HCGS Catalogue – South Carolina

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SCCensusHead of Families: First Census of the United States-1790 South Carolina
SCCensusSouth Carolina 1800 CensusRonald Vern Jackson
SCCensusSouth Carolina 1810 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
SCCensusSouth Carolina 1820 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
SCCensusSouth Carolina 1830 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
SCCensusSouth Carolina 1840 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
SCCensusSouth Carolina 1850 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
SCCensusIndex to 1860 Federal Census of South CarolinaJonnie P. Arnold
SCDeaths1860 Mortality Schedule of South Carolina, Index toJonnie P. Arnold
SCMarriages2252 South Carolina Marriages 1641-1908
SCMarriages7500 Marriages from Ninety-Six and Abbeville District, S.C.1774-1890Larry E. Pursley
SCMarriagesSouth Carolina Marriages 1688-1799Brent H. Holcomb
SCMarriagesSupplement to South Carolina Marriages 1688-1820Brent H. Holcomb
SCMarriagesSouth Carolina Marriages 1735-1885 Implied in South Carolina Law ReportsVol. 2Barbara R. Langdon
SCMarriagesSouth Carolina Marriages 1671-1791 Implied in the Provincial and Miscellaneous Records of South CarolinaVol. 3Barbara R. Langdon
SCMarriagesSouth Carolina Marriages 1749-1853 Implied in South Carolina Marriage SettlementsVol. 5Barbara R. Langdon
SCMarriagesSouth Carolina Marriages 1753-1843 Implied in the Miscellaneous Records of South CarolinaVol. 6Barbara R. Langdon
SCMarriagesSouth Carolina Marriages 1749-1867 Implied in South Carolina Equity ReportsBarbara R. Langdon
SCMarriagesSouth Carolina Marriages 1800-1820Brent H. Holcomb
SCMarriagesMarriage Notices - The South Carolina GazetteA.S. Salley, Jr.
SCMarriagesMarriage Notices in the South-Carolina Gazette and Its Successors 1732-1801A.S. Salley, Jr.
SCVitalsMarriage and Death Notices from Baptist Newspapers of South Carolina 1835-1865Brent H. Holcomb
SCVitalsMarriage and Death Notices from Columbia, South Carolina, Newspapers 1792-1839Brent H. Holcomb
SCVitalsMarriage and Death Notices from The Charleston Observer 1827-1845Brent H. Holcomb
SCVitalsMarriage and Death Notices from The (Charleston) Times 1800-1821Brent H. Holcomb
SCVitalsMarriage and Death Notices from the Southern Christian Advocate 1837-1860Brent H. Holcomb
SCVitalsDeath and Marriage Noticies from The Watchman and Observer 1845-1855Brent H. Holcomb
SCVitalsMarriage and Death Notices from the Southern Christian Advocate 1861-1867Brent H. Holcomb
SCVitalsMarriage and Death Notices from the Up-Country of South Carolina as taken from Greenville newspapers 1826-1863Brent H. Holcomb
SCVitalsMarriage and Death Notices from Upper S.C. Newspapers 1843-1865Brent H. Holcomb
SCCourtsAn Index to Deeds of the Province and State of South Carolina 1719-1785 and Charleston District 1785-1800
SCCourtsSouth Carolina Immigrants 1760 to 1770Jack Moreland Jones & Mary Bondurant Warren
SCCourtsNorth Carolina Land Grants in South CarolinaBrent H. Holcomb
SCCourtsPatent Land Survey (Index of Land Acquisitions) 1770-1820
SCCourtsPetitions for Land From the South Carolina Council JournalsVol. I: 1734/5-1748Bren H. Holcomb
SCCourtsRevolutionary War Bounty Land Grants in South CarolinaTony Draine & John Skinner
SCCourtsWarrants for Lands in South Carolina1672-1679A.S. Salley, Jr.
SCCourtsSouth Carolina Naturalizations 1783-1850Brent H. Holcomb
SCCourtsProbate Records of South Carolina Index to Inventories 1746-1785Vol. 1
SCCourtsProbate Records of South CarolinaVol. 2Brent H. Holcomb
SCCourtsProbate Records of South Carolina Journal of the Court of Ordinary 1764-1771Vol. 3
SCCourtsA Genealogical Collection of South Carolina Wills and RecordsVol. 1
SCCourtsA Genealogical Collection of South Carolina Wills and RecordsVol. 2Pauline Young
SCCourtsIndexes to South Carolina County WillsMartha Lou Houston
SCCourtsSouth Carolina WillsVol. 2Betty Wood Thomas
SCCourtsSouth Carolina WillsVol. 4Betty Wood Thomas
SCCourtsAbstracts of Old Ninety-Six and Abbeville District Wills and BondsWillie Pauline Young
SCCourtsPendleton Districe and Anderson County, South Carolina: Wills, Estates, and Legal RecordsVirginia Alexander, Colleen Morse Elliott & Betty Willie
SCHistoriesHistory of South CarolinaRev. Robert Lathan & S. Robert Lathan, Jr.
