C. Ames
TXMarriagesWest Texas Marriages
TXDeathsMiscellaneous Texas Newspaper Abstracts - DeathsVol. 1Kelsey, Floyd and Parsons
TXDeathsMiscellaneous Texas Newspaper Abstracts - DeathsVol. 2Kelsey, Floyd and Parsons
TXCourts1840 Citizens of TexasVol. 3, Land GrantsGifford White
TXCourts1840 Citizens of TexasVol. 1, Land GrantsGifford White
TXCourts1840 Citizens of TexasVol. 2, Tax RollsGifford White
TXCourts1885 Map of Texas with Alphabetical List of Towns & Counties
TXCourtsAn Abstract of the Original Titles of Record in the General Land OfficeMary Lewis Ulmer
TXCourtsBounty and Donation Land Grants of Texas 1835-1888Thomas Lloyd Miller
TXCourtsCaldwell, Callahan & Cameron County, Texas Land Titles
TXCourtsCatalogue of the Spanish Collection of the Texas General Land OfficePart 1
TXCourtsCatalogue of the Spanish Collection of the Texas General Land OfficePart 2
TXCourtsCharachter Certificates in the General Land Office of TexasGifford White
TXCourtsFamily Land Heritage RegistryVol. 2
TXCourtsFamily Land Heritage Registry2000
TXCourtsFamily Land Heritage Registry1996-1999
TXCourtsGuide and Index to the Republic of Texas Donation Voucher Files 1879-1887 and
Confederate Scrip Voucher Files 1881-1883 in the Texas General Land Office
Texas General Land Office
TXCourtsGuide to Spanish and Mexican Land Grants in South TexasTexas General Land Office
TXCourtsHistory of Texas LandJerry Sadler
TXCourtsLand Records Filed in Northeast Texas 1833 to 1876
TXCourtsMaps of Texas and the Southwest, 1513-1900James C. Martin and Robert Sidney Martin
TXCourtsMaps.com Altas of Texas
TXCourtsNew Guide to Spanish and Mexican Land Grants in South TexasTexas General Land Office
TXCourtsOriginal Land Holders of Some Texas CountiesHarris County Genealogical Society
TXCourtsOriginal Land Titles Bee/Borden CountyFrances Terry Ingmire & Mr. Robert Lee Thompson
TXCourtsTexas Abstract of Land TitlesSupplement ATexas General Land Office
TXCourtsTexas Abstract of Land TitlesSupplement BTexas General Land Office
TXCourtsTexas Abstract of Land TitlesSupplement CTexas General Land Office
TXCourtsTexas Abstract of Land TitlesSupplement DTexas General Land Office
TXCourtsTexas Abstract of Land TitlesSupplement ETexas General Land Office
TXCourtsTexas Abstract of Land TitlesSupplement FTexas General Land Office
TXCourtsTexas Abstract of Land TitlesVol. 40Texas General Land Office
TXCourtsTexas Abstract of Land TitlesVol. 45Texas General Land Office
TXCourtsTexas Abstract of Land TitlesVol. 47Texas General Land Office
TXCourtsTexas Abstract of Land TitlesVol. 54Texas General Land Office
TXCourtsTexas Abstract of Land TitlesVol. 57Texas General Land Office
TXCourtsTexas Abstract of Land TitlesVol. 58Texas General Land Office
TXCourtsTexas Family Land Heritage Ceremony - 30th Anniversary
TXCourtsTexas Family Land Heritage RegistryFirst Edition - 1974
TXCourtsTexas Family Land Heritage RegistryVol. 03 - 1976
TXCourtsTexas Family Land Heritage RegistryVol. 04 - 1977-1978
TXCourtsTexas Family Land Heritage RegistryVol. 05 - 1979
TXCourtsTexas Family Land Heritage RegistryVol. 06 - 1980
TXCourtsTexas Family Land Heritage RegistryVol. 08 - 1982
TXCourtsTexas Family Land Heritage RegistryVol. 10 - 1984 & 1985
TXCourtsTexas Family Land Heritage RegistryVol. 09 - 1983
TXCourtsTexas Family Land Heritage RegistryVol. 16 - 2001
TXCourtsTexas Family Land Heritage RegistryVol. 07 - 1981
TXCourtsTexas Land Title AbstractsVol. 1-ASteely
TXCourtsThe Land Commissioners of Texas: 150 Years of the General Land OfficeTexas General Land Office
TXCourtsThe Spanish Archives of the General Land Office of TexasRevised EditionVirginia H. Taylor
TXCourtsThe Spanish Archives of the General Land Office of TexasVirginia H. Taylor
TXCourtsNaturalization Records Montgomery County, Texas and Surrounding Counties: Anderson, Grimes, Trinity, Walker & Waller
TXHistoryCitizens of the Republic of TexasHarry Joseph Morris (Mrs.)
TXHistoryCompiled Index to Elected and Appointed Officials of the Republic of Texas 1835-1846Texas State Library
TXHistoryDefenders of the Republic of TexasVol. 1DRT
TXHistoryDream of Empire: A Human History of the Republic to Texas, 1836-1846John Edward Weems & Jane Weems
TXHistoryFirst Settlers of the Republic of TexasVol. 1
TXHistoryFirst Settlers of the Republic of TexasVol. 2
TXHistoryJudges of the Republic of Texas 1836-1846Joe Ericson
TXHistoryOur Republic of Texas AncestorsDRT
TXHistoryPost Office Papers of the Republic of Texas 1839-1840James M. Day
TXHistoryReal Daughters
TXHistoryRepublic of Texas AncestorsVol. 1DRT
TXHistoryRepublic of Texas Pension Application AbstractsMarion Day Mullins
TXHistoryRepublic of Texas: Poll Lists for 1846
TXHistoryState & County Officials of the Republic of Texas Appointed & Elected 1836-1846Kathryn Hooper Davis
TXHistoryTax Payers of the Republic of TexasBeth and Emily Dorman
TXHistoryThe Marked Gravesites of Citizens of the Republic of TexasDRT
TXHistoryA Catalog of Texas Properties in the National Register of Historic Places
TXHistoryA Comprehensive History of TexasVol. 1, 1685-1845Dudley G. Wooten
TXHistoryA Comprehensive History of TexasVol. 2, 1845-1897Dudley G. Wooten
TXHistoryA Historical Atlas of TexasWilliam C. Pool
TXHistoryA History of the French Legation in TexasKenneth Hafertepe
TXHistoryA Pictorial History of TexasHerbert and Virginia Gambrell
TXHistoryA Private in the Texas RangersJohn Miller Morris
TXHistoryAbstracts of Early East Texas Newspapers 1839-1856Linda Cheves Nicklas
TXHistoryAn Editor's View of Early TexasCharles Demorse
TXHistoryA History of Texas and TexansFrank W. Johnson
TXHistoryAn Index to Texas First Families: A Certificate ProgramTexas State Genealogical Society
TXHistoryDocuments of Texas HistoryGeorge B. Ward
TXHistoryEarly East Texas: A History from Indian Settlements to StatehoodJoe E. Ericson
TXHistoryEarly Texas Schools - A Pictorial HistoryMary S. Black & Bruce F. Jordan
TXHistoryGolden Jubilee History of the Texas Press Association 1929
TXHistoryGoverning Texas: Documents & ReadingsFred Gantt
TXHistoryGovernors of TexasWalter B. Moore
TXHistoryHistory of Texas DemocracyVol. 2Frank Carter Adams
TXHistoryHistory of Texas DemocracyVol. 3Frank Carter Adams
TXHistoryHistory of Texas DemocracyVol. 4Frank Carter Adams
TXHistoryHistory of Texas Together with a Biographical History of Tarrant and Parker Counties
TXHistoryIndex to The Lewis Publishing Company's 1893 History of Texas: Biographical History of Milam, Williamson, Bastrop, Travis, Lee, and Burleson CountiesCharles Alborn Walker Family
TXHistoryLone Star: A History of Texas and the TexansT. R. Ferenback
TXHistoryMemorial and Biographical History of McLennan, Falls, Bell & Coryell Counties, TexasPt. 1
TXHistoryMemorial and Biographical History of McLennan, Falls, Bell & Coryell Counties, TexasPt. 2
TXHistoryMissions of TexasHerbert Molloy Mason, Jr.
