HCGS Catalogue – Arkansas

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ARCensusArkansas 1820 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
ARCensusArkansas 1830 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
ARCensusArkansas 1840 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
ARCensusArkansas 1850 CensusRonald Vern Jackson
ARCensusArkansas Census 1850 Surname Index
ARCensusArkansas 1860 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
ARCensusArkansas 1870 Census IndexRonald Vern Jackson
ARCensusArkansas 1911 Census of Confederate VeteransVol. 1, Surnames A thru DBobbie J. McLane & Capitola Glazner
ARCensusArkansas 1911 Census of Confederate VeteransVol. 2, Surnames E thru McBobbie J. McLane & Capitola Glazner
ARCensusArkansas 1911 Census of Confederate VeteransVol. 3, Surnames M thru ZBobbie J. McLane & Capitola Glazner
ARCensusArkansas 1911 Census of Confederate Veterans: An Index to the Three VolumesBobbie Jones McLane
ARCensusArkansas Sheriff's Censuses 1823 & 1829Ronald Vern Jackson
ARBirthsArkansas Prior Birth Index Vol.I
ARBirthsArkansas Prior Birth Index Vol. II
ARBirthsArkansas Prior Birth Index Vol. III
ARBirthsArkansas Prior Birth Index Vol.. IV
ARBirthsArkansas Prior Birth Index Vol. V
ARBirthsArkansas Prior Birth Index Vol. VI
ARBirthsArkansas Prior Birth Index Vol. VII
ARBirthsArkansas Prior Birth Index Vol. VIII
ARBirthsArkansas Prior Birth Index Vol. IX
ARBirthsArkansas Prior Birth Index Vol. X
ARBirthsArkansas Prior Birth Index Vol. XI
ARDeaths1850 Mortality Schedules of ArkansasBobbie Jones McLane & Capitola Hensley Glazner
ARDeaths1860 Mortality Schedules of ArkansasCapitola Hensley Glazner & Bobbie Jones McLane
ARDeaths1870 Mortality Schedules of ArkansasCapitola Hensley Glazner & Bobbie Jones McLane
ARDeaths1880 Mortality Schedules of ArkansasCapitola Hensley Glazner & Bobbie Jones McLane
ARDeathsArkansas Death Record Index, 1914-1923
ARDeathsArkansas Death Record Index, 1924-1933
ARDeathsArkansas Death Record Index, 1934-1940
ARMarriagesArkansas Marriage Notices 1819-1845James Logan Morgan
ARMarriagesArkansas Marriage Records 1808-1835James Logan Morgan
ARCourtsArkansas Land Patents: Grant and Saline Counties (granted through 30 Jun 1908)Desmond Walls Allen & Bobbie Jones McLane
ARCourtsArkansas Land Patents: Lonoke and Prairie Counties (granted through 30 June 1908)Desmond Walls Allen & Bobbie Jones McLane
ARCourtsIndex to the Arkansas General Land Office 1820-1907Vol. 1Sherida K. Eddlemon
ARCourtsIndex to the Arkansas General Land Office 1820-1907Vol. 2Sherida K. Eddlemon
ARCourtsIndex to the Arkansas General Land Office 1820-1907Vol. 3Sherida K. Eddlemon
ARCourtsIndex to the Arkansas General Land Office 1820-1907Vol. 4Sherida K. Eddlemon
ARCourtsIndex to the Arkansas General Land Office 1820-1907Vol. 5Sherida K. Eddlemon
