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USANative Amer.ApacheGeronimo: His Own StoryFrank Turner
USANative Amer.CaddoSource Material on the History and Ethnology of the Caddo IndiansJohn R. Swanton
USANative Amer.CherokeeCherokee by Blood: Records of Eastern Cherokee Ancestry in the U.S. Court of Claims 1906-1910Vol. 1, Applications 1 to 1500Jerry Wright Jordan
USANative Amer.CherokeeCherokee by Blood: Records of Eastern Cherokee Ancestry in the U.S. Court of Claims 1906-1910Vol. 2, Applications 1552 to 4200Jerry Wright Jordan
USANative Amer.CherokeeCherokee by Blood: Records of Eastern Cherokee Ancestry in the U.S. Court of Claims 1906-1910Vol. 3, Applications 4201 to 7250Jerry Wright Jordan
USANative Amer.CherokeeCherokee by Blood: Records of Eastern Cherokee Ancestry in the U.S. Court of Claims 1906-1910Vol. 4, Applications 7251 to 10170Jerry Wright Jordan
USANative Amer.CherokeeCherokee by Blood: Records of Eastern Cherokee Ancestry in the U.S. Court of Claims 1906-1910Vol. 5, Applications 10171 to 13260Jerry Wright Jordan
USANative Amer.CherokeeCherokee by Blood: Records of Eastern Cherokee Ancestry in the U.S. Court of Claims 1906-1910Vol. 6, Applications 13261 to 16745Jerry Wright Jordan
USANative Amer.CherokeeCherokee by Blood: Records of Eastern Cherokee Ancestry in the U.S. Court of Claims 1906-1910Vol. 7, Applications 16746 to 20100Jerry Wright Jordan
USANative Amer.CherokeeCherokee by Blood: Records of Eastern Cherokee Ancestry in the U.S. Court of Claims 1906-1910Vol. 8, Applications 20101 to 23800Jerry Wright Jordan
USANative Amer.CherokeeCherokee by Blood: Records of Eastern Cherokee Ancestry in the U.S. Court of Claims 1906-1910Vol. 9, Applications 23801 to 27800Jerry Wright Jordan
USANative Amer.CherokeeCherokee ConnectionsMyra Vanderpool Gormley
USANative Amer.CherokeeCherokee Emigration Rolls 1817-1835Jack D. Baker
USANative Amer.CherokeeCherokee Intermarried White 1906Vol. 1Jeff fBowen
USANative Amer.CherokeeCherokee Nation Births and Deaths 1884-19011884-1901Dixie Bogle Woodard
USANative Amer.CherokeeCherokee Proud: A Guide to Tracing and Honoring Your Cherokee AncestorsTony Mack McClure
USANative Amer.CherokeeCherokee RootsVol. 1, Eastern Cherokee RollsBob Blankenship
USANative Amer.CherokeeCherokee RootsVol. 2, Western Cherokee RollsBob Blankenship
USANative Amer.CherokeeCWY YE - Cherokee BloodVol. 1Shirley Hoskins
USANative Amer.CherokeeCWY YE - Cherokee BloodVol. 2Shirley Hoskins
USANative Amer.CherokeeDawes Roll "Plus" of Cherokee Nation 1898Bob Blankenship
USANative Amer.CherokeeEastern Cherokee By Blood 1906-1910Vol. 08, Applications 26,100-30,199Jeff Bowen
USANative Amer.CherokeeEastern Cherokee By Blood 1906-1910Vol. 09, Applications 30,200-34,185Jeff Bowen
USANative Amer.CherokeeEastern Cherokee By Blood 1906-1910Vol. 10, Applications 34,186-38,215Jeff Bowen
USANative Amer.CherokeeEastern Cherokee By Blood 1906-1910Vol. 11, Applications 38,216-42,265Jeff Bowen
USANative Amer.CherokeeEastern Cherokee By Blood 1906-1910Vol. 12, Applications 42,266-45,857Jeff Bowen
USANative Amer.CherokeeExploring Your Cherokee Ancestry: A Basic Genealogical Research GuideThomas G. Mooney
USANative Amer.CherokeeGuion Miller Foll "Plus"Bob Blankenship
USANative Amer.CherokeeHistory of the Cherokee IndiansEmmet Starr
USANative Amer.CherokeeOld Cherokee FamiliesVol. 1, Letter Books A-FJack D. Baker & David Keith Hampton
USANative Amer.CherokeeOld Cherokee FamiliesVol. 2, Letter Books G-LJack D. Baker & David Keith Hampton
USANative Amer.CherokeeOld Cherokee FamiliesVol. 3, GrantJack D. Baker & David Keith Hampton
USANative Amer.CherokeeThe Buffalo Ridge Cherokee: A Remnant of a Great Nation DividedHorace R. Rice
USANative Amer.CherokeeThe CherokeesGrace Steele Woodward
USANative Amer.CherokeeThe Confederate Cherokees: John Drew's Regiment of Mounted RiflesW. Craig Gaines
USANative Amer.CherokeeThe Eastern Band of Cherokees 1819-1900John R. Finger
USANative Amer.CherokeeThe Intruders: The Illegal Residents of Cherokee Nation1866-1907Nancy Hope Sober
USANative Amer.CherokeeThe Papers of Chief John RossVol. 1, 1807-1839John Ross & Gary E. Moulton
USANative Amer.CherokeeThe Papers of Chief John RossVol. 2, 1840-1866John Ross & Gary E. Moulton
USANative Amer.CherokeeThe Texas Cherokees: A People Between Two Fires, 1819-1840Dianna Everett
USANative Amer.CherokeeTrail of Tears: The Rise and Fall of the Cherokee NationJohn Ehle
USANative Amer.CherokeeWestern Cherokee Nation of Arkansas & Missouri: A History - A HeritageDoyne Cantrell & Ben Stephens
USANative Amer.ChickasawChickasaw by Blood: Enrollment Cards 1898-1914Vol. 1Jeff Bowen
USANative Amer.ChickasawChickasaw by Blood: Enrollment Cards 1898-1914Vol. 2Jeff Bowen
USANative Amer.ChickasawChickasaw by Blood: Enrollment Cards 1898-1914Vol. 3Jeff Bowen
USANative Amer.ChickasawChickasaw by Blood: Enrollment Cards 1898-1914Vol. 4Jeff Bowen
USANative Amer.ChickasawChickasaw by Blood: Enrollment Cards 1898-1914Vol. 5Jeff Bowen
USANative Amer.ChickasawIndex to Chickasaw RollsValorie Millican
USANative Amer.ChickasawPioneers of Chickasaw Nation, Indian TerritoryNova A. Lemons
USANative Amer.ChickasawThe ChickasawsArrell M. Gibson
USANative Amer.ChoctawApplications for Enrollment of Choctaw Newborn Act of 1905Vol. 8Jeff fBowen
USANative Amer.ChoctawApplications for Enrollment of Choctaw Newborn Act of 1905Vol. 9Jeff fBowen
USANative Amer.ChoctawApplications for Enrollment of Choctaw Newborn Act of 1905Vol. 10Jeff fBowen