TXHistoryMuster Rolls of the Texas RevolutionDRT
TXHistoryOldtimers: Frontier Days in Uvalde Section of South West TexasFlorence Fenley
TXHistorySam HoustonJames Haley
TXHistorySam Houston American GiantM.K. Wisehart
TXHistorySanta Anna Prisoner of War in TexasKen Durham
TXHistoryScraps of Early Texas HistoryMary S. Helm
TXHistorySix Years with the Texas Rangers 1875 to 1881James B. Gillett
TXHistoryStephen F. Austin's Register of FamiliesVillamae Williams
TXHistoryTexas First Families, LineagesVol. 1Texas State Genealogical Society
TXHistoryTexas First Families, LineagesVol. 2Texas State Genealogical Society
TXHistoryTexas in 1837Andrew Forest Muir
TXHistoryTexas Ranger Biographies Those Who Served 1910-1921Harris, Harris, and Sadler
TXHistoryTexas Ranger Service Records 1830-1846France T. Ingmire
TXHistoryTexas Under Arms: The Camps, Posts, Forts & Military Towns of the
Republic of Texas 1836-1846
Gerald S. Pierce
TXHistoryThe Hardeman Impact on Early Texas HistoryFrancis W. Wilson
TXHistoryThe History of TexasEmma Mae Brotze
TXHistoryThe New Handbook of TexasVol. 1, A to CazTexas State Historical Association
TXHistoryThe New Handbook of TexasVol. 2, Ced to FreTexas State Historical Association
TXHistoryThe New Handbook of TexasVol. 3, Fri to LacTexas State Historical Association
TXHistoryThe New Handbook of TexasVol. 4, Lad to OTexas State Historical Association
TXHistoryThe New Handbook of TexasVol. 5, P to SoTexas State Historical Association
TXHistoryThe New Handbook of TexasVol. 6, Sp to ZTexas State Historical Association
TXHistoryThe Texas Senate Republic to Civil War, 1836-1861Vol. 1Patsy McDonald Shaw
TXHistoryThe Works of Hubert Howe BancroftVol. 15Hubert Howe Bancroft
TXHistoryThe Works of Hubert Howe BancroftVol. 16Hubert Howe Bancroft
TXHistoryThey Came to East Texas 500-1850: Immigrants and Immigration PatternsJoe E. Ericson
TXHistoryTravisArchie P. McDonald
TXHistoryTrek to Texas 1770-1870Pearl Foster
TXHistoryWomen in TexasAnn Fears Crawford and Crystal Sasse Ragsdale
TXHistoryWomen in Texas, PioneerAnnie Pickrell & Ann Crawford
TXMilitaryA Revised List of Texas Confederate Regiments, Battalions,
Field Officers, and Local Designations
James E. Williams
TXMilitaryA Texas Cavalry Officers Civil War: The Diary and Letters of James C. BatesRichard Lowe
TXMilitaryA Thousand Texans: Men of the 9th CavalryStephen S. Kirk
TXMilitaryAll Afire to Fight: The Untold Tale of the Civil War's Ninth Texas CavalryMartha L. Crabb
TXMilitaryBattle Flags of Texans in the ConfederacyAlan K. Sumrall
TXMilitaryBetween the Enemy and Texas: Parsons's Texas Cavalry in the Civil WarAnne J. Bailey
TXMilitaryBrush Men & Vigilantes: Civil War Dissent in TexasDavid Pickering and Judy Falls
TXMilitaryCamp Ford C.S.A. Union Prisoners in TexasF. Lee Lawrence and Robert W. Glover
TXMilitaryCombat: The Civil WarDon Congdon
TXMilitaryCompendium of The Confederate Armies - TexasStewart Sifakis
TXMilitaryConfederate Indigent Families Lists of Texas1863-1865Linda Mearse
TXMilitaryConfederate Pedigree ChartsUDC
TXMilitaryDaniel's Battery: The Ninth Texas Field BatteryJohn D. Perkins
TXMilitaryEctor's Texas Brigade and the Army of Tennessee 1862-1865David V. Stroud
TXMilitaryFighting with Ross' Texas Cavalry Brigade, C.S.A.: Diary of Lieut. George L. Griscom, Adjutant, 9th Texas Cavalry RegimentHomer L. Kerr
TXMilitaryGregg and Upshur Counties in The Civil WarBonnie Marlin Ericson & Carolyn Reeves Ericson
TXMilitaryGuide and Index to the Confederate Audited Civil and Military Claims 1861-1865Texas State Archives
TXMilitaryGuide and Index to Texas Confederate Pension Application and Payment Records 1899-1979Vol. 1: A-DAnthony Black, Robert de Berardinis
TXMilitaryGuide and Index to Texas Confederate Pension Application and Payment Records 1899-1979Vol. 2: E-MAnthony Black, Robert de Berardinis
TXMilitaryGuide and Index to Texas Confederate Pension Application and Payment Records 1899-1979Vol. 3: N-ZAnthony Black, Robert de Berardinis
TXMilitaryHeritage: Publication of the Texas Historical Foundation1996
TXMilitaryHood's Texas Brigade: Lee's Grenadier GuardColonel Harold B. Simpson
TXMilitaryIn The Saddle With The Texans: Day-By-Day with Parson's Cavalry Brigade 1862-1865Anne J. Bailey
TXMilitaryIndex to Applications for Texas Confederate PensionsTexas State Archives
TXMilitaryLine of Battle: Sul Ross' BrigadeJohn M. Kinney
TXMilitaryLone Star Blue and Gray: Essays on Texas in the Civil WarRalph A. Wooster
TXMilitaryPrisoner of the Rebels in Texas: The Civil War Narrative of Aaron T. SuttonDavid G. MacLean
TXMilitaryRabb Civil War Letters Terry's Texas RangersJohn Wesley Rabb
TXMilitaryRecollections of the Great WarA. W. Sparks
TXMilitaryRecollections of the Great War, Index toJune Tuck
TXMilitaryReluctant Rebels: The Eleventh Texas Cavalry RegimentAllen G. Hatley
TXMilitarySecession & Civil WarBartee Haile
TXMilitarySul Ross' Sixth Texas Cavalry: Six-Shooters & Bowie KnivesStephen S. Kirk
TXMilitaryTerrell's Texas CavalryJohn Spencer
TXMilitaryTexans In Gray: A Regimental History of the Civil WarJames Henry Davis
TXMilitaryTexas Boys in GrayEvault Boswell
TXMilitaryTexas Burial Sites of Civil War Notables:
A Biographical and Pictorial Field Guide
Mundie, Letzring, Allardice, Luckey
TXMilitaryTexas Confederate Home RosterDavis, Devereaux, Ericson
TXMilitaryTexas Confederate Scrip GranteesThomas Lloyd Miller
