HCGS Catalogue – Kentucky

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KYCensusFirst Census of Kentucky
KYCensusSecond Census of Kentucky 1800G. Glenn Clift
KYCensusKentucky 1810 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
KYCensusAn Index to the 1820 Federal Census of Kentucky (Counties Adair-Cumberland)Vol. 1
KYCensusKentucky 1820 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
KYCensusKentucky 1830 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
KYCensusKentucky 1840 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
KYCensusKentucky 1850 CensusRonald Vern Jackson
KYCensus1850 Census, South Central Kentucky - Counties of Adair, Allen, Barren, Clinton, Cumberland and MonroeBarbara, Byron & Samuel Sistler
KYCensusA Surname Index to the 1850 Federal Population Census of Kentucky
KYCensusKentucky 1850 Agricultural Census for Letcher, Lewis, Lincoln, Livingston, Logan, McCracken, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Mason, Meade, Mercer, Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, Muhlenburg and Nelson Counties
KYCensusIndexes to Manufactures Census of 1820 Kentucky
KYCensusKentucky 1890 Veterans Census Index
KYBirthsA Genealogical Collection of Kentucky Birth and Death RecordsVol. 1Sherida D. Eddlemon
KYMarriagesKentucky Marriages 1774-1799No. 2Arlene H. Eakle
KYMarriagesKentucky Marriages 1797-1865G. Glenn Clift
KYMarriagesKentucky Marriage Records
KYCourtsKentucky Court of Appeals Deed Books A-GVol. 1Michael L. Cook & Bettie A. Cook
KYCourtsThe Kentucky Land GrantsVol. 1, Part 1Willard Rouse Jillson
KYCourtsThe Kentucky Land GrantsVol. 1, Part 2Willard Rouse Jillson
KYCourtsA Calendar of the Warrante for Land in Kentucky, Granted for Service in the French and Indian WarPhilip Fall Taylor
KYCourtsKentucky Land Warrants, for the French, Indian, & Revolutionary WarsSamuel M. Wilson
KYCourtsAbstract of Early Kentucky Wills and InventoriesJ. Estelle Stewart King
KYCourtsIndex to Kentucky Wills to 1851: The TestatorsRonald Vern Jackson
KYHistories1847 Collins History of Kentucky This Volume for the Counties of: Caldwell-Calloway and Campbell
KYHistoriesAn Historical Atlas of Kentucky and Her CountiesWendell H. Rone, Sr.
KYHistoriesHistory of Bourbon, Scott, Harrison, & Nicholas Counties, Kentucky
KYHistoriesHistory of Kentucky IllustratedEdition 1J.H. Battle, W.H. Perrin & G.C. Kniffin
KYHistoriesHistory of Kentucky IllustratedEdition 2J.H. Battle, W.H. Perrin & G.C. Kniffin
KYHistoriesHistory of Kentucky IllustratedEdition 3J.H. Battle, W.H. Perrin & G.C. Kniffin
KYHistoriesHistory of Kentucky IllustratedEdition 4J.H. Battle, W.H. Perrin & G.C. Kniffin
KYHistoriesHistory of Kentucky IllustratedEdition 5J.H. Battle, W.H. Perrin & G.C. Kniffin
KYHistoriesHistory of Kentucky IllustratedEdition 6J.H. Battle, W.H. Perrin & G.C. Kniffin
KYHistoriesHistory of Kentucky IllustratedEdition 7J.H. Battle, W.H. Perrin & G.C. Kniffin
KYHistoriesHistory of Kentucky IllustratedEdition 8-AJ.H. Battle, W.H. Perrin & G.C. Kniffin
KYHistoriesHistory of Kentucky IllustratedEdition 8-BJ.H. Battle, W.H. Perrin & G.C. Kniffin
KYHistoriesHistory of Kentucky IllustratedEdition 8-B Index
KYHistoriesHistory of Kentucky IllustratedGeneral HistoryJ.H. Battle, W.H. Perrin & G.C. Kniffin
KYHistoriesMemorial Record of Western KentuckyVols. 1 & 2
KYMilitaryConfederate Pensioners of KentuckyStephen Douglas Lynn
KYMilitaryKentuckians, C.S.A.Singleton B. Bedinger