ARCourtsIndex to the Arkansas General Land Office 1820-1907Vol. 6Sherida K. Eddlemon
ARCourtsIndex to the Arkansas General Land Office 1820-1907Vol. 7Sherida K. Eddlemon
ARCourtsIndex to the Arkansas General Land Office 1820-1907Vol. 8Sherida K. Eddlemon
ARCourtsIndex to the Arkansas General Land Office 1820-1907Vol. 9Sherida K. Eddlemon
ARCourtsIndex to the Arkansas General Land Office 1820-1907Vol. 10Sherida K. Eddlemon
ARCourtsJackson, Lawrence and Woodruff Counties thru 30 June 1908Desmond Walls Allen & Bobbie Jones McLane
ARCourtsOriginal Land Purchasers Southwest Arkansas since 1826Book 1
ARCourtsArkansas Tax Lists 1819-1829Ronald Vern Jackson
ARCourtsArkansas Tax Lists 1830-1839Ronald Vern Jackson
ARHistoriesA Reminiscent History of The Ozark Region(Goodspeed)
ARHistoriesBiographical and Historical Memoirs of Eastern Arkansas(Goodspeed)
ARHistoriesBiographical and Historical Memoirs of Northeast Arkansas(Goodspeed)
ARHistoriesBiographical and Historical Memoirs of Northwest ArkansasMrs. Leister E. Presley (Goodspeed)
ARHistoriesBiographical and Historical Memoirs of Pulaski, Jefferson, Lonoke, Faulkner,
Grant, Saline, Perry, Garland, and Hot Springs Counties, Arkansas, Comprising A
Condensed History of the State…Biographies of Distinguished Citizens…(etc.)
ARHistoriesBiographical Index to Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Northeastern Arkansas and Northwestern ArkansasMrs. Leister E. Presley (Goodspeed)
ARHistoriesBiographical Index to Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Western ArkansasMrs. Leister E. Presley
ARHistoriesFrom Memdag to Norsk: A Historical Directory of Arkansas Post Offices 1832-1971Russell Pierce Baker
ARHistoriesHistorical Atlas of ArkansasGerald T. Hanson & Carl H. Moneyhon
ARHistoriesHistorical Report of the Arkansas Secretary of State 1998Sharon Priest
ARHistoriesThe Goodspeed Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Southern Arkansas:
Clark, Miller, Sevier, Howard, Pike, Lafayette, Hempstead, Columbia, Little River,
Cleveland, Ouchita, Dallass, Bradley, Calhoun, Union, Ashley, Drew, Lincoln,
Desha, and Chicot Counties
ARMilitaryArkansas Confederate Veterans and Widows Pension ApplicationsFrancis T. Ingmire
ARMilitaryArkansas Confederate Pension Applications from Carroll, Baxter, Boone, Madison, Marion, Newston and Searcy CountiesDesmond Walls Allen
ARMilitariesConfederate Pension Applications from Jackson, Lonoke, Prairie, White, and Woodruff CountiesDesmond Walls Allen
ARMilitaryEmbattled Arkansas: The Prairie Grove Campaign of 1862Michael E. Banasik
ARMilitaryRugged and Sublime: The Civil War in ArkansasMark K. Christ
ARMilitaryArkansas' Mexican War SoldiersDesmond Walls Allen
ARMilitaryArkansas' Spanish American War SoldiersDesmond Walls Allen
ARChurchesA Century of Service: Union Baptist Association1872-1972
ARChurchesCentennial History of Arkansas MethodismJames A. Anderson, D.D., LL.D.