USANative Amer.ChoctawChoctaw HeritageBetty Jeanne Ward Poulin
USANative Amer.ChoctawChoctaw Resurgence in Mississippi: Race, Class, and Nation Building in the Jim Crow South, 1830-1977Katherine M.B. Osburn
USANative Amer.ChoctawIndex to Choctaw & Mississippi Choctaw RollsValorie Millican
USANative Amer.ChoctawIndian Records: Choctaw Nation, Indian TerritoryFinal Rolls, Vol. 1Arlene LeMaster
USANative Amer.ChoctawIndian Records: Choctaw Nation, Indian TerritoryFinal Rolls, Vol. 2Arlene LeMaster
USANative Amer.ChoctawIndian Records: Choctaw Nation, Indian TerritoryFinal Rolls, Vol. 3Arlene LeMaster
USANative Amer.ChoctawIndian Records: Choctaw Nation, Indian TerritoryFinal Rolls, Vol. 4Arlene LeMaster
USANative Amer.ChoctawKiamichi of the ChoctawsJune Cullison Otjen
USANative Amer.ChoctawSearching for the Bright Path: The Mississippi Choctaws from Prehistory to RemovalJames Taylor Carson
USANative Amer.ChoctawThe Choctaw Academy: Official Correspondence 1825-1841Joe R. Goss
USANative Amer.ChoctawThe Choctaw Before RemovalCarolyn Keller Reeves
USANative Amer.ChoctawThe Rise and Fall of the Choctaw RepublicAngie Debo
USANative Amer.ChoctawWhites in Skullyville County, Choctaw Nation: Permit Register 1889 - February 19, 1905; ChoctawVol. 222Sandra McKim
USANative Amer.ComancheUnited States-Comanche Relations: The Reservation YearsWilliam T. Hagan
USANative Amer.Creek1832 Creek CensusParson-AbbottJames L. Douthat
USANative Amer.CreekIndex to Creek RollsValorie Millican
USANative Amer.HopiHopi Kachinas: The Complete Guide to Collecting Kachina DollsBarton Wright
USANative Amer.IroquoisThe League of the IroquoisLewis Henry Morgan
USANative Amer.Seminole1900 Indian Territory Seminole Nation
USANative Amer.SeminoleIndex to the Seminole RollsValorie Millican
USANative Amer.SeminoleSeminold Indian Scouts CemeteryJim C. Ames
USANative Amer.SeminoleThe Complete SeminoleJohn E. Ernest
USANative Amer.SiouxIndex to the Devil's Lake Sioux Indian Census Rolls Fort Totten, North Dakota 1898-1904Valorie Millican
USANative Amer.SiouxThe SiouxFoyal B. Hassrick
USANative Amer.A Collections of Plains Indian ChiefsEthel Whiteraven Cousin
USANative Amer.A Student's Guide to Native American GenealogyE. Barrie Kavasch
USANative Amer.American Indian CeremoniesMedicine Hawk & Grey Cat
USANative Amer.American Indian Myths and LegendsRichard Erdoes & Alfonso Ortiz
USANative Amer.American Indians: A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications
USANative Amer.And Still The Waters Run: the Betrayal of the Five Civilized TribesAngie Debo
USANative Amer.Atlas of the Indian NationsAnton Treuer
USANative Amer.Between Two Fires: American Indians in the Civil WarLaurence M. Hauptman
USANative Amer.Births, Deaths and Marriages Abstracted From the "Quanah Tribune Chief"Sept. 29, 1898-May 27, 1909Beth Wilson
USANative Amer.Crazy Horse: The Strange Man of the OglalasMari Sandoz
USANative Amer.Custer BattlefieldRobert M. Utley
USANative Amer.Eastern Oklahoma Indians and PioneersVol. 1Arlene LeMaster
USANative Amer.Eastern Oklahoma Indians and PioneersVol. 2Arlene LeMaster
USANative Amer.Eastern Oklahoma Indians and PioneersVol. 3Arlene LeMaster
USANative Amer.Encyclopedia of Native American TribesCarl Waldman
USANative Amer.Famous Indians: A Collection of Short Biographies
USANative Amer.Frontiersmen in Blue: The United States Army and the Indian, 1848-1865Robert M. Utley
USANative Amer.Guide to Records in the National Archives of the United States Relating to American IndiansEdward E. Hill
USANative Amer.How to Research American Indian Blood LinesCecelia Svinth Carpenter
USANative Amer.How to Research: "A Little Bit of Indian"Afton E. Reintjes
USANative Amer.Indian Depredations in TexasJ.W. Wilbarger
USANative Amer.Indian Nations of North America
USANative Amer.Indian Place NamesJohn Rydjord
USANative Amer.Indian RemovalGrant Foreman
USANative Amer.Indian Reservations: A State and Federal Handbook
USANative Amer.Indian Sign LanguageWilliam Tomkins
USANative Amer.Indian Tribes of TexasJames M. Day, Billy M. Jones, Dayton Kelley, Sandra Myers, W.C. Nunn, Rupert N. Richardson, Harold B. Simpson & Dorman H. Winfrey
USANative Amer.Indian Wars of TexasMildred P. Mayhall
USANative Amer.Indians and IntrudersVol. 1Sharon Standifer Ashton
USANative Amer.Indians and IntrudersVol. 2Sharon Standifer Ashton
USANative Amer.Indians and IntrudersVol. 3Sharon Standifer Ashton
USANative Amer.Indians and IntrudersVol. 4Sharon Standifer Ashton
USANative Amer.Indians of the Eastern Seaboard
USANative Amer.Indians of the Gulf Coast States
USANative Amer.Indians, Infants and Infantry: Andrew and Elizabeth Burt on the FrontierMerrill J. Mattes
USANative Amer.Living Indian Histories: Lumbee and Tuscarora People in North CarolinaGerald Sider
USANative Amer.Marriages 1890-1907 Indian Territory
USANative Amer.Miscellaneous Cherokee and Choctaw Records 1800-1900Bob Curry
USANative Amer.Nancy Ward: Cherokee Chieftainess: her cry was all for peace & Dragging Canoe Cherokee-Chickamauga War Chief: we are
not yet conquered
Pat Alderman
USANative Amer.Native American Genealogical Sourcebook
USANative Amer.Nine Years Among the Indians 1870-1879: The Story of the Captivity and Life oa a Texas Among the IndiansHerman Lehmann
USANative Amer.Our Native American and Their Records of Genealogical ValueVol. 1E. Kay Kirkham
USANative Amer.Our Native American and Their Records of Genealogical ValueVol. 2E. Kay Kirkham
USANative Amer.PocahontasStuart E. Brown, Jr.
