HCGS Catalogue – North Carolina

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NCCensusState Census of North Carolina 1784-17872nd Edition RevisedMrs. Alvaretta Kenan Register
NCCensusHeads of Families at the First Census of the U.S. Taken in the Year 1790 North CarolinaHardbound Book
NCCensusNorth Carolina 1800 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
NCCensusNorth Carolina 1810 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
NCCensusNorth Carolina 1820 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
NCCensusNorth Carolina 1830 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
NCCensusNorth Carolina 1840 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
NCCensusNorth Carolina Eastern Cherokee Indian Census 1898-1899, 1904, 1906, 1909-1912, 1914
NCBirthsNorth Carolina Bastardy BondsBetty J. Camin & Edwin A. Camin
NCDeathsNorth Carolina 1850 Mortality Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
NCMarriagesN. Carolina Marriages Early to 1800
NCMarriagesQuaker Marriage Certificates: Pasquotank, Perquimans, Piney Woods and Suttons Creek Monthly Meetings, North Carolina, 1677-1800Gwen Boyer Bjorkman
NCMarriages3744 North Carolina Marriages 1682-1911
NCMarriagesComputer Index to North Carolina Marriage BondsPart 1Nicholas Russell Murray
NCMarriagesComputer Index to North Carolina Marriage BondsPart 2Nicholas Russell Murray
NCVitalsMarriage and Death Notices from Raleigh Register and North Carolina State Gazette1799-1825Carrie L. broughton
NCVitalsMarriage and Death Notices from Raleigh Register and North Carolina State Gazette1826-1845Carrie L. broughton
NCVitalsMarriage and Death Notices from Raleigh Register and North Carolina State Gazette1845-1855: 1856-1867Carrie L. broughton
NCMarriagesMarriage Bonds of Tryon and Lincoln Counties North CarolinaCurtis Bynum
NCCourtsDeed Abstracts of Tryon, Lincoln, & Rutherford Counties, N.C.: 1769-1786 and Tryon County, N.C. Wills & EstatesBrent Holcomb
NCCourtsAbstracts of Land Entries: Edgecombe, Nash, Halifax & Northampton Counties1778-1795A.B. Pruitt
NCCourtsColony of North Carolina 1735-1764 Abstracts of Land PatentsVol. 1Margaret M. Hoffmann
NCCourtsAbstracts of Land Entries: Caswell Co., NC 1778-1795, 1841-1863 and Person Co., NC 1792-1795A.B. Pruitt
NCCourtsColony of North Carolina 1765-1775 Abstracts of Land PatentsVol. 2 - AMargaret M. Hoffmann
NCCourtsColony of North Carolina 1765-1775 Abstracts of Land PatentsVol. 2 - BMargaret M. Hoffmann
NCCourtsNorth Carolina Headrights: A List of Names, 1663-1744Caroline B. Whitley
NCCourtsNorth Carolina Land Grants in South CarolinaBrent Holcomb
NCCourtsProvince of North Carolina 1663-1729 Abstracts of Land PatentsMargaret M. Hoffmann
NCCourtsThe Granville District of North Carolina 1748-1763 Abstracts of Land GrantsVol. 1Margaret M. Hoffmann
NCCourtsThe Granville District of North Carolina 1748-1763 Abstracts of Land GrantsVol. 2Margaret M. Hoffmann
NCCourtsThe Granville District of North Carolina 1748-1763 Abstracts of Land GrantsVol. 3Margaret M. Hoffmann
NCCourtsThe Granville District of North Carolina 1748-1763 Abstracts of Miscellaneous Land Office RecordsVol. 4Margaret M. Hoffmann
NCCourtsThe Granville District of North Carolina 1748-1763 Abstracts of Land GrantsVol. 5Margaret M. Hoffmann
NCCourtsNorth Carolina Taxpayers 1679-1790Clarence E. Ratcliff
NCCourtsNorth Carolina Taxpayers 1701-1786Clarence E. Ratcliff
NCCourtsAbstract of North Carolina WillsJ. Bryan Grimes
NCCourtsAn Abstract of North Carolina Wills 1760-1800Fred A. Olds
NCCourtsIndex to North Carolina Wills 1663-1900Vol. 1William Perry Johnson
NCCourtsNorth Carolina Wills: A Testator Indes, 1665-1900Thornton W. Mitchell
NCCourtsTranscriptions of Provincial North Carolina Wills 1663-1729/30Vol. 1, A-KJohn A. Brayton
NCCourtsTranscriptions of Provincial North Carolina Wills 1663-1729/30Vol. 2, L-ZJohn A. Brayton
NCCourtsEarly Records of North Carolina Probates, Administrations, Inventories 1753-1790Vol. 01Dr. Stephen E. Bradley
