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WarsRevolutionary WarAbstract of Graves of Revolutionary PatriotsVol. 1, A-DPatricia Law Hatcher
WarsRevolutionary WarAbstract of Graves of Revolutionary PatriotsVol. 2, E-KPatricia Law Hatcher
WarsRevolutionary WarAbstract of Graves of Revolutionary PatriotsVol. 3, L-RPatricia Law Hatcher
WarsRevolutionary WarAbstract of Graves of Revolutionary PatriotsVol. 4, S-ZPatricia Law Hatcher
WarsRevolutionary WarCorrections to the Index of Revolutionary War Pension ApplicationsNo. 31Sadye Giller
WarsRevolutionary WarGenealogical Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension FilesVol. 1: A-EVirgil D. White
WarsRevolutionary WarGenealogical Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension FilesVol. 2: F-MVirgil D. White
WarsRevolutionary WarGenealogical Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension FilesVol. 3: N-ZVirgil D. White
WarsRevolutionary WarGenealogical Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension FilesVol. 4: IndexVirgil D. White
WarsRevolutionary WarGenealogical Abstracts of Revolutionary War Veterans Scrip Act 1852Margie G. Brown
WarsRevolutionary WarHistorical Register of Officers of the Continental ArmyFrancis B. Heitman
WarsRevolutionary WarIndex of Revolutionary War Pension Records
WarsRevolutionary WarIndex to Revolutionary War Service RecordsVol. 1: A-DVirgil D. White
WarsRevolutionary WarIndex to Revolutionary War Service RecordsVol. 2: E-KVirgil D. White
WarsRevolutionary WarIndex to Revolutionary War Service RecordsVol. 3: L-RVirgil D. White
WarsRevolutionary WarIndex to Revolutionary War Service RecordsVol. 4: S-ZVirgil D. White
WarsRevolutionary WarKing's Mountain and Its HeroesLyman C. Draper
WarsRevolutionary WarMariners of the American RevolutionMarion & Jack Kaminkow
WarsRevolutionary WarMilitary Leaders in the American RevolutionJoseph B. Mitchell
WarsRevolutionary WarMuster and Pay Rolls of the War of the Revolution, 1775-1783
WarsRevolutionary WarPatriots: The Men Who Started the American RevolutionA.J. Langguth
WarsRevolutionary WarPictoral Field Book of the RevolutionVol. 1B.J. Lossing
WarsRevolutionary WarPictoral Field Book of the RevolutionVol. 2B.J. Lossing
WarsRevolutionary WarRevolutionary Pensioners of 1818
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WarsRevolutionary WarRevolutionary War Pensions: Awarded by State Governments 1775-1874, the General and Federal Governments Prior to 1814, and by Private Acts of Congress to 1905Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck
WarsRevolutionary WarRevolutionary War Period: Bible, Family & Marriage Records Gleaned From Pension ApplicationsVol. 1Helen M. Lu & Gwen B. Newmann
WarsRevolutionary WarRevolutionary War Period: Bible, Family & Marriage Records Gleaned From Pension ApplicationsVol. 2Chan Edmondson
WarsRevolutionary WarRevolutionary War Period: Bible, Family & Marriage Records Gleaned from Pension ApplicationsVols. 1-10, IndexChan Edmondson
WarsRevolutionary WarSociety of the Descendants of Washington's Army at Valley Forge2000 Membership Roster
WarsRevolutionary WarThe Commander-In-Chief's Guard: Revolutionary WarCarlos E. Godfrey
WarsRevolutionary WarThe Federalist PapersAlexander Hamilton, James Madison & John Jay
WarsRevolutionary WarThe First Salute: A View of the American RevolutionBarbara W. Tuchman
WarsRevolutionary WarThe King's Mountain Men: The Story of the Battle, with Sketches of the American Soldiers Who Took PartKatherine Keogh White
WarsRevolutionary WarThe Old United Empire Loyalists ListMilton Rubincam
WarsRevolutionary WarThe Pension Lists of 1792-1795 With Other Revolutionary War Pension RecordsMurtie June Clark
WarsRevolutionary WarThe Pictorial History of the American RevolutionRupert Furneaux
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WarsWar of 18121812 The War That Forged a NationWalter R. Borneman
WarsWar of 1812Index to Certified Copy of List of American Prisoners of War 1812-1815Mrs. Henry James Carr
WarsWar of 1812Index to War of 1812 Pension FilesVol. 1: A-IVirgil D. White
WarsWar of 1812Index to War of 1812 Pension FilesVol. 2: J-ZVirgil D. White
WarsWar of 1812Known Military Dead During War of 1812Clarence Stewart Peterson
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WarsWar of 1812The War of 1812: A Forgotten ConflictDonald R. Hickey
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WarsWar of 1812War of 1812 GenealogyGeorge K Schweitzer
WarsIndianIndex to Pensions Applications for Indian Wars Service between 1817 and 1898Virgil D. White
WarsIndianIndex to Volunteer Soldiers in Indian Wars and Disturbances 1815-1858Vol. 1: A-KVirgil D. White
WarsIndianIndex to Volunteer Soldiers in Indian Wars and Disturbances 1815-1858Vol. 2: L-ZVirgil D. White