USANative Amer.Pocahontas and Her DescendantsWyndham Robertson
USANative Amer.Pocahontas' Descendants: With Corrections and AdditionsStuart E. Brown, Jr., Lorraine F. Myers & Eileen M. Chappel
USANative Amer.Pocahontas' Descendants: With Corrections and Additions, ThirdStuart E. Brown, Jr., & Lorraine F. Myers
USANative Amer.Researching Your Indian RootsLisa Armstrong Gammill
USANative Amer.Scholastic Encyclopedia of the North American IndianJames Ciment & Ronald LaFrance
USANative Amer.Searching for Indian AncestorsKent Carter
USANative Amer.Seminole, Lipan, Cherokee, Creek Indian Scouts, Enlistment RecordsDonald A. Swanson
USANative Amer.Southwestern Indian CeremonialsTom Bahti
USANative Amer.Southwestern Indian TribesTom Bahti
USANative Amer.The Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes in Indian TerritoryVol. 1
USANative Amer.The Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes in Indian TerritoryVol. 2
USANative Amer.The Five Civilized Tribes: Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, SeminoleGrant Foreman
USANative Amer.The Dawes Commission and the Allotment of the Five Civilized Tribes, 1893-1914Kent Carter
USANative Amer.The Geronimo CampaignOdie B. Faulk
USANative Amer.The Indian Heritage of AmericaAlvin M. Josephy, Jr.
USANative Amer.The Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest 1825-1916Vol. 1Dorman H. Winfrey & James M. Day
USANative Amer.The Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest 1825-1916Vol. 2Dorman H. Winfrey & James M. Day
USANative Amer.The Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest 1825-1916Vol. 3Dorman H. Winfrey & James M. Day
USANative Amer.The Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest 1825-1916Vol. 4Dorman H. Winfrey & James M. Day
USANative Amer.The Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest 1825-1916Vol. 5Dorman H. Winfrey & James M. Day
USANative Amer.The Indian Tribes of North AmericaJohn R. Swanton
USANative Amer.The Indians of TexasW.W. Newcomb, Jr.
USANative Amer.The Native American: The Indigenous People of North America
USANative Amer.The Osages: Children of the Middle WatersJohn Joseph Mathews
USANative Amer.The Trail of Broken PromisesCaleb Pirtle, III
USANative Amer.Those Who Cried: The 16000James W. Tyner
USANative Amer.Through Indian Eyes: The Untold Story of Native American Peoples
USANative Amer.Tracing Ancestors Among the Five Civilized Tribes Southeaster Indians Prior to RemovalRachal Mills Lennon
USANative Amer.White Wolf Source book
USAImmigrationA Bibliography of Ship Passenger Lists 1538-1825Harold Lancour
USAImmigrationA List of Emigrants from England to America 1718-1759Jack and Marion Kamnkow
USAImmigrationAmerican Migration GuideJohn W. Heisey
USAImmigrationAmerican Migration Patterns
USAImmigrationAmerican Passenger Arrival RecordsMichael Tepper
USAImmigrationBonded Passengers to AmericaVols. 1-2Peter Wilson Coldham
USAImmigrationBonded Passengers to AmericaVols. 3-4Peter Wilson Coldham
USAImmigrationBonded Passengers to AmericaVols. 5-9Peter Wilson Coldham
USAImmigrationEmigrants From Ireland1847-1852Eilish Ellis
USAImmigrationImmigrant Ancestors: A List of 2,500 Immigrants to America before 1750Frederick Adams Virkus
USAImmigrationImmigrant & Passenger Arrivals
USAImmigrationImmigrants to America Appearing in English RecordsFrank Smith & David Gardner
USAImmigrationImmigrants to New EnglandEthel Stanwood Bolton
USAImmigrationImmigrants to the Middle ColoniesMichael Tepper
USAImmigrationMayflower Passengers 1620Audrey Drummond & Nancy J. Springer
USAImmigrationMorton Allan Directory of European Passanger Steamship Arrivals
USAImmigrationPassenger and Immigration Lists Index2016 SupplementP. William Filby
USAImmigrationPassenger Arrivals1819-1820
USAImmigrationPassenger Lists From Ireland
USAImmigrationPassengers to AmericaMichael Tepper
USAImmigrationSearch for The Passengers of the Mary & John 1630Vol. 04
USAImmigrationSearch for The Passengers of the Mary & John 1630Vol. 11
USAImmigrationSearch for The Passengers of the Mary & John 1630Vol. 13
USAImmigrationShip Passenger Lists: National and New England (1600-1825)Carl Boyer, III
USAImmigrationShip Passenger Lists: New York and New Jersey (1600-1825)Carl Boyer, III
USAImmigrationShip Passenger Lists: Pennsylvanio and Deleware (1641-1825)Carl Boyer, III
USAImmigrationShip Passenger Lists: The South (1538-1825)Carl Boyer, III
USAImmigrationSwedish Passenger Arrivals in New York 1820-1850Nils William Olsson
USAImmigrationSwedish Passenger Arrivals in U.S. Ports 1820-1850 (except New York)Nils William Olsson
USAImmigrationThe Antwerp Emigration IndexCharles M. Hall
USAImmigrationThe Famine Immigrants: Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the Port of New York 1846-1851Vol. 2, Jul 1847-Jun 1948Ira A. Glazier & Michael Tepper
USAImmigrationThe Famine Immigrants: Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the Port of New York 1846-1851Vol. 3, Jul 1848-Mar 1849Ira A. Glazier & Michael Tepper
USAImmigrationThe Famine Immigrants: Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the Port of New York 1846-1851Vol. 4, Apr 1849-Sep 1849Ira A. Glazier & Michael Tepper
USAImmigrationThe Famine Immigrants: Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the Port of New York 1846-1851Vol. 5, Oct 1849-May 1850Ira A. Glazier & Michael Tepper
USAImmigrationThe Famine Immigrants: Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the Port of New York 1846-1851Vol. 6, Jun 1850-Mar 1851Ira A. Glazier & Michael Tepper