NCCourtsEarly Records of North Carolina Wills, Administrations, Inventories, Deeds 1677-1790Vol. 02Dr. Stephen E. Bradley
NCCourtsEarly Records of North Carolina Loose Papers and Related Materials 1712-1798Vol. 03Dr. Stephen E. Bradley
NCCourtsEarly Records of North Carolina Wills 1663-1722Vol. 04Dr. Stephen E. Bradley
NCCourtsEarly Records of North Carolina Wills 1723-1736Vol. 05Dr. Stephen E. Bradley
NCCourtsEarly Records of North Carolina Wills 1737-1749Vol. 06Dr. Stephen E. Bradley
NCCourtsEarly Records of North Carolina Wills 1750-1755Vol. 07Dr. Stephen E. Bradley
NCCourtsEarly Records of North Carolina WIlls 1756-1794Vol. 08Dr. Stephen E. Bradley
NCCourtsEarly Records of North Carolina Colonial Court Records - Estates Papers 1665-1775Vol. 09, A - GibsonDr. Stephen E. Bradley
NCCourtsEarly Records of North Carolina Colonial Court Records - Estates Papers 1665-1775Vol. 10, Gilbert - OwenDr. Stephen E. Bradley
NCCourtsEarly Records of North Carolina Colonial Court Records - Estates Papers 1665-1775Vol. 11, Packe - YoungDr. Stephen E. Bradley
NCHistoriesHistory of North CarolinaJohn Lawson
NCHistoriesWestern North Carolina; a History (1730-1913)John Preston Arthur
NCMilitaryRevolutionary War Soldiers of Western North CarolinaVol. 3Emmett R. White, Sr.
NCMilitaryRoster of Soldiers from North Carolina in the American Revolution
NCMilitaryThis Astounding Close: The Road to Bennett PlaceMark L. Bradley
NCGeneralAn Index to North Carolina Newspapers, 1784-1789Alan D. Watson
NCGeneralCarolina Cradle: Settlement of the Northwest Carolina Frontier 1747-1762Robert W. Ramsey
NCGeneralGuide to Research Materials in the North Carolina State ArchivesSection B: County Records
NCGeneralIndex of North Carolina Ancestors
NCGeneralJeffersonian Democracy in North CarolinaDelbert Harold Gilpatrick
NCGeneralNorth Carolina Extant Voter Registrations of 1867Frances Holloway Wynne
NCGeneralNorth Carolina Genealogical ResearchGeorge K. Schweitzer
NCGeneralNorth Carolina Genealogical Society Journal Consolidated Index1975-1984William Doub Bennett
NCGeneralNorth Carolina Miscellaneous RecordsVol. 1
NCGeneralNorth Carolina Research Genealogy and Local History
NCGeneralNorth Carolina: The WPA Guide to the Old North State
NCGeneralRecords of Emigrants from England and Scotland to North Carolina1774-1775A.R. Newsome
NCGeneralReminiscences and Memoirs of North CarolinaJohn H. Wheeler
NCGeneralSketches of Western North CarolinaCyrus L. Hunter
NCGeneralThe Formation of the North Carolina Counties 1663-1943David Leroy Corbitt
NCGeneralThe Highland Scots of North CarolinaDuane Meyer
NCGeneralThe Loyalist Experience in North CarolinaCarole Watterson Troxler
NCGeneralThe Loyalists in North Carolina During the RevolutionRobert O. DeMond
NCGeneralThe Mecklenburg Signers and Their NeighborsWorth S. Ray
NCGeneralThe North Carolina Ancestor ExchangeCrestena Jennings Oakley
NCGeneralThe North Carolina Gazetteer A Dictionary of Tar Heel PlacesWilliam S. Powell
NCGeneralThe North Carolina Historical and Genealogical RegisterVol. 1J.R.B. Hathaway
NCGeneralThe North Carolina Historical and Genealogical RegisterVol. 2J.R.B. Hathaway
NCGeneralThe North Carolina Historical and Genealogical RegisterVol. 3J.R.B. Hathaway
NCGeneralRay's Index and Digest to Hathaway's North Carolina Historical and Genealogical RegisterWorth S. Ray
NCPeriodicalsArgyll Colony Plus1999
NCPeriodicalsBulletin of The Genalogical Society of Old Tryon County1976, 1979-1982
NCPeriodicalsBulletin of The Genalogical Society of Old Tryon County1983-1985 & 2003
NCPeriodicalsThe Carolina Genealogist1976-1982 & 1984
NCPeriodicalsThe North Carolina Genealogical Society Journal1978, 1982 & 2002
NCPeriodicalsThe North Carolinian1956
NCAlbemarleCourtsOld Albemarle and Its Absentee LandlordsWorth S. Ray
NCAlbemarleCourtsOld Albemarle County North Carolina Book of Land Warrants and Surveys1681-1706Weynette Parks Haun
NCAlexanderCourtsAlexander County North Carolina Will Abstracts 1847-1910Grace Turner & Miles S. Philbeck, Jr.