WarsIndianThe Cherokee WarsTony & Hannah Hays
WarsIndianThe French and Indian War: Deciding the Fate of North AmericaWalter R. Borneman
WarsIndianVolunteer Soldiers in the Cherokee War1836-1839
WarsMexican WarIndex to Mexican War Pension ApplicationsBarbara S. Wolfe
WarsMexican WarIndex to Mexican War Pension FilesVirgil D. White
WarsMexican WarThe Mexican WarOtis A. Singletary
WarsCivil War97th Sons of Confederate Veterans 54th Military Order of Stars and Bars1992 General Convention
WarsCivil WarA Lieutenant of Cavalry in Lee's ArmyG.W. Beale
WarsCivil WarAmerican Heritage Civil War Chronology
WarsCivil WarAn Epitaph For DixieHarry S. Ashmore
WarsCivil WarAntietam: The Photographic Legacy of America's Bloodiest DayWilliam A. Frassanito
WarsCivil WarArtillery for the Land Service of the United States 1849-1865No. 20 (oversized)
WarsCivil WarArtillery for the Land Service of the United States 1849-1865No. 27 (oversized)
WarsCivil WarBattles of the Civil WarWilliam C. Davis
WarsCivil WarBeauvoir: The Last Home of Jefferson DavisJames West Thompson
WarsCivil WarBrawling Brass: The Most Famous Quarrels of the Civil WarHarold B. Simpson
WarsCivil WarBrokenburn: The Journal of Kate Stone1861-1868John Q. Anderson
WarsCivil WarChattanooga - A Death Grip on the ConfederacyJames Lee McDonough
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WarsCivil WarCivil War HandbookWilliam H. Price
WarsCivil WarCivil War HeroesAlan Archambault & Jill Cannon
WarsCivil WarCivil War HeroinesAlan Archambault & Jill Cannon
WarsCivil WarCivil War in PicturesFletcher Pratt
WarsCivil WarCivil War Parks: The Story Behind the SceneryWilliam C. "Jack" Davis
WarsCivil WarCivil War Quiz and Fact BookRod Gragg
WarsCivil WarConfederate P.O.W.'s: Soldiers & Sailors Who Died In Federal Prisons & Military Hospitals In The NorthFrances Ingmire & Carolyn Ericson
WarsCivil WarConfederate States Paper MoneyArlie R. Slabaugh
WarsCivil WarConfederate WomenDr. Anne F. Bailey, Dr. William H. Baria, James A. Buttimer, Jeanne M. Christie, Barbara Duffey, Mauriel Phillips Joslyn, Norma Jean Perkins, June Murray Wells & Julieanna Williams
WarsCivil WarDear America When Will This Cruel War Be Over? The Civil War Diary of Emma SimpsonBarbara Denenberg
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WarsCivil WarDiary in Gray: Civil War Journal of J.Y. SandersMary Elizabeth Sanders
WarsCivil WarDixie Manor Days: The Confederate Veterans Who Lived There and The UDC Members Who Made It PossibleConnie Walton Moretti
WarsCivil WarEchoes of Glory: Arms and Equipment of the Confederacy
WarsCivil WarEncyclopedia of the ConfederacyVol. 1, Adam-CurrRichard N. Current
WarsCivil WarEncyclopedia of the ConfederacyVol. 2, Dahl-LomaRichard N. Current
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WarsCivil WarEncyclopedia of the ConfederacyVol. 4, Shin-ZollRichard N. Current
WarsCivil WarEscape from the Maple LeafCol. Jerry V. Witt
WarsCivil WarFacts The Historians Leave Out: A Confederate PrimerJohn S. Tilley
WarsCivil WarFelix Sedelmeier A Union File(oversized)
WarsCivil WarFlags and Seal of the ConfederacyKeith Oldendorf
WarsCivil WarGenerals in Gray: Lives of the Confederate CommandersEzra J. Warner
WarsCivil WarGettysburg The Second DayHarry W. Pfanz
WarsCivil WarGreat American Generals - Robert E. LeeIan Hogg
WarsCivil WarGreat American Generals - Thomas J. "Stonewall" JacksonBronwyn Mills
WarsCivil WarGreat American Generals - Ulysses S. GrantF. Norton Boothe
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WarsCivil WarHarper's Pictorial History of The Civil War(oversized)Alfred G. Guernsey & Henry M. Alden
WarsCivil WarIndex to the Roll of HonorMartha & William Reamy
WarsCivil WarInscribed Union Swords 1861-1865David V. Stroud
WarsCivil WarJefferson Davis: the Man and His Hour - A BiographyWilliam C. Davis
WarsCivil WarLee's Lieutenants: A Study in CommandVol. 1, Manassas to Malvern HillDouglas Southall Freeman
WarsCivil WarLee's Lieutenants: A Study in CommandVol. 2, Cedae Mountain to ChacellorsvilleDouglas Southall Freeman
WarsCivil WarLee's Lieutenants: A Study in CommandVol. 3, Gettysburg to AppomattoxDouglas Southall Freeman
WarsCivil WarMary Chestnut's Civil WarC. Vann Woodward
WarsCivil WarMemoirs of a Confederate Staff Officer From Bethel to BentonvilleEvelyn Sieburg & James E. Hansen II
WarsCivil WarMemoirs of J.K. Milam Confederate CaptainRay McDearmon
WarsCivil WarMosby's RangersJames J. Williamson
WarsCivil WarMy Brother's Face: Portraits of the Civil WarCharles Phillips & Alan Axelrod
WarsCivil WarNo Better Place to Die: The Battle of Stones RiverPeter Cozzens
WarsCivil WarNothing But Glory: Pickett's Division at GettysburgKathleen R. Georg & John W. Busey
WarsCivil WarOrdeal By FireVol. 2, The Civil WarJames M. McPherson