USAImmigrationThe Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633Vol. 1Robert Charles Anderson
USAImmigrationThe Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633Vol. 2Robert Charles Anderson
USAImmigrationThe Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633Vol. 3Robert Charles Anderson
USAImmigrationThe Great Migration: Immigrants to New England 1634-1635Vol. 1, A-BRobert Charles Anderson, George F. Sanborn, Jr. & Melinde Lutz Sanborn
USAImmigrationThe Great Migration: Immigrants to New England 1634-1635Vol. 2, C-FRobert Charles Anderson, George F. Sanborn, Jr. & Melinde Lutz Sanborn
USAImmigrationThe Great Migration: Immigrants to New England 1634-1635Vol. 3, G-HRobert Charles Anderson, George F. Sanborn, Jr. & Melinde Lutz Sanborn
USAImmigrationThe Great Migration: Immigrants to New England 1634-1635Vol. 4, I-LRobert Charles Anderson, George F. Sanborn, Jr. & Melinde Lutz Sanborn
USAImmigrationThe Great Migration: Immigrants to New England 1634-1635Vol. 5, M-PRobert Charles Anderson, George F. Sanborn, Jr. & Melinde Lutz Sanborn
USAImmigrationThe Great Migration: Immigrants to New England 1634-1635Vol. 6, R-SRobert Charles Anderson, George F. Sanborn, Jr. & Melinde Lutz Sanborn
USAImmigrationThe Great Migration: Immigrants to New England 1634-1635Vol. 7, T-YRobert Charles Anderson, George F. Sanborn, Jr. & Melinde Lutz Sanborn
USAImmigrationThe Prilgrim Migration: Immigrants to Plymouth Colony 1620-1633Robert Charles Anderson
USAImmigrationThe Royal Descents of 500 Immigrants to the American Colonies or the United StatesGary Boyd Roberts
USAVital1900 Federal Populationa Census
USAVital1910 Federal Population Census, The
USAVitalAmerican Marriage Records Before 1699William Montgomery Clemens
USAVitalFederal Population Censuses 1790-1890
USAVitalIndex to 1890 Census of the United StatesHelen Swenson
USAVitalMap Guide to the U.S. Federal Censuses, 1790-1920William Thorndale & William Dollarhide
USAVitalMarriage Notices 1785-1794 for the Whole United StatesCharles Knowles Bolton
USAVitalMarriages and Deaths 1838-1840: Army and Navy ChronicleSharon Sandifer Ashton
USAVitalMarriages, Deaths and Miscellany, 1833-1837: Military and Naval Magazine of the United States and Army and Navy ChronicleSharon Sandifer Ashton
USAVitalMayflower Descendants and Their Marriages for Two Generations After LandingJohn T. Landis
USAVitalMayflower Marriages From the Files of George Ernest BowmanSusan E. Roser
USAVitalNew England Marriages Prior to 1700Clarence Almon Torrey
USAVitalNorth and South Carolina Marriage Records From the Earliest Colonial Days to the Civil WarWilliam Montgomery Clemens
USAVitalRevolutionary War Period Bible, Family & Marriage Records Gleaned from Pension ApplicationsVol. 20Joel Chan Edmondson & John V. Sobieski
USAVitalSupplement to Torrey's New England Marriages Prior to 1700Melinde Lutz Sanborn
USAVitalSurnames Listed in the 1790 United States CensusJames Savage
USAVitalThird Supplement to Torrey's New England Marriages Prior to 1700Melinde Lutz Sanborn
USANew EnglandAncestral Roots of Sixty Colonists: Who Came to New England between 1623 and 1650Frederick Lewis Weis
USANew EnglandFemale Index to Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New EnglandPatty Barthell Myers
USANew EnglandGenealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New EnglandVol. 1, A-CJames Savage
USANew EnglandGenealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New EnglandVol. 2, D-JJames Savage
USANew EnglandGenealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New EnglandVol. 3, K-RJames Savage
USANew EnglandGenealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New EnglandVol. 4, S-ZJames Savage
USANew EnglandGenealogist's Handbook for New England Research3rd EditionMarcia Wiswall Lindberg
USANew EnglandNew England AncestorsVol. 10, No. 1 - Win 2009
USANew EnglandNew England AncestorsVol. 10, No. 2 - Spr 2009
USANew EnglandNew England AncestorsVol. 10, No. 3 - Sum 2009
USANew EnglandNew England AncestorsVol. 10, No. 4 - Fal 2009
USANew EnglandNew Englanders in the 1600's: A Guide to Genealogical Research Published Between 1980 and 2005Martin E. Hollick
USANew EnglandThe Catalogue to the Circulating Collection of the New England Historic Genealogical SocietyVol. 1, Genealogies A-JDan Hazen & Brenda Stone
USANew EnglandThe Catalogue to the Circulating Collection of the New England Historic Genealogical SocietyVol. 2, Genealogies K-ZDan Hazen & Brenda Stone
USANew EnglandThe Fathers of New EnglandCharles M. Andrews
USAAfrican Amer.A Genealogist's Guid to Discovering Your African American AncestorsFranklin Carter Smith & Emily Anne Croom
USAAfrican Amer.Black Courage: Documentation of Black Participation in the American Revolution1775-1783Robert Ewell Greene
USAAfrican Amer.Black Family Research: Records of Post-Civil War Federal Agencies at the National Archives
USAAfrican Amer.Black GenealogyCharles L. Blockson & Ron Fry
USAAfrican Amer.Black Studies: A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications
USAAfrican Amer.Blacks in the WestW. Sherman Savage
USAAfrican Amer.Booker T. Washington: Up From SlaveryBooker T. Washington
USAAfrican Amer.Finding and Using African American NewspapersTimothy N. Pinnick
USAAfrican Amer.Freedom Colonies: Independent Black Texans in the Time of Jim CrowThad Sitton & James H. Conrad
USAAfrican Amer.From Slavery to Freedom: A History of African Americans7th EditionJohn Hope Franklin & Alfred A. Moss, Jr.