ARCivic Org.Roster of the Arkansas Society DAR and Register of Ancestors
ARCemeteriesCemetery Inscriptions in Southwest ArkansasVol. 1John Purnell Frazier
ARCemeteriesCemetery Inscriptions Published in Thirty Years of the Arkansas Family HistorianLewis E. Roberts
ARCemeteriesFt. Smith Arkansas National Cemetery
ARCemeteriesHempstead & Nevada Counties, Arkansas Cemetery InscriptionsVol. 1Hilton Treas & John Calvin Head
ARCemeteriesTombstone Inscriptions in Southwest ArkansasVol. 2John Purnell Frazier
ARObituariesThe Arkansas Gazette Obituaties Index 1819-1879Stephen J. Chism
ARObituariesObituary Index from Arkansas Health Sciences PublicationsEdwina Walls, Rita Anderson & Jeannette M. Shorey
ARSchoolHempstead's School History of ArkansasFay Hempstead
ARGeneral100---Story of the Century--History of Fort Chafee, Arkansas
ARGeneral1885 Map of Arkansas with Alphabetical List of Towns & Counties
ARGeneralArkansas Catalog of topographic and other Published Maps
ARGeneralArkansas Families: Glimpses of Yesterday Columns from The Arkansas GazetteLucy Marion Reaves
ARGeneralArkansas Gazette The Early Years, 1819-1866Margaret Ross
ARGeneralArkansas Genealogical Society's Resource Directory1992-1993Desmond Walls Allen & Bobbie Jones McLane
ARGeneralArkansas Genealogical Society's Resource Directory1995-1996Desmond Walls Allen & Bobbie Jones McLane
ARGeneralArkansas Index to topographic and other Map Coverage
ARGeneralArkansas Newspaper Abstracts 1819-1845James Logan Morgan
ARGeneralArkansas Pensioners 1818-1900Dorothy E. Payne
ARGeneralArkansas Place NamesEarnie Deane
ARGeneralArkansas RecordsRichard Carlton Fulcher & Linda Carolyn Allen Suber
ARGeneralArkansas Township Atlas: A History of the Minor Civil Divisions in Each Aransas CountyRussell Pierce Baker
ARGeneralBeaver Lake Area - Past and Present
ARGeneralBiographical Family History of Southwest ArkansasVol. 1
ARGeneralBiographical Index to Historical Review of ArkansasVols. 2 & 3Kaye Snowden
ARGeneralGenealogists' Arkansas Address BookDesmond Walls Allen
ARGeneralGuide to Microfilmed Couty Records at the Arkansas History CommissionRussell Pierce Baker
ARGeneralHistory of the Arkansas Press for a Hundred Years and MoreFred W. Allsopp
ARGeneralLife In Arkansas: The First 100 Years
ARGeneralPioneer Days in ArkansasS.H. Chester
ARGeneralPioneers and Makers of ArkansasJosiah H. Shinn
ARGeneralPolitics On The Southwestern Frontier: Arkansas Territory, 1819-1836Lonnie J. White
ARGeneralThe Arkansas Family Historian Ancestor Charts
ARGeneralThe History of Lawrence, Jackson, Independence and Stone CountiesS.W. Stockard
ARPeriodicalsArkansas Genealogical Research Aid1966
ARPeriodicalsArkansas Genealogical Society: Celebrating our 40th Anniversary2002
ARPeriodicalsArkansas Historical Quarterly1992-1994
ARPeriodicalsResearchin' Ouachita-Calhoun Counties AR1981-1988
ARPeriodicalsThe Arkansas Family Historian1962 & 1981-1984
ARPeriodicalsThe Arkansas Family Historian1985-1989
ARPeriodicalsThe Arkansas Family Historian1990-1995
ARPeriodicalsThe Arkansas Family Historian1996-2000
ARPeriodicalsThe Arkansas Family Historian2001-2006
ARPeriodicalsThe Looking Glass1980-1984
ARPeriodicalsThe Looking Glass1984-1988
ARPeriodicalsThe Looking Glass1988-1990
ARPeriodicalsThe Looking Glass1991-1993
ARPeriodicalsThe Melting Pot1984
ARPeriodicalsThe Mountain Signal1989-2001
ARPeriodicalsThe Old Time Chronicle1989-1996 (various)
ARArkansasHistoriesHistory of Arkansas County, Arkansas 1541-1875W.H. Hallie Burton
ARBentonMarriagesMarriages of Benton County, Arkansas 1860-1877Verba Joe Pearce & Gail Scott
ARBentonCommunitiesElkhorn Tavern 1860, The Pea Ridge ComminityPatrick & Sharolyn McCoy
ARBentonObituariesObituaries of Benton County Arkansas 1884-1898Vol. 1Barbara P. Easley
ARBoonePeriodicalsGlimpse of Yesteryear1982
ARCalhoun MarriagesMarriage Books "A" and "B" 1851-1879 Calhoun County, ARMrs. Mollie Grant
ARCalhoun CemeteriesCalhoun County Cemetery RecordsMollie Weisinger Grant
ARCarrollMarriagesCarroll County, Arkansas Historic Marriage IndexShirley Hamby Pyron & Jim Lair
ARCarrollCourtsFamily Maps of Carroll County, ArkansasGregory A. Boyd, J.D.