WarsCivil WarPea Ridge: Civil War Campaign in the WestWilliam L. Shea & Earl J. Hess
WarsCivil WarPickett's Charge in History & MemoryCarol Reardon
WarsCivil WarPreliminary Inventory of the War Department Collection of Confederate RecordsRecord Group 109Elizabeth Bethel & Craig R. Scott
WarsCivil WarPrison Life During the RebellionFritz Fuzzlebug
WarsCivil WarRebel Private: Front and Rear: Memoirs of A Confederate SoldierWilliam A. Fletcher
WarsCivil WarReconstruction: America's Unfinished Revolution 1863-1877Eric Foner
WarsCivil WarReminiscences of the Boys in Gray 1861-1865Mamie Yeary
WarsCivil WarSarah Morgan: The Civil War Diary of a Southern WomanCharles East
WarsCivil WarSherman's MarchBurke Davis
WarsCivil WarShiloh on Your Own: An Illustrated Guide to the Battlefield
WarsCivil WarSoldier Boy: Letters and History of an Illinois Union Soldier Who Left His Family and Farm and Fought in Sherman's Destructive Army From Tennessee Through Atlanta to the CarolinasBetty E. More
WarsCivil WarSome Confederate Grave Markers in Texas, Georgia and OklahomaSandy Noe
WarsCivil WarSpecial Presidential Pardons of Confederate SoldiersPart 1
WarsCivil WarSpecial Presidential Pardons of Confederate SoldiersPart 2
WarsCivil WarThe American Heritage Picture History of The Civil War
WarsCivil WarThe Appomattox Paroles April 9-15, 1865William G. Nine & Ronald G. Wilson
WarsCivil WarThe Autobiography of Wilburn Hill King with the 18th Texas InfantryL. David Norris
WarsCivil WarThe Battle of GettysburgFrank Aretas Haskell
WarsCivil WarThe Battle of Pea Ridge 1862
WarsCivil WarThe Brother's War: Civil War Letters to Their Loved Ones from the Blue and GrayAnnette Tapert
WarsCivil WarThe Civil War Almanac
WarsCivil WarThe Civil War and ReconstructionJ.G. Randall & David Herbert Donald
WarsCivil WarThe Civil War ChronicleJ. Matthew Gallman & Eric Foner
WarsCivil WarThe Civil War Diary of Clara Solomon: Growing Up in New Orleans 1861-1862Elliott Ashkenazi
WarsCivil WarThe Civil War Trust's Official Guidebook
WarsCivil WarThe Civil War, The Battlefields ofWilliam C. Davis
WarsCivil WarThe Civil War, The Commanders ofWilliam C. Davis
WarsCivil WarThe Civil War, The Fighting Men ofWilliam C. Davis
WarsCivil WarThe Civil War: A Narrative Fort Sumter to PerryvilleShelby Foote
WarsCivil WarThe Civil War: A Narrative Fredericksburg to MeridianShelby Foote
WarsCivil WarThe Civil War: A Narrative Red River to AppomattoxShelby Foote
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WarsCivil WarThe Civil War: Master Index An Illustrated Guide
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WarsCivil WarThe Civil War: The Bloodiest Day The Battle of Antietam
WarsCivil WarThe Class of 1846: From West Point to Appomattox: Stonewall Jackson, George McClellan and Their BrothersJohn G. Waugh
WarsCivil WarThe Concise Illustrated History of the Civil WarJames I. Robertson, Jr.
WarsCivil WarThe Confederate GeneralVol. 1William C. Davis & Julie Hoffman
WarsCivil WarThe Confederate States Almanac, and Repository of Useful Knowledge for 1862H.G. Clarke
WarsCivil WarThe Galvanized YankeesDee Brown
WarsCivil WarThe Gettysburg Campaign: A Study in CommandEdwin B. Coddington
WarsCivil WarThe Gray Book
WarsCivil WarThe Museum of the Confederacy's Robert E. Lee Collections
WarsCivil WarThe Official Military Atlas of the Civil War(oversized)George B. Davis, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley & Calvin D. Cowles
WarsCivil WarThe Photographic History of the Civil War
WarsCivil WarThe Real American Tragedy(oversized)
WarsCivil WarThe Soldiers of the Civil WarWilliam C. Davis
WarsCivil WarThe South Was Right!James Ronald Kennedy & Walter Donald Kennedy
WarsCivil WarThe Story of a Civil War Gunboat: U.S.S. Cairo
WarsCivil WarThis Infernal War: The Confederate Letters of Sgt. Edwin H. FayBell Irvin Wiley
WarsCivil WarUnwritten Chapters of the War Between the StatesLieut. R.M. Collins
WarsCivil WarUniform and Dress of the Army and Navy of the Confederate States
WarsCivil WarVoices of The Civil War: Antietam
WarsCivil WarVoices of The Civil War: Atlanta
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WarsCivil WarVoices of The Civil War: Charleston
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WarsCivil WarVoices of The Civil War: Shenandoah 1862
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WarsCivil WarVoices of The Civil War: Vicksburg
WarsCivil WarWade Hamption: Confederate Warrior, Conservative StatesmanWalter Brian Cisco
WarsCivil WarWho Was Who in the Civil WarStewart Sifakis
WarsCivil WarWhy the North Won the Civil WarRichard N. Current, T. Harry Williams, Norman A. Graebner, David Donald & David M. Potter
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 01
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 02