USAAfrican Amer.Hidden in Plain View: A Secret Story of Quilts and the Underground RailroadJacqueline L. Tobin & Raymond G. Dobard
USAAfrican Amer.Lay Down Body: Living History in African American CemeteriesRoberta Hughes Wright & Willbur B. Hughes, III
USAAfrican Amer.List of Free Black Heads of Families in the First Census of the United States 1790Debra L. Newman
USAAfrican Amer.More Than Chattel; Black Women and Slavery in the AmericasDavid Barry Gaspar & Darlene Clark Hine
USAAfrican Amer.Slave Ancestral Research - It's Something ElseMary L. Jackson Fears
USAAfrican Amer.Slave Genealogy: A Research Guide with Case StudiesDavid H. Streets
USAAfrican Amer.The Best of Reclaiming Kin: Helpful Tips of Researching Your RootsRobyn N. Smith
USAAfrican Amer.The Forgotten People: Cane River's Creoles of ColorGary B. Mills
USAAfrican Amer.The Hemingses of MonticelloAnnette Gorndon-Reed
USAOrphanJouneys of Hope: Orphan Train Riders - Their Own Stories1999 Edition
USAOrphanJulius Lahn: Orphan Train Rider 1920 From New York to Hopkins Co., TX
USAOrphanOrphan Anecdotes: A Collection of Stories About Days at Methodist HomeJack Kyle Daniels
USAOrphanOrphan Train Riders: Their Own StoriesVol. 1Mary Ellen Johnson
USAOrphanOrphan Train Riders: Their Own StoriesVol. 2Mary Ellen Johnson
USAOrphanOrphan Train Riders: Their Own StoriesVol. 3Mary Ellen Johnson
USAOrphanOrphan Train Riders: Their Own StoriesVol. 4Mary Ellen Johnson
USAOrphanOrphan Train Riders: Their Own Stories Journeys of HopeVol. 5Mary Ellen Johnson
USAOrphanOrphan Train Riders: Their Own StoriesVol. 6Mary Ellen Johnson
USAOrphanOrphan Train Riders From New York to Texas and Adopted by Czech, German and Polish FamiliesAngelina Genzer Kretzschmar
USAOrphanOrphan Trains & Their Precious Cargo: The Life's World of Rev. H.D. ClarkeClark Kidder
USAOrphanRiders on the Orphan TrainAlison Moore
USAOrphanThe Orphan Trains: Placing Out in AmericaMarilyn Irvin Holt
USAOrphanWhere Did They Come From? - Orphan Train Riders
USAOrphanPeriodicalsCrossroads2000-2003 & 2005
USAGeneralA History of AppalachiaRichard B. Drake
USAGeneralA History of the Irish Settlers in North AmericaThomas D'Arcy McGee
USAGeneralA New History of the American WestRichard White
USAGeneralA Way Through the Wilderness: The Natchez Trace and the Civilization of the Southern FrontierWilliam C. Davis
USAGeneralAlabama and Mississippi Connections: Historical and Biographical Sketches of Families Who Settled on Both Sides of the Tombigbee RiverJudy Jacobson
USAGeneralAmerican AncestryVol. 3
USAGeneralAmerican Colonists in English RecordsGeorge Sherwood
USAGeneralAmerican Loyalist ClaimsVol. 1Peter Wilson Coldham
USAGeneralAmerican Militia in the Frontier Wars, 1790-1796Murtie June Clark
USAGeneralAmerican Plantations and Colonies
USAGeneralAmerican Population Before The Federal Census of 1790Evarts B. Greene & Virginia D. Harrington
USAGeneralAmerican State Papers: Vol. 1, 1789-1809, Public LandsWalter Lowrie & Matthews St. Clair Clarke
USAGeneralAmerican State Papers: Vol. 2, 1809-1815, Public LandsWalter Lowrie & Walter S. Franklin
USAGeneralAmerican State Papers: Vol. 3, 1815-1824, Public LandsWalter Lowrie & Walter S. Franklin
USAGeneralAmerican State Papers: Vol. 4, 1823-1827, Public LandsAsbury Dickins & James C. Allen
USAGeneralAmerican State Papers: Vol. 5, 1827-1829, Public LandsAsbury Dickins & John W. Forney
USAGeneralAmerican State Papers: Vol. 6, 1828-1834, Public LandsAsbury Dickins & John W. Forney
USAGeneralAmerican State Papers: Vol. 7, 1834, Public LandsAsbury Dickins & John W. Forney
USAGeneralAmerican State Papers: Vol. 8, 1835-1837, Public LandsAsbury Dickins & John W. Forney
USAGeneralAmerican State Papers: Vol. 9, 1790-1823, ClaimsWalter Lowrie & Walter S. Franklin
USAGeneralAmerican State Papers, Land Grants and Claims 1789-1837; Grassroots of America: A Computerized Index to the
USAGeneralAmerican SurnamesElsdon C. Smith
USAGeneralAmerican Wills Proved in London1611-1775Peter Wilson Coldham
USAGeneralAmericans of Royal Descent7th EditionCharles H. Browning
USAGeneralAmerica's Families: A Documentary HistoryDonald M. Scott & Bernard Wishy
USAGeneralAn Atlas of Appalachian Trails to the Ohio RiverCarrie Eldridge
USAGeneralAn Atlas of Settlement Between the Appalachian Mountains and The Mississippi-Missouri Valleys 1760-1880Carrie Eldridge
USAGeneralAn Atlas of Southern Trails to the MississippiCarrie Eldridge
USAGeneralAn Index to Some of the Bibles and Family Records of the United StatesVol. 2E. Kay Kirkham
USAGeneralAncestors of American PresidentsGary Boyd Roberts
USAGeneralAncestors: A Teaching Story Using the Families of Cox, Hayes, Hulse, Range, Worley and Others With Suggested LessonsHelen Cox Tregillis
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USAGeneralAncestral Records and PortraitsVol. 1
USAGeneralAncestral Records and PortraitsVol. 2
USAGeneralAppalachia in the Making: The Mountain South in the Nineteenth CenturyMary Beth Pudup, Dwight B. Billings & Altina L. Waller
USAGeneralAssociate Reformed Presbyterian Death & Marriage Notices from The Christian Magazine of the South, The Erskine Miscellany, and The Due West Telescope, 1843-1863Lowry Ware
USAGeneralBefore Germanna: The Ancestry of the Clore, Kaifer and Thomas FamiliesGary J. Zimmerman & Johni Cerny
USAGeneralBefore Germanna: The Ancestry of the Weaver, Utz and Folg FamiliesGary J. Zimmerman & Johni Cerny
USAGeneralBiographical Souvenir of the States of Georgia and FloridaF.A. Battle & Company
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USAGeneralBirths, Deaths & Marriages from El Paso Newspapers for Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma and Indian Territory1891-1895, Vol. 3Jane A Beard
USAGeneralBirths, Deaths & Marriages from El Paso Newspapers for Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma and Indian Territory1896-1899, Vol. 4Jane A Beard
USAGeneralBirths, Deaths & Marriages from El Paso Through 1885
USAGeneralBounty and Donation Lan Grants In British Colonial AmericaLloyd deWitt Bockstruck
USAGeneralBritish Origins of American Colonists, 1629-1775William Dollarhide