NCAnsonMarriagesAnson County, N.C. Bride Index 1868-1899Steve Bailey
NCAnsonCourtsAnson County, North Carolina Deed Abstracts, 1749-1766 Abstracts of Wills & Estates, 1749-1795Brent H. Holcomb
NCAnsonCourtsAnson County, North Carolina Abstracts of Early RecordsMay Wilson McBee
NCAnsonPeriodicalsThe Genealogical Society of Anson County Newsletter1999-2000
NCBeaufortCourtsBeaufort County, North Carolina Will Abstracts1720-1868
NCBertieMarriagesMarriages of Bertie County, North Carolina1762-1868Raymond Parker Fouts
NCBertieCourtsBertie County North Carolina County Court Minutes (Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions) [1740 thru 1762]Book IIWeynette Parks Haun
NCBertieCourtsColonial Bertie County North Carolina Deed Books, A-H, 1720-1757Mary Best Bell
NCBladenCourtsAbstracts of Early Deeds of Bladen County, N.C.Vol. 2Wanda Suggs Campbell
NCBladenCourtsBladen County, North Carolina Abstracts of Early Deeds1738-1804Brent H. Holcomb
NCBladenGeneralBible and Family Records of Bladen County, N.C.Vol. 1Wanda Suggs Campbell
NCBuncombeVitalsMarriage and Death Notices from Extant Asheville, N.C. Newspapers1840-1870Robert M. Tompkins
NCBuncombeCourtsBuncombe County, North Carolina: Index to Deeds 1783-1850James E. Wooley
NCBuncombeCourtsAbstracts of Land Entries: Buncombe County, NC 1794-1796A.B. Pruitt
NCBuncombeHistoriesA History of Buncombe County North CarolinaF.A. Sondley
NCBurkeCourtsBurke County, N.C. Land RecordsVol. 1, 1778Edith Warren Huggins
NCBurkeCourtsBurke County, N.C. Land Records and Important Miscellaneous RecordsVol. 2, 1777-1800Edith Warren Huggins
NCBurkeCourtsBurke County North Carolina Surviving Will and Probate Abstracts1777-1910Miles S. Philbeck, Jr. & Grace Turner
NCBurkeHistoriesBurke: The History of a North Carolina CountyEdward W. Phifer, Jr.
NCButeCourtsBute County, North Carolina Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1767-1779Brent Howard Holcomb
NCButeCourtsBute County, N.C,. Land Grant Plats & Land EntriesBrent Holcomb
NCButeCourtsBute County 1771 Tax List
NCCabarrusMarriagesCabarrus County, North Carolina Marriage Records1793-1868Frances T. Ingmire
NCCaswellCourtsCaswell County North Carolina Deed Books1777-1817Katharine Kerr Kendall
NCCaswellCourtsCaswell County North Carolina Deed Books1817-1840Katharine Kerr Kendall
NCCaswellCourtsCaswell County, N.C. Will Books 1777-1814 and Caswell County, N.C. Will Books 1814-1843Katharine Kerr Kendall
NCCatawbaHistoriesA History of Catawba CountyCharles J. Preslar, Jr.