KYMilitaryKentucky Confederate Veteran and Widows Pension IndexAlicia Simpson
KYMilitaryReport of the Adjutant General of the State of Kentucky Confederate Kentucky Volunteers Civil War 1861-65Vol. 1
KYMilitaryReport of the Adjutant General of the State of Kentucky Confederate Kentucky Volunteers Civil War 1861-65Vol. 2
KYMilitaryReport of the Adjutant General of the State of Kentucky UnionVol. 1, 1861-1866
KYMilitaryThe Orphan Brigade: The Kentucky Confederates Who Couldn't Go HomeWilliam C. Davis
KYMilitaryRevolutionary Soldiers in KentuckyAnderson Chenault Quisenberry
KYMilitaryRoster of the Volunteer Officers and Soldiers from Kentucky in the War of 1812-1815
KYMilitaryThe "Cornstalk" Militia of Kentucky 1792-1811G. Glenn Clift
KYChurchesA Complete Index to Webb's Centenary of Catholicity in KentuckyMary M. Olson
KYObituariesKentucky Obituaries 1787-1854G. Glenn Clift
KYGeneralBible RecordsVol. 1
KYGeneralCountry Roads of KentuckyMary Augusta Rodgers
KYGeneralEarly Settlers and StationsNo. 1Arlene H. Eakle
KYGeneralFulton-Hickman Counties Families
KYGeneralGenealogies of Kentucky Families from The Register of the Kentucky Historical SocietyA-M
KYGeneralGenealogies of Kentucky Families from The Register of the Kentucky Historical SocietyO-Y
KYGeneralKentucky Court and Other RecordsVol. 1Mrs. William Breckenridge Ardery
KYGeneralKentucky Court and Other RecordsVol. 2Mrs. William Breckenridge Ardery
KYGeneralKentucky Family ArchivesVol. 4
KYGeneralKentucky Family ArchivesVol. 5
KYGeneralKentucky Genealogical ResearchGeorge K. Schweitzer, Ph. D., Sc. D.
KYGeneralKentucky Genealogy and BiographyVol. 8
KYGeneralKentucky Index to topographic and other Map Coverage
KYGeneralKentucky Pension Roll of 1835
KYGeneralKentucky Pioneer and Court RecordsMrs. Harry Kennett McAdams
KYGeneralKentucky Pioneers and Their DescendantsIla Earle Fowler
KYGeneralKinfolk: Bedford County, Virginia to Breckinridge County, KentuckyMrs. Opal London Cox
KYGeneralLexington 1779 Pioneer Kentucky As Described by Early SettlersBettye Lee Mastin
KYGeneralOld Kentucky Entries and DeedsWillard Rouse Jillson, Sc.D.
KYGeneralPetitions From Kentucky to the Virginia Legislature 1776 to 1791John Frederick Dorman
KYGeneralThe Green River Country from Bowling Green to Evansville Its Traffic, Its Resources, Its Towns and Its PeopleW.P. Greene
KYGeneralThe Kentucky Gazette 1787-1800Karen Mauer Green
KYGeneralThe Kentucky Gazette 1801-1820Karen Mauer Green
KYGeneralThe Kentucky Locator
KYGeneralThe Kentucky Standard Centennial History Book1900-2000Dixie Hibbs
KYGeneralThe Low Dutch Company: A History of the Holland Dutch Settlements of the Kentucky FrontierVincent Akers
KYGeneralThe Shannon's VaultGlenn D. Shows
KYGeneralWills and Ways: Miscellaneous Kentucky Records
KYPeriodicalsBlue Grass Roots1981-1982 & 1988-1990
KYPeriodicalsBlue Grass Roots 1973-1984 IndexBrian D. Harney
KYPeriodicalsKentucky Ancestors1967-69, 1972-1973, 1981-84
KYPeriodicalsKentucky Ancestors1984-1988
KYPeriodicalsKentucky Ancestors1989-1993
KYPeriodicalsKentucky Ancestors1994-1999
KYPeriodicalsKentucky Explorer1987 & 1990-1994
KYPeriodicalsKentucky Explorer1994-1996
KYPeriodicalsKentucky Explorer1996-1998
KYPeriodicalsKentucky Explorer1998-1999
KYPeriodicalsKentucky Explorer1999-2000
KYPeriodicalsKentucky Family Records1978-1983
KYPeriodicalsKentucky Pioneer Genealogy and Records1985
KYPeriodicalsThe Bulletin1978-1981
KYPeriodicalsThe Bulletin1982-1985