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USAGeneralCity, County, Town, and Township Index to the 1850 Federal Census SchedulesJ. Carl Parker
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USAGeneralColonial Families of the United States of AmericaVol. 4George Norbury Mackenzie
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USAGeneralDigested Summary and Alphabetical List of Private ClaimsVol. 2, H-O
USAGeneralDigested Summary and Alphabetical List of Private ClaimsVol. 3, P-Z
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USAGeneralDirectory of Scots in the Carolinas1680-1830David Dobson
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USAGeneralEncyclopedia of American Quaker GenealogyVol. 2, PA and NJWilliam Wade Hinshaw
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USAGeneralEnglish Convicts in Colonial AmericaVol. 2, London: 1656-1775Peter Wilson Coldham
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USAGeneralEnglish Origins of New England Families
USAGeneralEnglish Origins of New England Families
USAGeneralFamilies Directly Descended from All the Royal Families in Europe and Mayflower DescendantsElizabeth M. Leach Rixford
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USAGeneralFirst Settlers of the Louisiana TerritoryVol. 2Carolyn Ericson & Frances Ingmire
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USAGeneralGenealogies of Mayflower FamiliesVol. 1, Adams-FullerGary Boyd Roberts
USAGeneralGeographical Information of Arkansas and Kentucky (1885 Reprint)Mrs. Leister E. Presley
USAGeneralGeorgia, Alabama and South Carolina Papers: Vol. IV of the Draper Manuscript CollectionCraig L. Heath
USAGeneralGermanna Outpost of Adventure 1714-1956John W. Wayland
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USAGeneralGreat River: The Rio Grande in North American HistoryVol. 2, Mexico and the U.S.Paul Horgan
USAGeneralGuide to the Draper ManuscriptsJosephine L. Harper
USAGeneralHereditary Order of Descendant of Colonial GovernorsRobert Glenn Thurtle
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USAGeneralHistorical Southern FamiliesVol. 5John Bennett Boddie
USAGeneralHistorical Southern FamiliesVol. 9John Bennett Boddie
USAGeneralHistorical Southern FamiliesVol. 21Mrs. John Bennett Boddie
USAGeneralHistorical Southern FamiliesVol. 22Mrs. John Bennett Boddie
USAGeneralHistory of the German Settlements and of the Lutheran Church in North and South CarolinaG.D. Bernheim
USAGeneralHistory of the Lost State of FranklinSamuel Cole Williams
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USAGeneralMayflower Families Through Five GenerationsVol. 6John D. Austin
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USAGeneralSurname Index to Sixty-five Volumes of Colonial and Revolutionary PedigreesNo. 27
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USAGeneralThe Dutch & Quaker Colonies in AmericaVol. 2John Fiske
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USAGeneralThe Germanna RecordNo. 10, April 1967
USAGeneralThe Germanna RecordNo. 11, April 1968
USAGeneralThe Germanna RecordNo. 12, January 1970
USAGeneralThe Germanna RecordNo. 13, October 1971
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USAGeneralWomen and Men on the Overland TrailJohn Mack Faragher
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USAPeriodicalsThe Mayflower Descendants: A Magazine of Pilgrim Genealogy and HistoryVol. 36
USAPeriodicalsThe Mayflower Descendants: A Magazine of Pilgrim Genealogy and HistoryVol. 37
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AUSGeneralGenealogical Research in AustraliaAnne Busanich
BRBGeneralBarbados Records: Baptisms 1637-1800Joanne McRee Sanders
CANGeneralAcadian Descendants: Ancestor Charts from Members of the Acadian Genalogy ExchangeJanet Jehn
CANGeneralGenealogical Research in Nova ScotiaTerrence M. Punch
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CZEGeneralCzech Immigration Passenger ListsVol. 9Leo Baca
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IRLGeneralA Genealogical History of the Milesian Families of IrelandB.W. DeCourcy
IRLGeneralA History of the Irish Settlers in North AmericaThomas D'Arcy McGee
IRLGeneralGenealogical Atlas of IrelandDavid E. Gardner, Derek Harland & Frank Smith
IRLGeneralGeneral Alphabetical Index to the Townlands and Towns, Parishes and Baronies of Ireland
IRLGeneralHandbook of Irish Genealogy: How to trace your ancestors and relatives in Ireland
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IRLGeneralIrish PedigreesVol. 1John O'Hart
IRLGeneralIrish PedigreesVol. 2John O'Hart
IRLGeneralIrish Records: Sources for Family & Local HistoryJames G. Ryan
IRLGeneralSurnames in IrelandRobert E. Matheson
IRLGeneralSurnames of IrelandEdward Neafsey
IRLGeneralThe Annals of Ireland by The Four MastersVol. 1Owen Connellan
IRLGeneralThe Annals of Ireland by The Four MastersVol. 2Owen Connellan
IRLGeneralThe Irish In AmreicaMichael J. O'Brien
IRLGeneralThe Story of the Irish PeopleSean O'Faolain
IRLGeneral1987Ireland of the Welcomes
ITAGeneralFinding Italian RootsSecond EditionJohn Philip Colletta
ITAGeneralThe POINT Italian Annual Directory 1996
SCOGeneralA Genealogical Gazetteer of ScotlandFrank Smith
SCOGeneralA Thousand Years of the TartarsE.H. Parker
SCOGeneralClans & TartansJames Mackay
SCOGeneralCollins Encyclopaedia of ScotlandJohn Keay & Julia Keay
SCOGeneralDirectory of Scottich Settlers in North America 1625-1825David Dobson
SCOGeneralHistory of The Western Highlands and Isles of Scotland from A.D. 1493 to A.D. 1625Donald Gregory
SCOGeneralIn Search of Scottish AncestryGerald Hamilton-Edwards
SCOGeneralRobert the Bruce: King of ScotsRobert McNair Scott
SCOGeneralScotch Irish Pioneers in Ulster and AmericaCharles Knowles Bolton
SCOGeneralScotch-Irish Family Research Made SimpleR.G. Campbell
SCOGeneralScotch-Irish Sources for ResearchAfton E. Reintjes
SCOGeneralScottish Clan & Family EncyclopediaGeroge Way of Plean & Romilly Squire
SCOGeneralScottish Clans & TartansIan Grimble
SCOGeneralScottish Clans and TartansNeil Grant
SCOGeneralScottish Family ResearchJ. Konrad
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SCOGeneralShips from Scotland to America 1628-1828Vol. 1David Dobson