TXMilitaryTexas Confederate Soldiers 1861-1865: Name RosterVol. 1Joyce Lawrence
TXMilitaryTexas Confederate Soldiers 1861-1865: Unit RosterVol. 2Joyce Lawrence
TXMilitaryTexas in the Civil War
TXMilitaryTexas in the ConfederacyColonel Harry McCorry Henderson
TXMilitaryTexas in the Confederate CavalryAnne J. Bailey
TXMilitaryTexas in the War 1861-1865Marcus J. Wright
TXMilitaryThe Army in Texas During Reconstruction 1865-1870William L. Richter
TXMilitaryThe Campaigns of Walker's Texas DivisionJ.P. Blessington
TXMilitaryThe Cypress Rangers in the Civil War: The Experience of 85
Confederate Cavalrymen from Texas
James Henry Davis
TXMilitaryThe Finishing Stroke: Texans in the 1864 Tennessee CampaignJohn R. Lundberg
TXMilitaryThe Lone Star Defenders: Civil War RecollectionsSamuel Barron
TXMilitaryThe Lost Confederates of SpringvilleBenjamin C. Toney
TXMilitaryThe Ragged Rebel: A Common Soldier in W.H. Parson's Texas Cavalry, 1861-1865B. P. Gallaway
TXMilitaryThe Third Texas Cavalry in the Civil WarDouglas Hale
TXMilitary49th Armored Division Texas National Guard 1952
TXMilitaryTexas and the Mexican Revolution: A Study in State and National Border Policy1910-1920Don M. Coerver & Linda B. Hall
TXMilitaryTexas Veterans in the Mexican War: Muster Rolls of Texas Military UnitsCharles D. Spurlin
TXMilitaryTexas Volunteers In the Mexican WarHenry W. Barton
TXMilitaryAmerican Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in TexasClovis H. Brakebill
TXMilitary13 Days to Glory: The Siege of the AlamoLon Tinkle
TXMilitaryA Day At San Jacinto in 1836: The Battle and Related EventsJoe E. Ericson
TXMilitaryAlamo Defenders A Genealogy: The People and Their WordsBill Groneman
TXMilitaryDiary of William Barret TravisRobert E. Davis
TXMilitaryDuel of Eagles: The Mexican and U.S. Fight for the AlamoJeff Long
TXMilitaryEighteen Minutes: The Battle of San Jacinto and the Texas Independence CampaignStephen L. Moore
TXMilitaryFall of the Alamo
TXMilitaryRemember Goliad!Clarence Wharton
TXMilitaryRoll Call at the AlamoPhil Rosenthal and Bill Groneman
TXMilitaryThe Alamo Heroes and Their Revolutionary Ancestors
TXMilitaryThe Soldiers of San JacintoJohnnie Belle McDonald
TXMilitaryWar of 1812 Veterans in TexasMary Smith Fay
TXMilitaryA Private in the Texas Army: At War in Italy, France, and Germany with the 111th Engineers, 36th Division, in World War IIJohn A. Pearce
TXMilitaryTexas Merchant Marine World War II Casualties by City and CountyLynna Kay Shuffield
TXMilitaryThe World War II Fallen of TexasVol. I, A-KAlfred Evans
TXMilitaryA Brief History of the Texas NaviesAdmiral Samuel Murray Robinson
TXMilitaryA Texan in Search of a FightJohn C. West
TXMilitaryBattlefields of TexasBill Groneman
TXMilitaryCry Comanche: The 2nd U.S. Cavalry in T3xas, 1855-1861Harold B. Simpson
TXMilitaryDirectory of Memorials, Monuments and Statues for VeteransTexas Veterans Commission
TXMilitaryEast Texas Militiaman 1838-1839: Nacogdoches, Sabine & San Augustine CountiesKathryn Hooper Davis
TXMilitaryEast Texas Militiaman 1838-1839: Fannin, Houston, Nacogdoches, Red River, San Augustine & Shelby CountiesVol. 2Kathryn Hooper Davis
TXMilitaryFugitive Justice: The Notebook of Texas Rangers Sergeant James B. GillettJames B. Gillett
TXMilitaryGuide and Index to the Texas Adjutant General Service Records 1836-1935Vol. 1 Cumulative IndexAnthony Black, Robert de Berardinis
TXMilitaryGuide and Index to the Texas Adjutant General Service Records 1836-1935Vol. 2 Separate IndexesAnthony Black, Robert de Berardinis
TXMilitaryTerry Texas Ranger TrilogyJ.K.P. Blackburn, L.B. Giles & E.S. Dodd
TXMilitaryTexas Ranger Captain William L. WrightRichard B. McCaslin
TXMilitaryTexas Rangers: Frontier Battalion, Minute Men, Commanding Officers 1849-1900Vols. 1-3, A-KFrances T. Ingmire
TXMilitaryTexas Rangers: Frontier Battalion, Minute Men, Commanding Officers 1849-1900Vols. 4-6, L-ZFrances T. Ingmire
TXMilitaryThe Fighting Men of TexasVol. 1
TXMilitaryThe Fighting Men of TexasVol. 2
TXMilitaryThe Fighting Men of TexasVol. 3
TXMilitaryThe Fighting Men of TexasVol. 4
TXMilitaryThe Fighting Men of TexasVol. 5
TXMilitaryThe First Texas LegionAllen G. Hatley
TXMilitaryThe Old Army In Texas: A Research Guide to the U.S. Army
in Nineteenth-Century Texas
Thomas T. Smith
TXMilitaryThe Texas NavyJim Dan Hill
TXMilitaryThe Texas NavyLinda Ericson Devereaux
TXMilitaryThe Texas Rangers A Century of Frontier DefenseWalter Prescott Webb
TXMilitaryThe Texas Rangers: Men of Action & ValorMike Cox
TXMilitaryThey Also Served: Texas Service Records from Headright CertificatesGifford White
TXColoniesAustin Colony PioneersWorth S. Ray
TXColoniesAustin's Old Three Hundred: The First Anglo Colony in Texas
TXColoniesMercer ColonistsGifford White
TXColoniesThe Mercer Colony, A ReappraisalWilliam E. Sawyer
TXColoniesKentucky Colonization in Texas
A History of Peters Colony
Seymour V.Connor
TXColoniesPeters Colonistst: Their Descendants and OthersVol. 1Louise Myers Young
TXColoniesPeters Colonistst: Their Descendants and OthersVol. 2Louise Myers Young
TXColoniesThe Peters Colony of TexasSeymour V.Connor
TXColoniesPapers Concerning Robertson's Colony In TexasMalcolm D. McLean
TXColoniesLittlefield Lands: Colonization on the Texas Plains, 1912-1920David B. Glacy II
TXChurchesA Texas Baptist History SourcebookJoseph E. Early, Jr.