NCChathamMarriagesMarriages of Chatham County, North Carolina 1772-1868Brent H. Holcomb
NCChowanMarriagesChowan County North Carolina Marriage Records 1742-1868Fraces T. Ingmire
NCChowanCourtsChowan Precinct North Carolina Genealogical Abstracts of Deed Books 1696 to 1723Margaret M. Hofmann
NCChowanCourtsChowan County 1717 Tax List
NCChowanMilitary1754-1755 Chowan County, North Carolina Militia RecordsJames L. Douthat
NCCravenMarriagesCraven County North Carolina Marriage Records 1780-1867Frances T. Ingmire
NCCumberlandCourtsAbstracts of Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Cumberland County North CarolinaVol. II, Apr 1779-Jan 1791William C. Fields
NCCumberlandCourtsAbstract of Deeds of Cumberland County, North CarolinaVol. 1, Bks. 1-3, 1754-1770William C. Fields
NCCumberlandCourtsAbstract of Deeds of Cumberland County, North CarolinaVol. 2, Bks. 4-7, 1770-1785William C. Fields
NCCumberlandCemeteriesCumberland County Cemetery SurveyVol. 4
NCCumberlandCemeteriesCross Creek Cemetery: Number OneAnna Sutton Sherman & kate James Lepine
NCCumberlandGeneralBible Records Book: Collected in Cumberland County, N.C.
NCCumberlandGeneralHometown HeritageVol. 2Lucile Miller Johnson
NCDavidsonCourtsDavidson County North Carolina Abstracts of Will Book 2, 1844-1868 and Deed Book 3, 1826-1828Mary Jo Davis Shoaf
NCDavidsonCourtsDavidson County North Carolina Will SummariesVol. 1, 1823-1846Henry Reeves & Mary Jo Davis Shoaf
NCDavidsonHistoriesPathfinders Past and Present A History of Davidson County North CarolinaM. Jewell Sink & Mary Green Matthews
NCDuplinCourtsGenealogical Abstracts Duplin County Wills1730-1860William L. (Bill) Murphy
NCEdgecombeMarriagesMarriages of Early Edgecombe County North Carolina 1733-1868Ruth Smith Williams & Margarette Glenn Griffin
NCEdgecombeCourtsAbstracts of Deeds: Edgecombe Precinct Edgecombe County North Carolina 1732 through 1758Margaret M. Hofmann
NCEdgecombeCourtsAbstracts of Wills Edgecombe County, N.C. 1733-1856Ruby Smith Williams & Margarette Glenn Griffin
NCEdgecombeCourtsEstate Records of Edgecombe County North Carolina 1730-1820Joseph W. Watson
NCEdgecombeHistoriesHistory of Edgecombe County, North CarolinaJ. Kelly Turner & Jno. L. Bridgers, Jr.
NCGastonGeneralGaston County HeritageVol. 1 - 2002
NCGranvilleGeneralColonial Granville County and Its PeopleWorth S. Ray
NCGranvilleGeneralHistory and Genealogies of Old Granville County, North Carolina1746-1800Thomas McAdory Owen
NCGranvilleGeneralKinfolks of Granville County North Carolina 1765-1826Zae Hargett Gwynn
NCGreenvilleCourtsAbstracts of Land Entries: Greenville County, NC (Books A, B, & C)1787-1795A.B. Pruitt
NCGuilfordMarriagesAbstracts of Marriage Bonds and Additional Data Guildford County, North Carolina1841-1868Ruth F. Thompson & Louise J. Hartgrove
NCGuilfordCourtsGuilford County, North Carolina Will Abstracts1771-1841Irene B. Webster
NCGuilfordPeriodicalsThe Guilford Genealogist1998
NCHalifaxCourtsAbstracts: Granville Grantees Halifax County, North CarolinaMargaret M. Hofmann
NCHalifaxCourtsHalifax District North Carolina Superior Court of Law & Equity 1785-1790 (Bills & Answers) 1797-1805 (Minutes)Weynette Parks Haun
NCHalifaxCourtsGenealogical Abstracts of Wills, 1758-1824 Halifax County, North CarolinaMargaret M. Hofmann
NCHarnetGeneralThey Passed This Way A Person Narrative of Harnet County HistoryMalcome Fowler
NCHaywoodCourtsAbstracts of Haywood County, North Carolina Deeds1808-1838Bill Eddleman