KYPeriodicalsThe Bulletin of the Kentucky Historical Society1984-1988
KYPeriodicalsThe East Kentuckian1984-1989
KYPeriodicalsThe Kentucky Genealogist1980
KYPeriodicalsThe Kentucky Genealogist1980
KYPeriodicalsThe Longhunter1996-2000 & 2003
KYPeriodicalsThe Mountain Empire Genealogical Quarterly1984 & 1986-1987
KYPeriodicalsThe Register of The Kentucky Historical Society1967-1969 & 1972-1973
KYPeriodicalsThe Register of The Kentucky Historical Society1973 & 1975-1977
KYPeriodicalsThe Register of The Kentucky Historical Society1977-1980
KYPeriodicalsThe Register of The Kentucky Historical Society1981-1983
KYPeriodicalsThe Register of The Kentucky Historical Society1983-1985
KYPeriodicalsThe Register of The Kentucky Historical Society1985-1988
KYPeriodicalsThe Register of The Kentucky Historical Society1988-1990
KYPeriodicalsThe Register of The Kentucky Historical Society1991-1993
KYPeriodicalsThe Register of The Kentucky Historical Society1993-1995
KYPeriodicalsThe Register of The Kentucky Historical Society1995-1997
KYPeriodicalsThe Register of The Kentucky Historical Society1988
KYAdairCensus1850 Census of Adair County, KentuckyMrs. Randy H. Flowers & Michael C. Watson
KYAdairMarriagesAdair County, Kentucky Marriages Jan. 1, 1840 to Jan. 1, 1870
KYAdairPeriodicalsAdair County Review1992-1993
KYAllenMarriagesAllen County Kentucky Marriages 1815-1850
KYAllenVitalsAllen County, Kentucky Vital Statistics 1852-1862: Births-Deaths-MarriagesMary Moltenberry Rabold & Elizabeth Moltenberry Price
KYAllenCourtsAllen County, Kentucky Wills and Settlements1815-1902Mary Moltenberry Rabold & Elizabeth Moltenberry Price
KYAllenMilitaryRecord of Pension Papers Granted to Revolutionary War Soldiers who Settled in Allen County in the State of KentuckyAnnie Walker Burns Bell
KYBarrenCensus1880 Barren County, Kentucky Federal CensusHubert Daine Harrison
KYBarrenBirthsBarren County, Kentucky Vital Statistics: Births 1852 through 1859, 1861 and 1878Sandra K. Gorin
KYBarrenDeathsState Archives Kentucky Vital Statistics 1852-1862 Barren County Death of Persons Over Fifteen
KYBarrenCemeteriesBarren County Kentucky Cemetery RecordsVol. 1Eva Coe Peden
KYBarrenCemeteriesBarren County Kentucky Cemetery RecordsVol. 2Eva Coe Peden
KYBarrenGeneralDeaths and Obituaries Barren County, Ky. from the Birdie Lutzow Scrapbooks (Citizens born 1834-1916)Vol. 3Sandra K. Gorin
KYBarrenGeneralThe Times Long Ago Barren County, KentuckyFranklin Gorin
KYBourbonMarriagesBourbon County, Kentucky Marriage Bonds 1786-1835Michael L. Cook
KYBreathittPeriodicalsBreathitt Co. Journal1990
KYBreckinridgeCensus1860 Census Breckenridge County, KentuckyMrs. Avery Boucher
KYBreckinridgeGeneralBreckinridge County RecordsVol. 2Michael Lewis Cook & Bettie Ann Cummings Cook
KYBreckinridgeGeneralBreckinridge County, Kentucky RecordsVol. 3Michael Lewis Cook & Bettie Ann Cummings Cook
KYBreckinridgeGeneralBreckinridge County, Kentucky RecordsVol. 4Michael Lewis Cook & Bettie Ann Cummings Cook
KYButlerCensusButler County, Kentucky 1850 Census
KYButlerGeneralRoaming Throuogh The Hills of Butler County, KentuckyBetty L. Christianson
KYCaseyCensus1850 Census of Casey County, KentuckyGladys Cotham Thomas
KYChristianHistoriesHistory of Christian County, KentuckyWilliam Henry Perrin
KYCumberlandGeneralCumberland County Kentucky Yesterday and TodayRuth Wooten
KYElliottHistoriesThe History of Elliott County, Kentucky