TXChurchesCentennial Story of Texas Baptists
TXChurchesHistoric Churches of Texas: The Land and the PeopleFrank A. Driskill & Noel Grisham
TXChurchesHistory of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in TexasThomas H. Campbell
TXChurchesHistory of the Northwest Conference: The Methodist ChurchJoseph O. Haymes
TXChurchesNorth Texas Conference Yearbook (Methodist)1911-1926
TXChurchesNorth Texas Conference Yearbook (Methodist)1927-1937
TXChurchesNorth Texas Conference Yearbook (Methodist)1943-1948
TXChurchesRural Church Census for Franklin and Titus Counties in Texas
TXChurchesSouth-Western Presbyterian Newspaper Abstracts (25 Feb 1869-8 Feb 1877)Helen Mason Lu
TXChurchesTexas Baptist Newspaper Abstracts (7 Mar 1855-21 Feb 1884)Helen Mason Lu
TXChurchesTexas Methodist Centennial Yearbook 1834-1934Rev. Olin W. Nail
TXChurchesTexas Methodist Newspaper AbstractsVol. 1Helen Mason Lu
TXChurchesTexas Methodist Newspaper AbstractsVol. 2Helen Mason Lu
TXChurchesTexas Methodist Newspaper AbstractsVol. 3Helen Mason Lu
TXChurchesTexas Methodist Newspaper AbstractsVol. 4Helen Mason Lu
TXChurchesTexas Methodist Newspaper AbstractsVol. 5Helen Mason Lu
TXChurchesTexas Methodist Newspaper AbstractsVol. 6Helen Mason Lu
TXChurchesWesley's Way Methodism in Early East Texas: A History and Biographical DirectoryJoe E. & Carolyn R. Ericson
TXCivicTexas Daughters of the American Revolution Historical MarkersAnn Johnston Ford
TXCivicTexas State History of the Daughters of the American RevolutionHelen Dow Baker
TXCivicAncestral Biographies Daughters of the Republic of TexasDRT
TXCivicDaughters of the Republic of Texas Patriot Ancestor AlbumDRT
TXCivicDaughters of the Republic of Texas: The Mamie Wynne Cox Award EssaysBk. 1, 1956-1986Carolyn Reeves Ericson
TXCivicDRT: Membership Roster1993DRT
TXCivicDRT: Membership Roster1995DRT
TXCivicDRT: Membership Roster1997DRT
TXCivicDRT: Membership Roster2001
TXCivicFounders and Patriots of The Republic of Texas: The Lineages of the
Members of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas
Book 1DRT
TXCivicFounders and Patriots of The Republic of Texas: The Lineages of the
Members of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas
Book 2DRT
TXCivicFounders and Patriots of The Republic of Texas: The Lineages of the
Members of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas
Book 3DRT
TXCivicFounders and Patriots of The Republic of Texas: The Lineages of the
Members of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas
Book 4DRT
TXCivicFounders and Patriots of The Republic of Texas: The Lineages of the
Members of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas
Book 5DRT
TXCivicFounders and Patriots of The Republic of Texas: The Lineages of the
Members of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas
Book 6DRT
TXCivicFounders and Patriots of The Republic of Texas: The Lineages of the
Members of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas
Book 7DRT
TXCivicFounders and Patriots of The Republic of Texas: The Lineages of the
Members of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas
Book 8DRT
TXCivicFounders and Patriots of The Republic of Texas: The Lineages of the
Members of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas
Book 9DRT
TXCivicGTT Lives-Legends-LoreDRT
TXCivicThe Daughters A Dozen Decades of DRT
TXCivicKnights of Columbus in Texas 1902-1977Bro. William H. Dunn
TXCivicTexas Lions 1917-1967: A History of 50 Years of LionismJulien C. Hyer
TXCivic1970 List of Lodges MasonicGrand Lodge of Texas
TXCivic1983 List of Lodges MasonicGrand Lodge of Texas
TXCivicA Pictorial History Karem Temple A.A.O.N.M.S Waco, Texas 1976
TXCivicGrand Chapter of Texas Forty-Third Annual Session 1925
TXCivicMembers of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons 1885Vol. 1Janna Mayfield
TXCivicMembers of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons 1885Vol. 2Janna Mayfield
TXCivicMembers of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons 1890Vol. 1Janna Mayfield
TXCivicMembers of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons 1890Vol. 2Janna Mayfield
TXCivicMembers of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons 1895Vol. 1Janna Mayfield
TXCivicMembers of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons 1895Vol. 2Janna Mayfield
TXCivicRoster 1947-48 Grand Lodge of Texas A.F. & A.M.Grand Lodge of Texas
TXCivicTexas Masonic Deaths with Selected Biographical SketchesKelsey, Kelsey, Parsons
TXCivicThe Masonic Home and School of TexasW. R. McCaulay
TXCivicTransactions of the Ninety-first Convocation of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Texas
TXCivicTransactions of the R.E. Grand Commandery of Knights Templar and Appendant Orders of the State of Texas Forty-ninth Grand Conclave 1902
TXCivicSons of the American Revolution Texas Society Roster of Members1987
TXCivicThe Sons of the Republic of Texas1986 Yearbook
TXCivicThe Sons of the Republic of Texas1990 Yearbook
TXCivicHistory of the Texas Federation of Women's Clubs 1918-1938Vol. 2Fannie C. Potter
TXCivicAncestor Lineages of Members Texas Society National Society Colonial Dames Seventeenth Century
TXCivicTexas Society Sons of the American Revolution Society HistoryVol. 1 (First Edition)
TXCivicTexas Society Sons of the American Revolution Society HistoryVol. 2 (First Edition)
TXCivicConfederate Chronicles of The David B. Lowe Chapter
United Daughters of the Confederacy
TXCivicTexas Division United Daughters of the Confederacy Ancestor RosterVol. 1
TXCivicTexas Division United Daughters of the Confederacy Ancestor RosterVol. 2
TXCivicTexas Division United Daughters of the Confederacy Ancestor RosterVol. 3
TXCivicTexas Division United Daughters of the Confederacy Ancestor RosterVol. 4