SCHistoriesThe History of South CarolinaWilliam Gilmore Simms
SCMilitaryVoices From The Past: 104th Infantry Regiment - USCT, Colored Civil War Soldiers Fom South CarolinaJ. Raymond Gourdin
SCMilitaryRoster of South Carolina Patriots in the American RevolutionBobby Gilmer Moss
SCMilitarySouth Carolinians in the RevolutionSara Sullivan Ervin
SCMilitaryKings Mountain National Military Park South CarolinaGeorge C. Mackenzie
SCChurchesSouth Carolina Baptists 1670-1805Leah Townsend
SCCivic Org.South Carolina Daughters of the American Revolution Bible Records
SCObituariesObituaries and Marriage Notices from the Carolina Watchman 1832-1890Marian Camper Fuller
SCGeneralA Brief Guide to South Carolina Genealogical Research and RecordsBrent H. Holcomb
SCGeneralA Collection of Upper South Carolina Genealogical and Family RecordsVol. 1James E. Wooley
SCGeneralA Collection of Upper South Carolina Genealogical and Family RecordsVol. 2James E. Wooley
SCGeneralA Collection of Upper South Carolina Genealogical and Family RecordsVol. 3James E. Wooley
SCGeneralA Guide to Local Government Records in the South Carolina Archives
SCGeneralBlack Slaveowners Free Black Slave Master in South Carolina, 1790-1860Larry Koger
SCGeneralCarolina Families: A Bibliography of Books About North and South Carolina FamiliesDonald M. Hehir
SCGeneralHistory of the Old CherawsAlexander Gregg
SCGeneralLaurens & Newberry Counties, S.C.: Saluda & Little River Settlements1749-1775Jesse Hogan Motes, III & Margaret Peckham Motes
SCGeneralLineage ChartsVol. 1
SCGeneralLineage ChartsVol. 2
SCGeneralLineage ChartsVol. 3
SCGeneralLineage ChartsVol. 4
SCGeneralLineage ChartsVol. 5
SCGeneralLocal and Family History In South Carolina: A BibliographyRichard N. Cote
SCGeneralPassenger Arrivals at the Port of Charleston 1820-1829Brent H. Holcomb
SCGeneralQuakers in South Carolina: Wateree and Bush River, Cane Creek, Piney Grove and Charleston Meetings
SCGeneralReminiscences of YorkDr. Maurice Moore
SCGeneralScotch-Irish Migration to South Carolina, 1772: (Rev. William Martin and His Five Shiploads of Settlers)Jean Stephenson
SCGeneralSome South Carolina County RecordsVol. 2Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr.
SCGeneralSome South Carolina Marriages & Obituaries and Miscellaneous Information 1826-1854Robert F. Simpson, Jr. & Mrs. Charles R. Barham, Jr.
SCGeneralSouth CarolinaEugenia Burney
SCGeneralSouth Carolina Genealogical ResearchGeorge K. Schweitzer
SCGeneralSouth Carolina GenealogiesVol. 2
SCGeneralThe Dutch ForkJames E. Kibler
SCGeneralThe Huguenots of Colonial South CarolinaArthur Henry Hirsch
SCGeneralThe Scotch-Irish and Their First Settlements on the Tyger River and Other Neighboring PrecinctsGeorge Howe
SCGeneralThe South Carolina Upcountry, 1850-1980Vol. 2E. Don Herd, Jr.
SCPeriodicalsAnnals of Edgefield District1988-1989
SCPeriodicalsHugenot Society of South Carolina2016
SCPeriodicalsKith & Kin1972-1973
SCPeriodicalsNew and Journal1995-1997
SCPeriodicalsPee Dee Queue1985-1990
SCPeriodicalsSouth Carolina Historical Magazine1991
SCPeriodicalsThe Bulletin1985-1992
SCPeriodicalsThe Bulletin1993-1998
SCPeriodicalsThe Bulletin1998-2003
SCPeriodicalsThe Carolina Herald and Newsletter1988 & 1991-1993
SCPeriodicalsThe South Carolina Magazine of Ancestral Research1975, 1981 & 1984-1990
SCPeriodicalsUpper South Carolina Genealogy & History1999-2005
SCAbbevilleCourtsAbbeville District, South Carolina WillsVol. 1Betty Wood Thomas
SCAbbevilleCourtsAbbeville District, South Carolina WillsVol. 2Betty Wood Thomas
SCAbbevilleCemeteriesCemetery Records of Abbeville County South CarolinaR. Wayne Bratcher
SCAbbevilleCemeteriesTombstone Inscriptions of Old Little River ChurchPauline Young
SCAikenCemeteriesAiken County CemeteriesVol. 1
SCAikenCemeteriesAiken County CemeteriesVol. 2
SCAikenCemeteriesAiken County CemeteriesVol. 3
SCAikenCemeteriesAiken County CemeteriesVol. 4
SCAikenCemeteriesAiken County CemeteriesVol. 5
SCAndersonCourtsAnderson County, South Carolina Will Book A, Parts I & IIElizabeth Wood Thomas
SCAndersonGeneralEarly Anderson County, S.C. Newspapers, Marriages & Obituaries 1841-1882Tom C. Wilkinson
SCBeaufortChurchesMinutes of the Vestry of St. Helena's ParishSouth Carolina 1726-1812A.S. Salley, Jr.