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 03
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 04
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 05
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WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 10, Part I
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WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 11, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 11, Part II
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WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 13
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 14
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 15
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 16, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 16, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 17, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 17, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 18
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 19, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 19, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 20, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 20, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 21
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 22, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 22, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 23, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 23, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 24, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 24, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 24, Part III
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 25, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 25, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 26, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 26, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 27, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 27, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 27, Part III
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 28, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 28, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 29, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 29, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 30, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 30, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 30, Part III
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 30, Part IV
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 31, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 31, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 31, Part III
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 32, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 32, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 32, Part III
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 33
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 34, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 34, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 34, Part III
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 34, Part IV
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 35, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 35, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 36, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 36, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 36, Part III
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 37, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 37, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 38, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 38, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 38, Part III
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 38, Part IV
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 38, Part V
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 39, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 39, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 39, Part III
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 40, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 40, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 40, Part III
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 41, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 41, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 41, Part III
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 41, Part IV
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 42, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 42, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 42, Part III
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 43, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 43, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 44
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 45, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 45, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 46, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 46, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 46, Part III
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 47, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 47, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 47, Part III
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 48, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 48, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 49, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 49, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 50, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 50, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 51, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 51, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 52, Part I
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 52, Part II
WarsCivil WarWar of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I, Vol. 53, Supplement
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Civic Org.D.A.R.Texas Society Daughters of the American Revolutiona Roster Revolutionary AncestorsVol. 4, R-Z
Civic Org.D.A.R.Texas Society of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution1972 Directory
Civic Org.D.A.R.Texas Society of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution1990 Directory
Civic Org.D.A.R.Texas Society of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution2005 Directory
Civic Org.D.A.R.The First Supplement to the DAR Patriot Index1969
Civic Org.D.A.R.The Second Supplement to the DAR Patriot Index1973
Civic Org.D.A.R.The Third Supplement to the DAR Patriot Index1976
Civic Org.D.A.R.The 1982 Supplement to the DAR Patriot Index1982
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Civic Org.D. of 1812PeriodicalsNews-Letter2014-Present
Civic Org.S.A.R.National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution1997 Directory
Civic Org.S.A.R.Sons of the American Revolution: Membership Directory1993
Civic Org.U.D.C.The History of the United Daughters of the ConfederacyVols. I and II
Civic Org.U.D.C.The History of the United Daughters of the ConfederacyVol. III, 1956-1986
Civic Org.U.D.C.UDC Magazine
Civic Org.U.D.C.UDC Magazine2018
GeneralReference"The Lost Soldiers": An Index to the Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers 1784-1811Vol. 1, A-EBarbara Schull Wolfe
GeneralReference"The Lost Soldiers": An Index to the Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers 1784-1811Vol. 2, F-LBarbara Schull Wolfe
GeneralReference"The Lost Soldiers": An Index to the Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers 1784-1811Vol. 3, M-RBarbara Schull Wolfe
GeneralReferenceAmerican Militia in the Frontier Wars, 1790-1796Murtie June Clark
GeneralReferenceCatalogue of : Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land-Warranty Application Files and American Revolutionary War Service Records and General Index
GeneralReferenceColonial Soldiers of the South, 1732-1774Murtie June Clark
GeneralReferenceFor Love of Country: The Price of FreedomMartha Sue Stroud
GeneralReferenceHandbook for Servicemen and Servicewomen of World War II and Their Dependents, Including Rights and Benefits of
Veterans of World War I and Their Dependents
M. Wright Patman
GeneralReferenceIndex to Old Wars Pension Files 1815-1926Virgil D. White
GeneralReferenceIndex to U.S. Invalid Pension Records 1801-1815`Murtie June Clark
GeneralReferenceIndex to US Military Pension Applications of Remarried Widows for Service Between 1812 and 1911Virgil D. White
GeneralReferenceIndex to Volunteer Soldiers 1784-1811Virgil D. White
GeneralReferenceNaval Pensioners of the United States 1800-1851Lloyde DeWitt Brockstruck
GeneralReferenceOfficial Register of the United States Persons in the Civil, Military, and Naval Service1915 Directory
GeneralReferenceThe 4th Armored Division Fort Hood Texas
GeneralReferenceThe "Lost" Pensions: Settles Accounts of the Act of 6 April 1838Craig R. Scott
GeneralReferenceThe Book of WarDwight Jon Zimmerman
GeneralReferenceThe Pension Roll of 1835Vol. 1, The New England States
GeneralReferenceThe Pension Roll of 1835Vol. 2, The Mid-Atlantic States
GeneralReferenceThe Pension Roll of 1835Vol. 3, The Southern States
GeneralReferenceThe Pension Roll of 1835Vol. 4, The Mid-Western States
GeneralReferenceWar & Conflict: Selected Images from the National Archives 1765-1970Jonathan Heller
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