TXCivicTexas Division United Daughters of the Confederacy Ancestor RosterVol. 5
TXCivicTexas Division United Daughters of the Confederacy Ancestor RosterVol. 6
TXCivicRotary's: Golden Years on the Texas Llano EstacadoL.E. Patterson
TXCivicSociety of the Descendants of Washington's Army at Valley Forge: Texas BrigadeYearbook
TXCemeteriesCemeteries From the Files of June E. Tuck: Clifton, Donelton, Doughtery, Gough, Harmony, James, Shiloh, Armstrong/Bennett, Hargrave & Westerman CemeteriesJune E. Tuck
TXCemeteriesCemeteries of East TexasVol. 1Adele W. Vickery
TXCemeteriesCemeteries of Sabinal Canyon Area: Northwestern Uvalde County and Western Bandera County
TXCemeteriesCemetery Enumerations From East Texas Couties of Anderson,
Cherokee, Smith and Van Zandt
TXCemeteriesCzech Birthplaces on Texas TombstonesRobert Janak
TXCemeteriesLost and Abandoned Cemeteries in Northeast TexasPatricia Armstrong Newhouse
TXCemeteriesMore Texas Burial Sites of Civil War and Reconstruction Era Notables: A Biographical and Pictorial Field GuideVol. 1James A. Mundie, Jr., Dean E. Letzring & John H. Luckey
TXCemeteriesMore Texas Burial Sites of Civil War and Reconstruction Era Notables: A Biographical and Pictorial Field GuideVol. 2James A. Mundie, Jr., Dean E. Letzring & John H. Luckey
TXCemeteriesNortheast Texas CemeteriesVols. 1-3John Purnell Frazier
TXCemeteriesOut of the Past: Cemeteries of West Texas
TXCemeteriesTexas Graveyards: A Cultural LegacyTerry G. Jordan
TXCemeteriesTexas History Carved in StoneWilliam Moses Jones
TXCemeteriesTexas State CemeteryPaul and Tommie Smith
TXGeneral31Lawrence Clayton
TXGeneral1001 Texas Place NamesFred Trapley
TXGeneral6,000 Miles of Fence: Life on the XIT Ranch of TexasCordia Sloan Duke and Joe B. Frantz
TXGeneralA Guide to Texas ResearchCarolyn R. & Joe E. Ericson
TXGeneralA Journey Through Texas Or, a Saddle-Trip on the Southwestern FrontierFrederick Law Olmsted
TXGeneralA New Land Beckoned: German Immigration of Texas, 1844-1847Chester W. and Ethel H. Geue
TXGeneralA Young Man Comes to TexasWilliam E. Sawyer
TXGeneralAmerican Cattle Breeders Hall of FameVol. 1, Texas Edition
TXGeneralAncestors: A Book of Lineage ChartsVol. 2East Texas Genealogical Society
TXGeneralAutobiography of A Spoon 1828-1956Sarah Wharton Groce Berlet
TXGeneralBig Men Walked Here! - The Story of Washington-On-The-BrazosStanley Siegel
TXGeneralBishop Garrett's Journal, Texas, 1875-1890Margaret Ann Patten Thetford and Jeanne Jordan Tabb
TXGeneralBourland In North Texas & Indian Territory During the Civil War
Fort Cobb, Fort Arbuckle and The Wichita Mountains
Patricia Adkins Rochette
TXGeneralBrief Biographies of Brave TexansJ. A. Rickard+
TXGeneralBringing the Law to Texas: Crime and Violence in Nineteenth Century TexasAllen G. Hatley
TXGeneralBuck Schiwetz' TexasBuck Schiwetz
TXGeneralCatching Shadows: A Directory of 19th-Century Texas PhotographersDavid Haynes
TXGeneralClaiming Their Land: Women Homesteaders in TexasFlorence C. Gould and Patricia N. Pando
TXGeneralClear Ford KinshipAnnie Nicholson Drake
TXGeneralConstantino Brumidi: Artist of the CapitolBarbara A. Wolanin
TXGeneralContours of Discovery: Printed Maps Delineating the Texas and Southwestern Chapters in the Cartographic History of North America1513-1930Robert Sidney Martin & James C. Martin
TXGeneralCountry Faith & FateNortheast Texas Writer's Organization
TXGeneralCountry Notions & Potions of East TexasNortheast Texas Writer's Organization
TXGeneralCounty maps of Texas1983
TXGeneralDeaths, Murders, and Other Tribulations Red River Valley 1895-1915Patricia Armstrong Newhouse
TXGeneralDeep in the Hearts of TexansPerry Wampler Nichols
TXGeneralDog Trots & Mud Cats: The Texas Log HouseLinda Lavender
TXGeneralEarly Texas HomesDorothy Kendall Bracken and Maurine Whorton Redway
TXGeneralEarly Texas News 1831-1848Helen Swenson
TXGeneralEast Texas Mill Towns & Ghost TownsVol. 1W. T. Block
TXGeneralEast Texas Mill Towns & Ghost TownsVol. 2W. T. Block
TXGeneralEast Texas Mill Towns & Ghost TownsVol. 3W. T. Block
TXGeneralEast Texas: The First Fifty YearsHoward W. Rosser
TXGeneralEternity at the End of a Rope: Executions, Lynchings and Vigilante Justice in Texas1819-1923Clifford R. Caldwell & Ron DeLord
TXGeneralEvery Day Texans Tell Their StoryTexas A & M University
TXGeneralEvolution of a University: Texas Tech's First Fifty YearsJane Gilmore Rushing and Kline A. Nall
TXGeneralExploring the Edges of TexasWalt Davis & Esabel Davis
TXGeneralEyes of Texas Travel GuideRay Miller
TXGeneralFarewell to Texas: A Vanishing WildernessWilliam O. Douglas
TXGeneralForty Seven Years: The Sequel to Six Months From TennesseeSkipper Steely
TXGeneralFrom Blinky to Blue-John: A World Atlas of Northeast TexasFred Trapley
TXGeneralFrom Indian Springs To The River JordanTraylor and Robert T. Russell
TXGeneralFrom Sulphur Springs to Cowtown: The Story of the Sesquicentennial 1986 Texas
Wagon Train
Donna Neal Stepp
TXGeneralFrontier Forts of TexasCharles M. Robinson III
TXGeneralGenealogical Records in TexasImogene Kinard Kennedy and J. Leon Kennedy
TXGeneralGeneral Lee and Santa Claus: Mrs. Louise Clack's
Christmas Gifts to her little Southern Friends
Mrs. Louise Clack's
TXGeneralGerman Seed in Texas Soil: Immigrant Farmers in Nineteenth-Century TexasTerry G. Jordan
TXGeneralGhost Towns of TexasJim Wheat
TXGeneralGoing to Court in Texas: Riding the Circuit 1842-1861Richard B. Marrin and Lorna Geer Sheppard
TXGeneralGone to Texas: Genealogical Abstracts from
The Telegraph and Texas Register 1835-1841
Kevin Ladd
TXGeneralGuide to Genealogical Recources in the Texas State ArchivesTexas State Library
TXGeneralGuide to TexasMillard H. Almon
TXGeneralGuide to Texas Emmigrants.David Woodman, Jr.