SCCamdenCourtsCamden District, S.C. Wills and Administrations 1781-1787Brent h. Holcomb & Elmer O. Parker
SCCharlestonMarriagesMarriage Notices in Charleston Courier1803-1808A.S. Salley, Jr.
SCCharlestonCommunitiesCharleston! Charleston! The History of a Southern CityWalter J. Fraser, Jr.
SCCharlestonCommunitiesHistoric Charleston Guidebook
SCChesterCourtsChester County, South Carolina Will Books A and B & C
SCChesterChurchesEarly Records of Fishing Creek Presbyterian Church Chester County, South Carolina1799-1859Brent h. Holcomb & Elmer O. Parker
SCChesterCemeteriesTombstone Records of Chester County, South Carolina & VicinityVol. 1Louise Kelly Crowder
SCCoffeeChurchesHistory of the Church of Christ at Bean's Creek & Cemetery
SCCravenChurchesChronicles of St. Mark's Parish Santee Circuit and Williamsburg Township South Carolina 1731-1885James M. Burgess
SCDarlingtonHistoriesDarlingtoniana: A History of People, Places and Events in Darlington County, South CarolinaEliza Cowan Ervin & Horace Fraser Rudisill
SCEdgefieldCourtsEdgefield County, South Carolina: Deed Books 13, 14, 15Carol Wells
SCEdgefieldCourtsEdgefield County, South Carolina: Deed Books 16, 17 and 18Carol Wells
SCEdgefieldCourtsEdgefield County, South Carolina: Deed Books 19, 20, 21 and 22Carol Wells
SCEdgefieldCourtsEdgefield County, South Carolina: Deed Books 23, 24, 25, 26Carol Wells
SCEdgefieldCourtsIndexes of Edgefield County S. C. Probate RecordsVol. 1Ge Lee Corley Hendrix
SCEdgefieldCemeteriesEdgefield County, South Carolina CemeteriesVol. 2
SCFairfieldCourtsFairfield County, South Carolina Will Books 1773-1797Elizabeth Wood Thomas
SCFlorenceVitalsDeaths and Marriages from 19th Century Florence, S.C. NewspapersRobert M. DeFee
SCGeorgetownChurchesParish Registers of Prince George Winyah Church Georgetown, South Carolina 1815-1936Brent H. Holcomb
SCGeorgetownGeneralMarriage, Death, and Estate Notices from Georgetown, S.C. Newspapers1791-1861Brent H. Holcomb
SCGreenvilleHistoriesHistory of Greenville County South CarolinaJames M. Richardson
SCKershawCensus1850 Census Kershaw County, South CarolinaLinda Evans-Carlin
SCKershawVitalsMarriage and Death Notices From Camden, S.C. Newspapers, 1816-1865Brent H. Holcomb
SCLaurensCourtsLaurens County South Carolina Minutes of the County Court1786-1789Brent H. Holcomb
SCLaurensCourtsLaurens County, South Carolina Will Books A, C, D, & EElizabeth Wood Thomas & Sydney Starr Furr
SCLaurensCourtsLaurens County, South Carolina Wills1784-1840Colleen Elliottt
SCLaurensCourtsAbstracts of Early Records of Laurens County, South Carolins with Name Index & Revolutionary War Service1785-1820Sara M. Nash
SCLaurensHistoriesThe Scrapbook: A Compilation of Historical Facts About Laurens County, South Carolina
SCLaurensCemeteriesBurying Grounds, Graveyards and Cemeteries Laurens County, S.C.Vol. 1
SCLaurensCemeteriesBurying Grounds, Graveyards and Cemeteries Laurens County, S.C.Vol. 2
SCLaurensCemeteriesChurch Cemeteries Laurens County, S.C.Vol. 1Col. James Leland Bolt & Margaret Eltinge Bolt
SCLaurensCemeteriesFamily Cemeteries Laurens County, S.C.Vol. 2Col. James Leland Bolt & Margaret Eltinge Bolt
SCLexingtonCemeteriesSilent Cities A Tombstone Registry of Old Lexington District South CarolinaVol. 1June Anderson Seay
SCMarlboroHistoriesA History of Marlboro County, South CarolinaJ.A.W. Thomas
SCMarlboroughCourtsMarlborough County, South Carolina Minutes of the County Court 1785-1799 and Minutes of the Court of Ordinary 1791-1821Brent H. Holcomb
SCNewberryCourtsNewberry County, South Carolina Minutes of the County Court1785-1798Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr.