KYEstillCourtsThe Beginning of Estill County 1808-1869: Court RecordsEdward, Kathleen and Carol Lynn Puckett and Ellen & Diane Rogers
KYEstillCemeteriesCemetery Records of Estill Co., Ky. 1808-1976Ellen Rogers & Diane Rogers
KYEstillGeneralResearcher's Surnames from Estill County Historical & Genealogical Society Newsletters 1981-1988
KYEstillPeriodicalsEstill County Historical and Genealogical Society Newsletter1981-1983
KYEstillPeriodicalsEstill County Historical and Genealogical Society Newsletter1983-1985
KYEstillPeriodicalsEstill County Historical and Genealogical Society Newsletter1985-1987
KYEstillPeriodicalsEstill County Historical and Genealogical Society Newsletter1987-1989
KYEstillPeriodicalsEstill County Historical and Genealogical Society Newsletter1989-1991
KYFayetteCommunitiesHistory of Lexington, KentuckyGeorge W. Ranck
KYFayetteGeneralFayette County Kentucky RecordsVol. 1Michael L. Cook & Bettie A. Cummings Cook
KYFultonHistoriesFulton Co. Kentucky 1845
KYGallatinMarriagesMarriages-Bonds-Consents Gallatin County, KY1799-1835Gertruce Earl Hewson
KYGravesMilitaryGraves County, KY Confederate Pension ApplicationsDon Simmons
KYGraysonMarriagesGrayson County MarriagesFrances Terry Ingmire
KYGraysonGeneralGrayson County, Kentucky MiscellaneousFrances Terry Ingmire
KYGreenBirthsGreen County Deaths: Kentucky Vital Records Series 3, Vol. 44Frances Terry Ingmire
KYGreenDeathsGreen County Deaths: Kentucky Vital Records Series 2, Vol. 44Frances Terry Ingmire
KYGreenupBirthsGreenup County Births: Kentucky Vital Records Series 2, Vol. 45Frances T. Ingmire
KYGreenupDeathsGreenup County Deaths: Kentucky Vital Records Series 3, Vol. 45Frances T. Ingmire
KYGreenupMarriagesGreenup County Kentucky Marriage RecordsFrances T. Ingmire
KYGreenupGeneralGreenup County, Kentucky: Natualizations, Revolutionary War Pensions, and Lunacy Inquests 1804-1902Patricia Porter Phillips
KYHancockMarriagesHancock County, Kentucky Marriage Book 1B1829-1857
KYHancockCemeteriesThe Kentucky Lake Cemetery Relocation ProjectJudith Ann Maupin
KYHardinMarriagesHardin County, Kentucky Marriages 1793-1809Mary Josephine Jones
KYHardinMarriagesHardin County, Kentucky Marriages 1820-1829
KYHardinMarriagesHardin County, Kentucky - Part I: Marriage Records 1825-1835 Part II: State Archives - Vital Statistics 1852-1860Frances Terry Ingmire
KYHardinHistoriesChronicles of Hardin County Kentucky 1766-1974
KYHardinHistoriesHaycrafts History of Elizabethtown, KentuckySamuel Haycraft
KYHardinChurches200 Years of Mill Creek History the Church and It's People
KYHardinCemeteriesHardin County, Kentucky Cemetery InscriptionsVol. 1James Allison Jones & Mary Josephine Jones
KYHardinCemeteriesHardin County, Kentucky Cemetery InscriptionsVol. 2James Allison Jones & Mary Josephine Jones
KYHopkinsCourtsHopkins County, Kentucky Wills 1807-1829 and Minute Book
KYHopkinsHistoriesThe Heritage of Hopkins County KentuckyVol. 1 - 1988
KYJeffersonCommunitiesThe Early History of Valley Station, Kentucky
KYJeffersonGeneralJefferson County Kentucky RecordsVol. 1Michael L. Cook & Bettie A. Cummings Cook
KYJeffersonGeneralJefferson County Kentucky RecordsVol. 5Michael L. Cook & Bettie A. Cummings Cook
KYJeffersonPeriodicalsThe Filson Club History Quarterly1935, 1937, 1961, 1987 & 1996
KYJessamineCourtsJessamine County Kentucky Abstracts of Wills 1798-1813Book ATwylia Norvell Foreman
KYJessamineHistoriesA History of Jessamine County, Kentucky, From Its Earliest Settlement to 1989Bennett H. Young