SCOGeneralShips from Scotland to America 1628-1828Vol. 2David Dobson
SCOGeneralTartan for Me!Philip D. Smith
SCOGeneralThe Clans & Tartans of Scotland
SCOGeneralThe Clans of the Scottish HighlandsR.R. McIan
SCOGeneralThe Scotch-Irish: A Social HistoryJames G. Leyburn
SCOGeneralThe Scottish Nation or the Surnames, Families, Literature, Honours, and Biographical History of the People of ScotlandVol. T-ZWilliams Anderson
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SCOGeneralThe Surnames of Scotland: Their Origin, Meaning and HistoryGeorge F. Black
SCOGeneralTracing Your Family History in Inverclyde
SCOGeneralTracing Your Scottish AncestryKathleen B. Cory
SCOGeneralTracing Your Scottish Ancestors: A Guide to Ancestry Research in the National Records of Scotland and Scotlands PeopleSeventh Edition
SCOGeneralValley of the ScotsMalcolm Fowler
SCOGeneralWhen Scotland Was JewishElizabeth Caldwell Hirschman & Donald N. Yates
SCOGeneralYour Scottish Ancestry: A Guide for North AmericansSherry Irvine
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SWEGeneralSwedish American GenealogistVol. 15, No. 4 - Dec 1995
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GeneralReference2016 TxSGS Family History Conference, Dallas, Texas
GeneralReference8,000 Little-used Biography and Genealogy SourcesArlene H. Eakle
GeneralReferenceA Bibliography of American County HistoriesP. William Filby
GeneralReferenceA Genealogical and Historical Atlas of the United States of AmericaE. Kay Kirkham
GeneralReferenceA Genealogist's Guide to Discovering Your English AncestorsPaul Milner and Linda Jonas
GeneralReferenceA Genealogist's Guide to Discovering Your Female AncestorsSharon BeBartolo Carmack
GeneralReferenceA Graveyard Preservation PrimerLynette Strangstad
GeneralReferenceA Guide to Genealogical Resources in the Texas State ArchivesTexas State Library
GeneralReferenceA Key to the United States 1880 Federal CensusAmercian Genealogical Lending Library
GeneralReferenceA McLaughlin Guide: Wills Before 1858Eve McLaughlin
GeneralReferenceA Practical Guide to the Misteaks Made in Census IndexesRicahrd H. Saldana
GeneralReferenceA Survey of American Church RecordsRevised Fourth EditionE. Kay Kirkham
GeneralReferenceAbridged Biography and Genealogy Master IndexVol. 1Barbara McNeil
GeneralReferenceAbridged Biography and Genealogy Master IndexVol. 2Barbara McNeil
GeneralReferenceAbridged Biography and Genealogy Master IndexVol. 3Barbara McNeil
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GeneralReferenceAmerican Naturalization Records 1790-1990: What They Are and How to Use ThemJohn J. Newman
GeneralReferenceAmerican OriginsL. G. Pine
GeneralReferenceAmerican Place Names of Long AgoGilbert S. Bahn
GeneralReferenceAn Heraldic AlphabetJ. P. Brooke-Little
GeneralReferenceAn Index to Some of the Family Records of the Southern StatesE. Kay Kirkham
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GeneralReferenceBeginner's Guide to Family History ResearchDesmond Walls Allen and Carolyn Earle Billingsley
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GeneralReferenceBurke's Family RecordsAshworth P. Burke
GeneralReferenceBurke's General ArmorySir Bernard Burke
GeneralReferenceCatalogue of 1900 Federal Population Cesnsus Data Available Through the Census Microfilm Rental Program
GeneralReferenceCemeteries of the U.S.: A Guide to Contact Information for U.S. Cemeteries and Their RecordsDeborah M. Burek
GeneralReferenceCensus Research KitDollarhide Systems
GeneralReferenceCensus Substitutes & State Census Records 3rd Edition: Northeastern States & U.S. TerritoriesVol. 1William Dollarhide
GeneralReferenceCensus Substitutes & State Census Records 3rd Edition: Southeastern StatesVol. 2William Dollarhide
GeneralReferenceCensus Substitutes & State Census Records 3rd Edition: Northcentral StatesVol. 3William Dollarhide
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GeneralReferenceCensus Substitutes & State Census Records 3rd Edition: Western/Pacific States & Nationwide ChapterVol. 5William Dollarhide
GeneralReferenceChaos and ConfusionVincent L. Jones
GeneralReferenceChurch Records: a short reviewEverton Publishing
GeneralReferenceCite Your Sources: A Manual For Documenting Family Histories and Genealogical RecordsRichard S. Lackey
GeneralReferenceCivil War GenealogyGeorge K. Schweitzer
GeneralReferenceCompendium of Historical Sources: The How & Where of American GenealogyRonald A. Bremer
GeneralReferenceConfederate Research Sources: A Guide to Archive CollectionsJames C. Nealgles
GeneralReferenceDating Old Photographs1840-1929Family Chronicle Magazine
GeneralReferenceDating Old Photographs, More1840-1929Family Chronicle Magazine
GeneralReferenceDictionary of Historic DocumentsRevided EditionGeorge Child's Kohn
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GeneralReferenceDirectory of Family Associations3rd EditionElizabeth Petty Bentley
GeneralReferenceDNA & GenealogyColleen Fitzpatrick & Andrew Yeiser
GeneralReferenceEvidence!: Citation & Analysis for the Family HistorianElizabeth Shown Mills
GeneralReferenceFamily History with Name Origin and Lineage Lines - Ward
GeneralReferenceFamily Names: How Our Surnames Came to AmericaJ.N. Hook
GeneralReferenceFamily Names: The Origins, Meanings, Mutations, and History of More than 2,800 American NamesJ.N. Hook
GeneralReferenceFamily Reunion Handbook: A Guide for Reunion PlannersBarbara Brown
GeneralReferenceFinding Answers in U.S. Census RecordsLoretto Dennis Szucs & Matthew Wright
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GeneralReferenceFinding Your Roots: How Every American Can Trace His Ancestors-At Home and AbroadJeane Eddy Westin
GeneralReferenceFirst Steps in Genealogy: A Beginner's Guide to Researching Your Family HistoryDesmond Walls Allen
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GeneralReferenceGenealogical & Local History Books in PrintVol. 1Netti Schreiner Yantis
GeneralReferenceGenealogical & Local History Books in PrintVol. 2Netti Schreiner Yantis
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GeneralReferenceGenealogical Publications of the National Genealogical SocietyNo. 3National Genealogical Society