TXGeneralHistoric Murders of East TexasBob and Doris Bowman
TXGeneralHistoric Murders of East TexasVol. 3Bob and Doris Bowman
TXGeneralHistoric Texas: A Photographic PortraitWilliam A. Owens
TXGeneralHistoric Towns of TexasVol. 2Joe Tom Davis
TXGeneralHistoric Towns of TexasVol. 3Joe Tom Davis
TXGeneralHistoric Towns of TexasVol. 1Joe Tom Davis
TXGeneralHome to TexasStanley Walker
TXGeneralI promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truthTraylor Russell
TXGeneralI'll Take TexasMary Lasswell
TXGeneralI'm Meeting Myself Coming Back From Where I've BeenBob Bowman
TXGeneralIndex to South Western Reporter (2D)Vol. 1Barry Scott Fitzgerald
TXGeneralIndianola: The Mother of Wester TexasBrownson Malsch
TXGeneralIt Really Happened in East TexasRobert M. Hayes
TXGeneralJames Madison Brown: Texas Sheriff, Texas TurfmanChuck Parsons
TXGeneralJames Riely Gordon: His Courthouses and Other Public ArchitectureChris Meister
TXGeneralJohn O. Meusebach: German Colonizer in TexasIrene Marschall King
TXGeneralJournal of Northeast Texas ArchaelogyVol. 30 - 2009Timothy K. Perttula
TXGeneralJournals of the Convention, Assembled at the City of Austin on the Fourth of
July, 1845, for the Purpose of Framing a Constitution for the State of Texas
TXGeneralLivingston's Directory of Texas Historical Genealocical OrganizationsRonald Howard Livingston
TXGeneralLumbering Along In TexasClaude W. Bryant
TXGeneralLure of the Land: Texas County Maps and the History of SettlementJoe B. Frantz & Mike Cox
TXGeneralMemoirs of a Texas Pioneer Grandmother (Was Grossmutter Erzaehlt) 1805-1915Ottilie Fuchs Goeth
TXGeneralMemorial and Genealogical Record of Southwest Texas
TXGeneralMemorial and Genealogical Record of Texas (East)
TXGeneralMigration Into East Texas 1835-1860Barnes F. Lathrop
TXGeneralMiscellaneous Texas Newspaper Abstracts 1839-1875Vol. 3Michael Kelsey
TXGeneralMoney, Marbles and Chalk: The Wondrous World of Texas PoliticsJimmy Banks
TXGeneralMore Early Southeast Texas FamiliesMadeleine Martin
TXGeneralMore Historic Murders of East TexasBob and Doris Bowman
TXGeneralMurder at the CornersG. B. Ray
TXGeneralNameless Towns: Texas Sawmill Communities 1880-1942Thad Sitton & James H. Conrad
TXGeneralNew England to Texas: Some Family HistoriesMrs. William H. Tabb
TXGeneralNew Homes In a New Land: German Immigration to Texas 1847-1861Ethel Hander Geue
TXGeneralNorth Texas: The People, The Places, The Times
TXGeneralNotable East TexansArchie P. McDonald and Ronald L. Spiller
TXGeneralNow You Hear My Horn: The Journal of James Wilson Nichols 1820-1887Catherine W. McDowell
TXGeneralOf A People and a Creek30th Annivery EditionRaymond Elliott, Mildred Padon & Doug Dugger
TXGeneralOur TexasRalph W. Steen and Frances Donecker
TXGeneralPanhandle Pilgrimage: Illustrated Tales Tracing History In TexasPauline Durrett Robertson and R.L. Robertson
TXGeneralPersonalities on the East Texas FrontierJoe E. and Carolyn R. Ericson
TXGeneralPidge A Texas Ranger From VirginiaChuck Parsons
TXGeneralPioneering North TexasW. Henry Miller
TXGeneralPistol Packin' PreachersBarbara Barton
TXGeneralPlace Names of Northeast TexasFred Trapley
TXGeneralPolygamy on the Pedernales: Lyman Wight's Mormon Villages
In Antebellum Texas, 1854 to 1858
Melvin C. Johnson
TXGeneralPracticing Texas PoliticsJones, Ericson, Brown, Trotter
TXGeneralPrairie Time: A Blackland PortraitMatt White
TXGeneralPresidio La Bahia 1721-1846Kathryn Stoner O'Connor
TXGeneralProceedings Impeachment Trial Gov. James E. Ferguson
TXGeneralQuicksilver: Terlingua and the Chisos Mining CompanyKenneth Baxter Ragsdale
TXGeneralRangers and Pioneers of TexasA.J. Sowell
TXGeneralRawhide TexasWayne Gard
TXGeneralRed River DustEugene Bowers & Evelyn Oppenheimer
TXGeneralRegulator Moderator War: An East Texas Feud 1840-1844Leila B Stone Lagrone
TXGeneralReminiscing The RoadJohn 'and Betty Oglesbee
TXGeneralResearch In TexasWendy L. Elliott
TXGeneralRevolution & Republic: Texas 1832-1846Bartee Haile
TXGeneralRip Ford's TexasJohn Salmon Ford
TXGeneralRoemer's TexasDr. Ferdinand Roemer
TXGeneralSavage Frontier: Rangers, Riflemen, and Indian Wars in TexasVol. 1, 1835-1837Stephen L. Moore
TXGeneralSavage Frontier: Rangers, Riflemen, and Indian Wars in TexasVol. 2, 1838-1839Stephen L. Moore
TXGeneralSavage Frontier: Rangers, Riflemen, and Indian Wars in TexasVol. 3, 1840-1841Stephen L. Moore
TXGeneralSavage Frontier: Rangers, Riflemen, and Indian Wars in TexasVol. 4, 1842-1845Stephen L. Moore
TXGeneralShadows On The Land: An Anthology of Texas Historical Marker StoriesMyra Hargrave McIlvain
TXGeneralShips Passenger Lists Port of Galveston, Texas 1846-1871Ella E. Lee Sheffield
TXGeneralSins of the Pioneers: Crimes & Scandals in a Small Texas TownJames Pylant
TXGeneralSix Months From TennesseeSkipper Steely
TXGeneralSoil Survey of Hopkins and Rains Counties, Texas
TXGeneralSome Early Southwest Texas FamiliesThomas A. Wilson
TXGeneralSprings of TexasVol. 1Gunnar Brune
TXGeneralStagecoach Inns of TexasKathryn Turner Carter
TXGeneralStandard Blue-Book Texas 1920
TXGeneralStar of Destiny The Private Life of Sam and Margaret HoustonMadge Thornall Roberts
TXGeneralTAC 1983-84 County Directory
TXGeneralTales from the Big ThicketFrancis E. Abernethy
TXGeneralTennesseans In TexasHelen and Timothy Marsh
TXGeneralTexasSheffy, Barlow, and McWilliams
TXGeneralTexas: 1894Edward King & J. Wells Champney
TXGeneralTexas After SpindletopSeth S. McKay and Odie B. Faulk
TXGeneralTexas After the Civil War: The Struggle of ReconstructionCarl H. Moneyhon
TXGeneralTexas Ancestors IndexDonna J. Porter and Gay Rogers Till
TXGeneralTexas Cases of Criminal LawGeorge W. Stumberg
TXGeneralTexas Catalog: Historic American Buildings SurveyPaul Goeldner
TXGeneralTexas Centennial: The Parade of an EmpireWallace Owen Chariton
TXGeneralTexas Central Headquarters: Walnut SpringsBryan E. Sowell
TXGeneralTexas Coastal Bend: People and PlacesAlpha Kennedy Wood
TXGeneralTexas CountiesTom Munnerlyn
TXGeneralTexas County RecordsTexas State Library
TXGeneralTexas County SheriffsSammy Tise
TXGeneralTexas Crossings: The Loan Star State and the American Far West, 1836-1986Howard R. Lamar
TXGeneralTexas Divided: Loyalty & Dissent in the Lone Star State 1856-1874James Marten
TXGeneralTexas FlagsRobert Maberry, Jr.
