HCGS Catalogue – Illinois

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ILCensusIllinois Census Returns 1820Margaret Cross Norton
ILCensusIllinois 1850 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
ILCourtsShawneetown Land District Records1814-1820Lowell M. Volkel
ILHistoriesA History of Southern Illinois: A Narrative Account of Its Historical Progress, Its People, and Its Principal InterestsVol. 2George Washington Smith
ILHistoriesCombined History of Shelby and Moultrie Counties, Illinois
ILHistoriesCounties of Cumberland, Jasper and Richland, Illinois Historical and Biographical Illustrated
ILMilitariesHard Dying Men: The Story of General W.H.L. Wallace, General T.E.G. Ransom, and their "Old Eleventh" Illinois Infantry in the American Civil WarJim Huffstodt
ILMilitariesSoldiers of the American Revolution Buried in Illinois
ILMilitariesWar of 1812 Bounty Lands in Illinois
ILMilitariesGrand Army of the Republic Department of Illinois: Transcription of the Death Rolls, 1879-1947Dennis Northcott & Thomas Brooks
ILYearbookThe Norther 1925
ILGeneralEarly Marriages and Tombstone Inscriptions Bond and Madison Counties, IllinoisJames Alonzo Matthews
ILGeneralGenealogy Society of Southern Illinois: Ancestor ChartsVol. 1
ILGeneralGenealogy Society of Southern Illinois: Ancestor ChartsVol. 2
ILGeneralGenealogy Society of Southern Illinois: Ancestor ChartsVol. 3
ILGeneralGenealogy Society of Southern Illinois: Ancestor ChartsVol. 4
ILGeneralGenealogy Society of Southern Illinois: Ancestor ChartsVol. 5
ILGeneralGuide to Local and Family History at the Newberry LibraryPeggy Tuck Sinko
ILGeneralKaskaskia Under the French RegimeNatalia Maree Belting
ILGeneralKentuckians in IllinoisStuart Seely Sprague
ILGeneralLegends & Lore of Southern IllinoisJohn W. Allen
ILGeneralManual for Illinois Genealogical ResearchPat & Ray Gooldy
ILGeneralShelbyville Democrat (Special Edition)
ILGeneralThe Biographical Review of Johnson, Massac, Pope and Hardin Counties Illinois
ILGeneralThe Pioneers of Winnebago and Boone Counties Illinois who came before 1841Katherine E. Rowland
ILPeriodicalsIllinois State Genealogical Society Quarterly1981
ILPeriodicalsSaga of Southern Illinois1976 & 1979-1981
ILPeriodicalsSaga of Southern Illinois1982-1984
ILPeriodicalsSaga of Southern Illinois1985-1987
ILChristianCemeteriesChristian County, Illinois Cemetery InscriptionsVol. 1
ILChristianCemeteriesUnmarked Graves of Oak Hill Cemetery
ILClarkBirthClark County, Illinois Birth RecordsVol. 1
ILClarkCemeteriesCemetery Records Clark County, Illinois: Auburn, Dolson, Douglas, Parker, & Westfield TownshipsVol. 1
ILClarkCemeteriesCemetery Records Clark County, Illinois: Casey TownshipVol. 2
ILCookCourtsFamily Maps of Cook County, IllinoisDeluxe EditionGregory A. Boyd, J.D.
ILCookGeneralChicago and Cook County Sources: A Genealogical and Historical GuideLoretto Dennis Szucs
ILIroquoisGeneralSt. John the Baptist Catholic Church Records L'Erable, IllinoisBook 1Norma Meier
ILJohnsonGeneralFamily Maps of Johnson County, IllinoisDeluxe EditionGregory A. Boyd, J.D.
ILKankakeeDeathsThe Church of the Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Bourbonnais, Illinois Death Records1847-1985
ILKankakeeMarriagesSt. Anne Catholic Church, St. Anne, Illinois Marriage Records1872-1982Ardis Jensen Boone
ILKankakeeCemeteriesBourbonnais Township Cemetery Book
ILKankakeeGeneralPastor Chiniquy Illinois Apostate & Father Chiniquy's Dying ConfessionJohn Francis Barrett
ILLeeHistoriesHistory of Dixon and Palmyra fro 1827 to 1880
ILMadisonMarriagesMadison County Illinois Marriage Records Index 1813-1850Vol. 1Jane Shelley & Elsie M. Wasser
ILMadisonHistoriesHistories of Madison County, Illinois
ILMasonHistoriesPrelude to Progress: The History of Mason County, Illinois1818-1968Ruth Wallace Lynn
ILMcDonoughHistoriesHistory of McDonough County IllinoisS.J. Clarke
ILMontgomeryPeriodicalsMontgomery County Genealogical Society Quarterly1978-1983
ILMoultrieCommunitiesCentury I: Notes on Sullivan, Illinois1845-1872-1972
ILPeoriaCensus1850 Census Peoria County Illinois
ILPeoriaPeriodicalsPrairie Roots1989-1994
ILPeoriaPeriodicalsPrairie Roots1995-2002
ILPikeCemeteriesCemetery Records of Pike County, Illinois by TownshipsVol. III, 1816-1978
ILRichlandPeriodicalsFoot Prints Past and Present1982 & 1990-1995
ILSangamonHistoriesHistory of the Early Settlers of Sangamon County, IllinoisJohn Carroll Power
ILSangamonCemeteriesThe Cemeteries of Springfield Township
ILSangamonPeriodicalsThe Circuit Rider1986-1992
ILShelbyMarriagesShelby County, Ill. Marriages 1854-1871
ILShelbyMarriagesShelby County, Ill. Marriages 1871-1878
ILShelbyCemeteriesShelby County, Illinois Cemetery InscriptionsVol. III
ILShelbyGeneral1997 Shelbyville Community Calendar
ILShelbyPeriodicalsShelby County Ancestors1978-1985
ILShelbyPeriodicalsShelby County Ancestors1986-1992
ILShelbyPeriodicalsShelby County Ancestors1993-1998
ILShelbyPeriodicalsShelby County Ancestors1999-2002
ILSt. ClairCemeteriesMascoutah City Cemetery St. Clair County, IL
ILSt. ClairPeriodicalsSt. Clair County Genealogical Society Quarterly1982-1996
ILUnionCemeteriesUnion County, CemeteriesVol. 1Darrell Dexter
ILVermilionPeriodicalsIlliana Genealogist1988
ILWashingtonHistoriesWashington County, Illinois - A Pictorial History
ILWillYearbookJoliet High School Annual 1922
ILWillYearbookJoliet High School Annual 1924
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