NCIredellPeriodicalsIredell Tracks1984-1985 & 1988-1997
NCIredellPeriodicalsIredell Tracks1998-2006
NCIredellPeriodicalsIredell Tracks2007-2012
NCJohnstonMarriagesMarriages of Johnston County, North Carolina1762-1868Brent H. Holcomb
NCJohnstonCourtsJohnston County North Carolina Land Entries 1778 thru 1805Weynette Parks Haun
NCJonesCourtsRecords of Jones County, North Carolina 1779-1868Zae Hargett Gwynn
NCLincolnHistoriesLincoln County, North Carolina 1779-1979
NCMartinCourtsAbstracts of Will Book "A" Williamston Courthouse Martin CountyCaroline Price Wilson
NCMartinCourtsMartin County, North Carolina Abstracts of Will Books 1 & 2 1774-1868
NCMartinCourtsMartin County, North Carolina Abstracts of Will Books 3 & 4 1868-1910
NCMcDowellMarriagesMcDowell County North Carolina Marriage Records1797-1869Frances T. Ingmire
NCMcDowellHistoriesHistory of McDowell CountyMildred B. Fossett
NCMecklenburgCourtsMecklenburg County, North Carolina Abstracts of Early Wills 1763-1790 (1749-1790)Brent H. Holcomb
NCMecklenburgPeriodicalsOlde Mecklenburg Genealogical Socity Quarterly1988
NCMontgomeryCensus1800, 1810, 1830, 1840 Federal Census of Montgomery County North Carolina
NCMontgomeryMarriagesMontgomery County N.C. Marriage Records 1844-1868Frances T. Ingmire
NCMorganCourtsMorgan District North Carolina Superior Court of Law & Equity: Estate Records 1779-1806Book IWeynette Parks Haun
NCNew HanoverCemeteriesA Tribute to Oakdale 1852-1991
NCNorthamptonCourtsAbstracts of Deeds Northampton County, North Carolina Public Registry 1741-1759Deed Bks. 1 & 2Margaret M. Hofmann
NCNorthamptonCourtsThe Deeds of Northampton County North Carolina1759-1774Dr. Stephen E. Bradley, Jr.
NCNorthamptonCourtsThe Deeds of Northampton County North Carolina1774-1878Dr. Stephen E. Bradley, Jr.
NCNorthamptonCourtsNorthampton County, North Carolina: Genealogical Abstracts of Wills1759-1808Margaret M. Hofmann
NCOnslowCourtsOnslow County Court MinutesVol. 1, 1732-1743
NCOnslowCourtsOnslow County Court MinutesVol. 2, 1744-1754
NCOnslowCourtsOnslow County Court MinutesVol. 3, 1755-1765
NCOrangeMarriagesMarriages of Orange County, North Carolina1779-1868Brent H. Holcomb
NCOrangeCourtsOrange County North Carolina Deed Books 1 & 2 - 1752-1786Vol. 1William D. Bennett
NCOrangeCourtsOrange County North Carolina Deed Book 3 - 1752-1786Vol. 2William D. Bennett
NCOrangeCourtsOrange County North Carolina Deed Book 4 - 1787-1793Vol. 3William D. Bennett
NCOrangeCourtsOrange County North Carolina Deed Book 5 - 1793-1797Vol. 4William D. Bennett
NCOrangeCourtsOrange County North Carolina State Land Grants 1778-1790Vol. 1William D. Bennett
NCOrangeCourtsOrgane County North Carolina State Land Grants 1778-1790Vol. 2William D. Bennett
NCOrangeCourtsAbstracts of Wills Orange County, North Carolina 1752-1850Ruth Herndon Shields
NCOrangeCourtsOrange County, N.C. Abstracts of the Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of: Sept. 1752-Aug.1766Ruth Herndon Shields
NCOrangeCourtsOrange County, N.C. Abstracts of the Minutes of the Inferior Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, 1777-1788Alma Cheek Redden
NCPersonCourtsPerson County North Carolina Deed Books 1792-1825Katharine Kerr Kendall
NCRandolphCourtsAbstracts of Land Entries: Randolph County, NC 1801-1833A.B. Pruitt
NCRandolphPeriodicalsThe Genealogical Journal1978-1980
NCRobesonCensus1850 Federal Census of Robeson County North CarolinaElaine Davis Harmon