TXGeneralTexas Forgotten PortsVol. 1Keith Guthrie
TXGeneralTexas Forgotten PortsVol. 2Keith Guthrie
TXGeneralTexas Forgotten PortsVol. 3Keith Guthrie
TXGeneralTexas GovernmentRalph W. Steen
TXGeneralTexas Highway No. 1: The Bankhead Highway in TexasDan L. Smith
TXGeneralTexas: A Historical AtlasA. Ray Stephens
TXGeneralTexas Homes of the Nineteenth CenturyDrury Blakeley Alexander
TXGeneralTexas in the Middle Eighteenth CenturyHerbert Eugene Bolton
TXGeneralTexas Indian FightersA.J. Sowell
TXGeneralTexas Judicial System Directory 1987-88Office of Court Administration
TXGeneralTexas Judicial System Directory 1991-92Office of Court Administration
TXGeneralTexas Local HistoryTom Munnerlyn
TXGeneralTexas Lore (Five Volume Set)Vol. 1
TXGeneralTexas Lore (Five Volume Set)Vol. 2
TXGeneralTexas Lore (Five Volume Set)Vol. 3
TXGeneralTexas Lore (Five Volume Set)Vol. 4
TXGeneralTexas Lore (Five Volume Set)Vol. 5
TXGeneralTexas Museum DirectoryNancy Gayle
TXGeneralTexas Newspapers: A Union List of Newspaper Files 1813-1939
TXGeneralTexas Outlaw Bill Longley A Texas Hard-Case: The Man Who Lived to Hang TwiceEd Bartholomew
TXGeneralTexas Panhandle ForefathersAmarillo Genealogy Society
TXGeneralTexas Probate Code
TXGeneralTexas School Laws 1929S.M. N. Marrs
TXGeneralTexas Sinners and Revolutionaries: Jane Long and Her Fellow ConspiratorsJack C. Ramsey, Jr.
TXGeneralTexas State Directory - 31st Edition
TXGeneralTexas Tears and Texas Sunshine Voices of Frontier WomenJo Ella Powell Exley
TXGeneralTexas: The Lone Star StateRupert N. Richardson, Ernest Wallace & Adrian N. Anderson
TXGeneralTexas Utilities Mining Company
TXGeneralTexas: The Land and Its People
TXGeneralTexas: Today and TomorrowGarwood, Ransom, Shivers, and Germany
TXGeneralTexian Who's WhoVol. 1Sam H. Acheson, Herbert P. Gambrell, Mary Carter Toomey & Alex M. Acheson, Jr.
TXGeneralTexport Cattle DirectoryVol. 12, No. 1 - 1986-87Texas Dept. of Agriculture
TXGeneralThe Chisholm TrailWayne Gard
TXGeneralThe Colonizer: A Saga of Stephen F. AustinMilton Cook Tracy and Richard Havelock-Braile
TXGeneralThe Courthouses of TexasMavis Pl Kelsey, Sr. and Donald H. Dyal
TXGeneralThe Credit Experience Guide for Paris, Clarksville, Wolfe City,
Detroit Roxton and Deport, Texas District
The Merchant's Merchantile Agency
TXGeneralThe Devil's Triangle: Ben Bickerstaff Northeast Texans,
And The War of Reconstruction in Texas
Smallwood, Howell, and Taylor
TXGeneralThe First Settlers of Bowie & Cass County, TexasGifford White
TXGeneralThe First Settlers of Shelby & Harrison County, TexasGifford White
TXGeneralThe Five States of Texas: Texas' Most Complete GuideMillard H. Almon
TXGeneralThe Forgotten Towns of East TexasVol. 1Bob and Doris Bowman
TXGeneralThe Francklyn Land & Cattle Company: A Panhandle Enterprise, 1882-1957Lester Fields Sheffy
TXGeneralThe German Texans
TXGeneralThe Golden Free LandCrystal Sasse Ragsdale
TXGeneralThe Government and Politics of Texas4th EditionClifton McCleskey
TXGeneralThe History of Cayuga and Cross Roads, TexasMichael J. Vaughn
TXGeneralThe Indian Wars and Pioneers of TexasJohn Henry Brown
TXGeneralThe Irish TexansJohn Brendan Flannery
TXGeneralThe Katy CardsCentral Texas Genealogical Society
TXGeneralThe King RanchVol. 1Tom Lea
TXGeneralThe King RanchVol. 2Tom Lea
TXGeneralThe Lone Star State: A School HistoryC. R. Wharton
TXGeneralThe New Encyclopedia of TexasVol. 1Ellis A. Davis & Edwin H. Grobe
TXGeneralThe New Encyclopedia of TexasVol. 1Ellis Arthur Davis
TXGeneralThe New Encyclopedia of Texas
TXGeneralThe News in Texas: Essays in Honor of the 125th Anniversary of the Texas Press AssociationWanda Garner Cash & Ed Sterling
TXGeneralThe Northeast Texas Genealogical Society Ancestor ChartsVol. 1
TXGeneralThe People's Architecture: Texas Courthouses, Jails, and Municipal BuildingsWillard B. Robinson
TXGeneralThe Pioneer Heritage: Yesterday - Today - TomorrowJohn T. Dailey
TXGeneralThe Poet President of TexasStanley Siegel
TXGeneralThe Post-Office Department and the Postal Service of Texas as of July 1, 1899Barry Scott Fitzgerald
TXGeneralThe RavenMarquis James
TXGeneralThe Red River Valley Then and NowA. W. Neville
TXGeneralThe Republican Party in Texas 1861-1965Paul Casdorph
TXGeneralThe Southwest: Old and NewW. Eugene Hollon
TXGeneralThe Standard Blue Book of Texas 1912-14
TXGeneralThe Story of TexasJoseph L. Clark and Dorothy A. Linder
TXGeneralThe Story of Texas SchoolsJohn Bainbridge
TXGeneralThe Super-AmericansC. E. Evans
TXGeneralThe Texans: What They are - and whyDavid Nevin
TXGeneralThe Texas Courthouse RevisitedJune Rayfield Welch
TXGeneralThe Texas StoryRalph W. Steen
