HCGS Catalogue – Maryland

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MDMarriagesMaryland Marriage Evidences1634-1718Robert W. Barnes
MDMarriagesMaryland Marriages 1634-1777Robert Barnes
MDMarriagesMarriages and Deaths from the Maryland Gazette, 1727-1839Robert Barnes
MDMarriagesIndex to Marriages in the (Baltimore) SunThomas L. Hollowak
MDVitalsMarriages and Deaths from the Newspapers of Allegany and Washington Counties, Maryland1820-1830F. Edward Wright
MDCourtsAbstracts of Chancery Court Records of Maryland1669-1782Debbie Hooper
MDCourtsIndex to Maryland Colonial Wills1634-1777James M. Magruder, Jr.
MDCourtsThe Maryland Calendar of WillsVol. 1Jane Baldwin
MDCourtsThe Maryland Calendar of WillsVol. 2Jane Baldwin
MDCourtsThe Maryland Calendar of WillsVol. 3Jane Baldwin
MDCourtsMaryland Deponents1634-1799Henry C. Peden, Jr.
MDHistoriesHistory of MarylandLeonard Magruder Passano
MDHistoriesHistory of Western MarylandVol. 1J. Thomas Scharf
MDHistoriesHistory of Western MarylandVol. 2J. Thomas Scharf
MDHistoriesThe History of Maryland: From Its First Settlement, in 1633, to the Restoration, in 1660, With a Copious Introduction, and Notes and IllustrationsVol. 1John Leeds Bozman
MDGeneralA Collection of Maryland Church RecordsHenry C. Peden, Jr.
MDGeneralAbstracts of the Inventories of the Prerogative Court of Maryland1718-1720V.L. Skinner, Jr.
MDGeneralAbstracts of the Inventories of the Prerogative Court of Maryland1720-1724V.L. Skinner, Jr.
MDGeneralAbstracts of the Inventories of the Prerogative Court of Maryland1724-1727V.L. Skinner, Jr.
MDGeneralAn Inventory of Maryland State PapersVol. 1Edward C. Papenfuse, Gregory A. Stiverson & Mary D. Donaldson
MDGeneralBulletin No. 17: A Guide to the Index Holdings at the Hall of Records
MDGeneralColonial Families of Maryland: Bound and Determined to SuceedRobert W. Barnes
MDGeneralColonial Families of Maryland: They Came, They Flourished, and
Some Moved On
Robert W. Barnes
MDGeneralInventory of Maryland Bible RecordsVol. 1
MDGeneralMaryland Genealogies From the Maryland Historical MagazineVol. 1
MDGeneralMaryland Genealogies From the Maryland Historical MagazineVol. 2
MDGeneralMaryland RecordsVol. 1Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh, M.S., M.D.
MDGeneralMaryland RecordsVol. 2Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh, M.S., M.D.
MDGeneralNewspaper Abstracts of Allegany and Washington Counties1811-1815
MDGeneralSettlers of Maryland1701-1730Peter Wilson Coldham
MDGeneralSettlers of Maryland1731-1750Peter Wilson Coldham
MDGeneralThe County Courthouses and Records of MarylandPart Two: The RecordsMorris L. Radoff, Gust Skordas & Phebe R. Jacobsen
MDGeneralThe Early Settlers of MarylandGust Skordas
MDGeneralThe Founders of Anne Arundel and Howard Counties, Maryland: A Genealogical and Biographica Review From Wills, Deeds and Church RecordsJoshua Dorsey Warfield
MDGeneralThe Maryland Gazette1727-1761Karen Mauer Green
MDGeneralTo Maryland From OverseasHarry Wright Newman
MDGeneralWester Maryland Newspaper Abstracts 1806-1810Vol. 3F. Edward Wright
MDPeriodicalsMaryland Historical Magazine1989
MDAnne ArundelChurchesAnne Arundel County Church Records of the 17th and 18th CenturiesF. Edward Wright
MDAnne ArundelChurchesParish Registers of Anne Arundel Co., MD 16th and 17th CenturyDiana Jean Muir
MDBaltimoreCourtsBaltimore County, Maryland Deed Abstacts 1659-1750Robert Barnes
MDBaltimoreCourtsBaltimore County, Maryland Deed RecordsVol. 3, 1755-1767John Davis
MDBaltimoreHistoriesHistory of Baltimore City and CountyPart 1J. Thomas Scharf
MDBaltimoreHistoriesHistory of Baltimore City and CountyPart 2J. Thomas Scharf
MDBaltimoreChurchesRecords of St. Paul's Parish: The Protestant Episcopal Church Records of Baltimore City
and Lower Baltimore County
Vol. 2, 1801-1825Bill & Martha Reamy
MDBaltimoreGeneralBaltimore County Families 1659-1759Robert W. Barnes
MDCecilMarriagesCecil County, Maryland Marriage Licenses1777-1840
MDCecilHistoriesHistory of Cecil County MarylandGeorge Johnson
MDDorchesterPeriodicalsDorchester County Genealogical Magazine1986
MDFrederickMarriagesFrederick County, Maryland Marriage References and Family Relationships1748-1800Henry C. Peden, Jr. & Veronica Clarke Peden
MDFrederickHistoriesHistory of Frederick County MarylandVol. 1T.J.C. Williams
MDFrederickHistoriesHistory of Frederick County MarylandVol. 2T.J.C. Williams
MDFrederickCemeteriesNames In Stone: 75,000 Cemetery Instriptions from Frederick County, MarylandVol. 2Jacob Mehrling Holdcraft
MDFrederickGeneralInhabitants of Frederick County, MarylandVol. 1, 1750-1790Stefanie R. Shaffer
MDFrederickGeneralNewspaper Abstracts of Frederick County 1811-1815F. Edward Wright
MDFrederickGeneralPioneers of Old Monocacy: The Early Settlement of Frederick County, Maryland1721-1743Grace L. Tracey & John P. Dern
MDSomersetCourtsLand Records of Somerset County, MarylandRuth T. Dryden
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