NCRockinghamCourtsRockingham County North Carolina Deed Abstracts1785-1800Irene B. Webster
NCRowanMarriagesMarriages of Rowan County, North Carolina 1753-1868Brent H. Holcomb
NCRowanCourtsAbstracts of the Deeds of Rowan County, N.C. 1753-1785Jo White Linn
NCRowanCourtsAbstracts of Deed Books 11-14 of Rowan County North Carolina1786-1797James W. Kluttz
NCRowanCourtsAbstracts of Deed Books 15-19 of Rowan County North Carolina1797-1807James W. Kluttz
NCRowanCourtsAbstracts of Deed Books 20-24 of Rowan County North Carolina1807-1818James W. Kluttz
NCRowanCourtsAbstracts of Land Entries: Rowan County, NCFeb. 1778-Dec. 1778A.B. Pruitt
NCRowanCourtsAbstracts of Land Entries: Rowan County, NCDec. 1778-Feb 1795A.B. Pruitt
NCRowanCourtsAbstracts of Will and Estate Records of Rowan County, North Carolina 1753-1805 and Tax Lists of 1759 and 1778Jo White Linn
NCRowanHistoriesA History of Rowan County, North CarolinaRev. Jethro Rumple
NCRowanHistoriesThe Heritage of Rowan County, North CarolinaVol. 1, 1991
NCRutherfordCensus1790 Rutherford County, North Carolina Census
NCRutherfordMarriagesRutherford County North Carolina Marriage Records 1779-1867Frances T. Ingmire
NCRutherfordMarriagesRutherford County, NC Marriage Bonds
NCRutherfordCourtsRutherford County, NC Land GrantsW.D. Floyd
NCRutherfordCourtsRutherford County, North Carolina Wills and Miscellaneous Records 1783-1868James E. & Vivian Wooley
NCStanlyCensus1850 Federal Census of Stanly County, North CarolinaSchedules 1-6
NCStanlyCensus1860 Federal Census of Stanly County, North CarolinaSchedules 1-6
NCStanlyCemeteriesAbandoned Cemeteries of Stanly County
NCStanlyPeriodicalsThe Stanly County Genealogical Society Journal1985-1990
NCStokesMarriagesMarriage Licenses of Stokes County North Carolina1839-1887Harvey L. Lineback
NCStokesHistoriesThe Heritage of Stokes County North Carolina
NCStokesChurchesCapella Church of Christ
NCSurryCourtsSurry County, North Carolina Court Minutes 1768-1789Vols. 1 & 2Mrs. W.O. Absher
NCTransylvaniaHistoriesTransylvaniz Beginnings: A HistoryMary Jane McCrary
NCTryonCourtsTryon County North Carolina Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions1769-1779Brent H. Holcomb
NCTyrrellCensusTyrrell County, North Carolina 1784-87 State Census, 1790 Federal Census 1800 Federal Census
NCTyrrellMarriagesTyrrell County North Carolina Marriage Records 1761-1862Frances T. Ingmire
NCTyrrellCourtsThe Deeds of Tyrrell County North Carolina 1735-1760Stephen E. Bradley, Jr.
NCTyrrellCourtsThe Deeds of Tyrrell County North Carolina 1760-1770Stephen E. Bradley, Jr.
NCTyrrellCourtsTyrrell County North Carolina Estate Records 1734-1800Stephen E. Bradley, Jr.
NCTyrrellCourtsAbstracts of Book "A" Columbia Courthouse Tyrell CountyCaroline Price Wilson
NCTyrrellCourtsTyrrell County North Carolina Wills 1729-1811Stephen E. Bradley, Jr.
NCUnionCemeteriesUnion County Cemeteries 1710-1914 and Roster of Confederate and Revolutionary SoldiersClara Laney
NCWakeMarriagesMarriages of Wake County, North Carolina1770-1868Brent H. Holcomb
NCWakeVitalsMarriage and Death Notices From Raleigh, N.C. Newspapers 1796-1826Silas Emmett Lucas
NCWakeHistoriesWake County Heritage--North Carolina
NCWilkesCourtsWilkes County, N.C. Deeds 1778-1803Bks. A-1, B-1, & C-1Mrs. W. O. Absher
NCWilkesCourtsWilkes County, N.C. Deeds 1795-1815Bks. D, F-1, & G-HMrs. W. O. Absher
NCWilkesPeriodicalsWilkes Genealogical Society1973
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