TXGeneralThe Trail Drivers of TexasJ. Marvin Hunter
TXGeneralThe West Texas Frontier or a Descriptive History of
Early Times in Western Texas
Joseph Carroll McConnell
TXGeneralThe West That Was From Texas to MontanaJohn Leakey
TXGeneralThe WPA Guide to TexasTexas Monthly
TXGeneralThe XIT Ranch of Texas and the Early Days of the Llano EstacadoJ. Evetts Haley
TXGeneralThe Year America Discovered Texas Centennial '36Kenneth B. Ragsdale
TXGeneralThese Hallowed GroundsJohn Clagett
TXGeneralThey Rode for the Lone Star: The Saga of the Texas Rangers The Birth of Texas-The Civil WarThomas W. Knowles
TXGeneralThistle Hill, The Cattle Baron's LegacyRoze McCoy Porter
TXGeneralTopograpical Description of TexasGeo. W. Bonnell
TXGeneralTornadoes, Hurricanes & Other DisastersBartee Haile
TXGeneralTrammel's Trace: The First Road To Texas From the NorthGary L. Pinkerton
TXGeneralTravelers in Texas, 1761-1860Marilyn McAdams Sibley
TXGeneralTraveling History among the Ghosts: Abandoned Places along the Red River ValleyRobin Cole-Jett
TXGeneralTwo Centuries in East TexasG. L. Crockett
TXGeneralTypical Texan For '51 and '52Tyler House Furnishing Companey
TXGeneralViews in Texas, 1895-96: A Photographic Tour of Texas made in the Winter of 1895-96Henry Stark
TXGeneralVigilantes to Verdicts Stories from a Texas District CourtSherri Knight
TXGeneralVisionaries of History: An Account of the Early Builders of TexasW. E. Jack Carlton
TXGeneralWar In East TexasBill O'Neal
TXGeneralWho's Who in TexasVol. 1, 1957-1958
TXGeneralWhy Stop? - A Guide to Texas Historical Roadside MarkersThird EditionBetty Dooley Awbrey and Claude Dooley
TXGeneralWilliam Bollaert's TexasW. Eugene Hollon
TXGeneralWomen in Early TexasEvelyn M. Carrington
TXAlmanacBurke's Texas Almanac for 1879
TXAlmanacThe Texas Almanac1857
TXAlmanacThe Texas Almanac1857-1873
TXAlmanacThe Texas Almanac1926
TXAlmanacThe Texas Almanac1927
TXAlmanacThe Texas Almanac1929
TXAlmanacThe Texas Almanac1936
TXAlmanacThe Texas Almanac1945-1946
TXAlmanacThe Texas Almanac1947-1948
TXAlmanacThe Texas Almanac1949-1950
TXAlmanacThe Texas Almanac1952-1953
TXAlmanacThe Texas Almanac1954-1955
TXAlmanacThe Texas Almanac1956-1957
TXAlmanacThe Texas Almanac1958-1959
TXAlmanacThe Texas Almanac1964-1965
TXAlmanacThe Texas Almanac1966-1967
TXAlmanacThe Texas Almanac1968-1969
TXAlmanacThe Texas Almanac1970-1971
TXAlmanacThe Texas Almanac1972-1973
TXAlmanacThe Texas Almanac1974-1975
TXAlmanacThe Texas Almanac1976-1977
TXAlmanacThe Texas Almanac1980-1981
TXAlmanacThe Texas Almanac1982-1983
TXAlmanacThe Texas Almanac1984-1985
TXAlmanacThe Texas Almanac1986-1987
TXAlmanacThe Texas Almanac1988-1989
TXAlmanacThe Texas Almanac2010-2011
TXPeriodicalA Tale of Mid-Cities1985-1991
TXPeriodicalA Tale of Mid-Cities1991-1997 & 2000
TXPeriodicalBay Area Genealogical Society Quarterly2001
TXPeriodicalBranches and Acorns1992-1999
TXPeriodicalBranches and Acorns1999-2005
TXPeriodicalBranches and Acorns2005-2009
TXPeriodicalEast Texas Family Records1977-1983
TXPeriodicalEast Texas Family Records1984-1990
TXPeriodicalEast Texas Family Records1991-1996
TXPeriodicalEast Texas Family Records1997-2002
TXPeriodicalEast Texas Family Records2003-2008
TXPeriodicalEast Texas Family Records2009-2015
TXPeriodicalEast Texas Historical Journal1966 & 1995
TXPeriodicalGenealogical Tips1998-1999& 2007
TXPeriodicalHeart of Texas Records1976-77, 1986 & 1993-1998
TXPeriodicalHeart of Texas Records1999-2005
TXPeriodicalHeart of Texas Records2006-2013
TXPeriodicalHeart of Texas Records2013-2021
TXPeriodicalHeart of Texas Records2022-Present
TXPeriodicalNorth Texas Trail Tracers1986-1991
TXPeriodicalNorth Texas Trail Tracers1992-1999
TXPeriodicalNorth Texas Trail Tracers2000-2009
TXPeriodicalNorth Texas Trail Tracers2-19-Present
TXPeriodicalNortheast Texas Genealogy and History1983-1994
TXPeriodicalRecords of East Texas1973
TXPeriodicalSouth Texas Genealogical Society Quarterly1991-2003
TXPeriodicalStalkin' Kin1995-1996
TXPeriodicalThe Northeast Texas Genealogical Society Quarterly1970-1979
TXPeriodicalThe Northeast Texas Genealogical Society Quarterly1980-1985
TXPeriodicalThe Reflector1986-2005
TXPeriodicalThe Roadrunner1974-1979
TXPeriodicalThe Roadrunner1979-1983
TXPeriodicalThe Tejas Gazette1996
TXPeriodicalVictoria Crossroads of South Texas1989-1996
TXPeriodicalVictoria Crossroads of South Texas1997-2005
TXPeriodicalVictoria Crossroads of South Texas2006-2013
TXPeriodicalVictoria Crossroads of South Texas2013-2018
TXPeriodicalVictoria Crossroads of South Texas2019-Present
TXPeriodicalYellowed Pages1980-1981
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