SCNewberryCourtsNewberry County, SC Equity Records 1818-1844: Will Book M & N with Annual Returnes, Will Book I, Miscellaneous
Annual Returns
Sandra J. Lee
SCNewberryGeneralNewberry County, South Carolina: Historical and Genealogical AnnalsGeorge Leland Summer
SCNewberryPeriodicalsOld Newberry District Quarterly1992-1996
SCNewberryPeriodicalsOld Newberry District Quarterly1997-2001
SCNewberryPeriodicalsOld Newberry District Quarterly2002-2006
SCNewberryPeriodicalsOld Newberry District Quarterly2007-2009
SCNew WindsorPeriodicalsFour Centuries & More1986-2002
SCNew WindsorPeriodicalsFour Centuries & More2003-2016
SCNinety SixCourtsNinety Six District, South Carolina Journal of the Court of Ordinary Inventory BookWill Bk. 1781-1786Brent H. Holcomb
SCOconeeCemeteriesOconee County, South Carolina Cemetery SurveyVol. 1
SCOconeeCemeteriesOconee County, South Carolina Cemetery SurveyVol. 2
SCOconeeGeneralHappy Birthday, Oconee 1868-1968Two Copies
SCPendletonCensus1800 Census of Pendleton District, South CarolinaNo. 26William C. Stewart
SCPendletonCourtsAbstracts of Deeds: Pendleton District, SC Books I, J, K, and L1807-1812A.B. Pruitt
SCPendletonCourtsAbstracts of Deeds: Pendleton District, SC Books M, and N1812-1818A.B. Pruitt
SCPendletonCourtsAbstracts of Deeds: Pendleton District, SC Books O and P1818-1822A.B. Pruitt
SCPendletonCourtsAbstracts of Deeds: Pendleton District, SC Books Q, R, and S1822-1830A.B. Pruitt
SCPendletonCourtsPendleton District, S.C. Deeds1790-1806Betty Willie
SCPendletonHistoriesHistory of Old Pendleton District: With a Genealogy of the Leading Families of the DistrictR. W. Simpson
SCPendletonHistoriesHistory of Old Pendleton District: With a Genealogy of the Leading Families of the District, Revised Index toNancy Gaillard Chadwick
SCPendletonGeneralFamilies of Old Pendleton District, South CarolinaVol. 1Linda Gale Smith Cheek
SCPendletonGeneralFamilies of Old Pendleton District, South CarolinaVol. 2Linda Gale Smith Cheek
SCPendletonGeneralFamilies of Old Pendleton District, South CarolinaVol. 3Linda Gale Smith Cheek
SCPendletonGeneralFamilies of Old Pendleton District, South CarolinaVol. 4Linda Gale Smith Cheek
SCPickensCemeteriesPickens County South Carolina Cemetery SurveyVol. 1
SCPickensCemeteriesPickens County South Carolina Cemetery SurveyVol. 2
SCSaludaGeneralThe Family History of Saluda County 1895-1980
SCSpartanburgCourtsSpartanburgh County, South Carolina Minutes of the County Court1785-1799Brent H. Holcomb
SCSpartanburgCourtsSpartanburg County / District South Carolina Deed Abstracts Books A-T 1785-1827Albert Bruce Pruitt
SCSpartanburgCourtsSpartanburg County, South Carolina Will Abstracts 1787-1840Two CopiesBrent H. Holcomb
SCSpartanburgCemeteriesSpartanburg County, S.C. Cemetery SurveyVol. 1
SCSaint David'sChurchesSaint David's Parish, South Carolina Minutes of the Vestry 1768-1832 Parish Register 1819-1924Brent H. Holcomb
SCUnionCourtsUnion County, South Carolina Deed Abstracts Volume I: Deed Books A-F1785-1800 [1752-1800]Brent H. Holcomb
SCUnionCourtsUnion County, South Carolina Minutes of the County Court1758-1799Brent H. Holcomb
SCUnionCourtsUnion County South Carolina Will Abstracts1787-1849Brent Howard Holcomb
SCUnionHistoriesUnion County Heritage - South Carolina
SCYorkMarriagesYork County Marriages 1770-1869 Implied in York County, S.C. Probate RecordsBarbara R. Langdon
SCYorkVitalsYork, South Carolina, Newspapers Marriages and Death Notices 1823-1865Brent H. Holcomb
SCYorkCourtsYork County, South Carolina Minutes of the County Court 1786-1797Laurence K. Wells
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