KYLeeVitalsLee County, Kentucky Births, Deaths and Marriages 1874-1878 and 1900-1910Margaret Millar Hayes
KYLeslieHistoriesTrails Into Cutshin Country: A History of the Pioneers of Leslie County, KentuckySadie W. Stidham
KYLoganHistoriesThe Story of Logan CountyEdward Coffman
KYMarshallCemeteriesMarshall County, KY.: CemeteriesVol. 1Elvira B. Lewis
KYMasonMarriagesMason County Kentucky Marriage Bonds & Permissive NotesVol. 1, 1789-1805Sherry Sawyers
KYMasonMarriagesMason County Kentucky Marriage Bonds & Permissive NotesVol. 2, 1806-1817Sherry Sawyers
KYMasonCourtsWill and Probate Records Mason County, Kentucky 1790-1801Elizabeth Prather Ellsberry
KYMasonCemeteriesCemetery Records Mason County, KentuckyVol. 1Elizabeth Prather Ellsberry
KYMeadeGeneralEarly Times In Meade County, KentuckyGeorge L. Ridenour
KYMercerGeneralMercer County Kentucky RecordsVol. 1Michael L. Cook
KYMercerGeneralOld Shakertown and the Shakersdaniel Mae-Hir Hutton
KYMonroeGeneralMonroe Co., KY Directory of Genealogical Records
KYMuhlenbergPeriodicalsThe Muhlenberg County Heritage1986-1993
KYNelsonHistoriesHistoric Nelson CountySarah B. Smith
KYNelsonCemeteriesSt. Joseph Cemetery, Bardstown, Kentucky
KYNelsonPeriodicalsThe Nelson County Genealogist1984-1985
KYNelsonPeriodicalsThe Nelson County Pioneer1977-1987
KYNicholasHistoriesHistory of Nicholas County, KentuckyJoan Weissinger Conley
KYOhioCensusOhio County Kentucky 1860 CensusBobbie H. O'Brien
KYOhioHistoriesHistory of No Creek Ohio County KentuckyHarry D. Tinsley
KYOhioChurchesHighlights and Record of Walton's Creek Baptist Church
KYOhioChurchesRecord of Walton's Creek Baptist Church Ohio County, Kentucky1814-1914
KYOhioCemeteriesOhio County, Kentucky CemeteriesVol. 2
KYOhioGeneralGenealogical Newspaper Columns of Agnes Ashby Ohio County, KentuckyMichael L. Cook
KYOhioGeneralOhio County, Kentucky in the Olden Days: A Series of Old Newspaper Sketches of Fragmentary HistoryHarrison D. Taylor
KYPulaskiHistoriesHistory of Pulaski County KentuckyAlma O. Tibbals
KYRussellCensus1860 Russell Co., KY. Census RecordJames D. Garner
KYScottChurchesA History of the Baptist Church at the Stamping Ground, KY 1795-J.W. Singer
KYSimpsonGeneralSimpson County, Kentucky Families Past and Present 1819-1989
KYTriggMarriagesTrigg Co., KY. Marriage Records1852-1859 + 1861Don Simmons
KYTriggCourtsTrigg Co., KY. DeedsVol. 1Larua Willis
KYTriggCemeteriesTrigg County CemeteriesJudith Ann Maupin
KYTriggGeneralTrigg County, Kentucky Historical RecordsVol. 2Don Simmons
KYWarrenMarriagesWarren County Kentucky Marriages 1797-1850
KYWarrenCourtsDeed Abstracts of Warren County, Kentucky 1791-1812Deed Bks. A1, B2, C3, D4, E5Joyce Martin Murray
KYWarrenCourtsDeed Abstracts of Warren County, Kentucky 1812-1821Deed Bks. F6, G7, H8, I9Joyce Martin Murray
KYWarrenCourtsWarren County Kentucky Will Books A & B1797-1823Mary Moltenberry Rabold & Elizabeth Moltenberry Price
KYWarrenCemeteriesWarren County, Kentucky Cemetery RecordsVol. 1Mary Moltenberry Rabold & Elizabeth Moltenberry Price
KYWayneHistoriesA Century of Wayne County, Kentucky 1800-1900Augusta Phillips Johnson
KYWayneGeneralWayne County, Kentucky Pioneers: Biographcal Sketches and Civil Court RecordsVol. 4June Baldwin Bork
KYWoodfordMarriagesWoodford County Kentucky Marriages1788-1850
KYWoodfordHistoriesHistory of Woodford County, KentuckyWilliam E. Railey
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