GeneralReferenceGenealogical Publications of the National Genealogical SocietyNo. 12
GeneralReferenceGenealogical Records: Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, KentuckyByron Sistler & Associates
GeneralReferenceGenealogical Resources of the Civil War EraWilliam Dollarhide
GeneralReferenceGenealogical Source HandbookGeorge K. Schweitzer
GeneralReferenceGenealogies Cataloged by the Library of Congress Since 1986Library of Congress
GeneralReferenceGenealogy 101: How to Trace Your Family's History and HeritageBarbara Renick
GeneralReferenceGenealogy Online5th EditionElizabeth Powell Crowe
GeneralReferenceGenealogy Times and Seasons: Bicentennial Commemoration of the U.S. Census1790-1990Accelerated Indexing Systems
GeneralReferenceGenetic Connections: A Guide to Documenting Your Individual and Family Health HistoryDanette L. Nelson-Anderson
GeneralReferenceGenetic Genealogy in PracticeBlaine T. Bettinger & Debbie Parker Wayne
GeneralReferenceGetting Started: How to Begin Researching Your Family HistoryAnne Ross Balhuizen
GeneralReferenceGetting the Most Mileage From Genealogical Research Trips2nd editionJames W. & Paula Stuart Warren
GeneralReferenceGetting the Most Out of Family OriginsBruce Buzbee
GeneralReferenceGrassroots of AmericaPhillip W. McMullin
GeneralReferenceGuide to Genealogical Research in the National ArchivesNational Archives
GeneralReferenceGuide to Hispanic GenealogyPatsy Ludwig and Norma Flores
GeneralReferenceHandbook for Genalogical CorrespondenceCache Genealogical Library
GeneralReferenceHandbook of Genealogical SourcesGeorge K. Schweitzer
GeneralReferenceHandy Tips for Genealogical Research in ScotlandEverton Publishing
GeneralReferenceHandy Tips on U.S. Military RecordsEverton Publishing
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GeneralReferenceHandy Tips To Your Genealogical Research in Southern Records
GeneralReferenceHidden Sources: Family History in Unlikely PlacesLaura Szucs Pfeiffer
GeneralReferenceHistory for Genealogists: Using Chronological Time Lines to Find and Understand Your AncestorsJudy Jacobson
GeneralReferenceHistory of the U.S. Postal Service1775-1984
GeneralReferenceHow to Archive Family KeepsakesDenise May Levenick
GeneralReferenceHow to Climb Your Family Tree - Genealogy for BeginnersHarriet Stryker-Rodda
GeneralReferenceHow to Locate Anyone Anywhere Without Leaving HomeTad L. Gunderson
GeneralReferenceHow to Locate Anyone Who is or Has Been in the Military5th EditionLt. Col. Richard S. Johnson
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GeneralReferenceHow to Trace Your Family Tree in England, Ireland, Scotland and WalesKathy Chater
GeneralReferenceI Dream of Genealogy (Audio Cassettes)Repeat Performance
GeneralReferenceImmigrant Arrivals: A Guide to Published SourcesLibrary of Congress
GeneralReferenceIn Search of Confederate Ancestors: The GuideJ. H. Segars
GeneralReferenceIndex to American GenealogiesJoel Mussell's Sons
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GeneralReferenceMelungeons: Yesterday and TodayJean Patterson Bible
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GeneralReferenceMilitary Bounty Land 1776-1855Christine Rose
GeneralReferenceMilitary Service Records: A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm PublicationsNARA
GeneralReferenceMilitary Service Records at the National ArchivesNARA
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GeneralReferenceMy History is America's History: 15 Things You Can Do To Save America's StoriesNational Endowment for the Humanities
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GeneralReferenceNew Dictionary of American Family NamesElsdon C. Smith
GeneralReferenceNewspaper Genealogical Column DirectoryFourth EditionAnita Cheek Milner
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GeneralReferenceNGS Research in the States Series: TexasKelvin L. Meyers
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GeneralReferenceOn Teaching GenealogyFran Carter
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GeneralReferencePlace GuideDonna Andriot
GeneralReferencePrinted Sources: A Guide to Published Genealogical RecordKory L. Meyerink
GeneralReferenceProducing a Quality Family HistoryPatricia Law Hatcher
GeneralReferenceProfessional Skills: be far better informed than ever before!Family History World
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GeneralReferenceRecord and Remember: Tracing Your Roots Through Oral HistoryEllen Robinson Epstein and Rona Mendelsohn
GeneralReferenceRecording Your Family History: A Guide to Preserving Oral HistoryWilliam Fletcher
GeneralReferenceRecords and Records Searching: A Guide to the Genealogist and TopographerWalter Rye
GeneralReferenceRed Book: American State, County, and Town SourcesThird EditionAlice Eichholz
GeneralReferenceReport on a Journey to the Western States of North America and a Stay of Several Years Along the Missouri (During the Years
1824, '25, 26, 1827)
Gottfried Duden
GeneralReferenceResearch in the Land Entry Files of the General Land OfficeNARA
GeneralReferenceResearching Church Records in AmericaRay Gooldy
GeneralReferenceRevolutionary War GenealogyGeorge K. Schweitzer
GeneralReferenceRoots for Kids: A Genealogy Guide for Young PeopleSusan Provost Beller
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GeneralReferenceStories in Stone: A Field Guide to Cemetery Symbolism and IconographyDouglas Keister
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GeneralReferenceThe Archives: A Guide to the National Archives Field BranchesNARA
GeneralReferenceThe Beginner's Guide to Using Tax ListsCornelius Carroll
GeneralReferenceThe Book of the StatesVincent Wilson Jr.
GeneralReferenceThe Cemetery Record CompendiumJohn D. and E. Diane Stemmons
GeneralReferenceThe Center: A Guide to Genealogical Research in the National Capital AreaChristina K. Schaefer
GeneralReferenceThe Civil War on the Web: A Guide to the Very Best SitesWilliam C. Thomas
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GeneralReferenceWPA - Works Progress AdministrationFran Carter-Walker
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