ARCarrollHistoriesA Pictorial History of Carroll County, Arkansas
ARCarrollPeriodicalsCarroll County Historical Quarterly1985-1992
ARCarrollPeriodicalsCarroll County Historical Quarterly1993-1998
ARCarrollPeriodicalsCarroll County Historical Quarterly1999-2004
ARCarrollPeriodicalsCarroll County Historical Quarterly2005-2010
ARCarrollPeriodicalsCarroll County Historical Quarterly2011-2015
ARClarkCensusU.S. Census 1850 Clark County, ArkansasBobbie Jones McLane
ARClarkMarriagesMarriage Records 1821-1879 Clark County, ArkansasBobbie Jones McLane
ARClarkMarriagesMarriage Licenses of Clark Co. Arkansas (Unclaimed)
ARClarkCourtsArkansas Land Patents: Clark CountyDesmond Walls Allen & Bobbie Jones McLane
ARClarkObituariesClark County, Arkansas Obituaries and Death Notices 1869-1900Vol. 1Allen B. Syler & Bobbie Jones McLane
ARClarkGeneralClark County, Arkansas: A Genealogical Source BookPaula Williams Wright & Barbara McDow Caffee
ARClarkGeneralClark County Arkansas Past and PresentWendy Richter
ARClarkGeneralClark County, Arkansas Vol. 1Pauline Williams Wright & Barbara McDow Caffee
ARClarkGeneralClark County, Arkansas Vol. 2Pauline Williams Wright & Barbara McDow Caffee
ARClarkGeneralThw Way we were--A Pictorial History of Clark Co., ArkansasJoe May
ARClayGeneralLife & Times from The Clay County Courier Newspaper, 1902-1903 Published in Corning, ArkansasCathy Barnes
ARColumbiaCourtsFamily Maps of Columbia County, ArkansasGregory A. Boyd, J.D.
ARColumbiaHistoriesHistory of Columbia County ArkansasNettie Hicks Killgore
ARColumbiaHistoriesReflections of Magnolia and Columbia County 1850-1996
ARColumbiaChurchesHistory of the Columbia Congregation Of the Christian Church Columbia County Arkansas 1873-1898
ARColumbiaCemeteriesColumbia County, Arkansas CemeteriesMarcia Chapman & Doris Fletcher
ARColumbiaObituariesColumbia County, Arkansas Obituary Index 1948-2004Marcia Chapman & Rebecca Wilson
ARColumbiaGeneralColumbia County, Arkansas: Columbia County, Arkansas, Magnolia, Arkansas, Emerson, Arkansas, Waldo, Arkansas, Mcneil, Arkansas, Taylor
ARColumbiaGeneralImages of America Columbia CountyLaura J. Cleveland, MLIS & Dana Thornton
ARCraigheadHistoriesThe History of Craighead County ArkansasHarry Lee Williams
ARCraigheadGeneralGenealogical Gleanings from Newspaper Files of Jonesboro, Arkansas 1885-1887James Logan Morgan
ARCraigheadGeneralPictoral History of Craighead County, Arkansas
ARCraigheadPeriodicalsThe Craighead County Historical Quarterly1967
ARCraigheadPeriodicalsThe Craighead County Historical Quarterly1970
ARCrawfordGeneralCrawford County, Arkansas Biographical and Historical Memoirs(Goodspeed)
ARDallasHistoriesMemories of Old Dallas
ARDrewCommunitiesBeyond Bartholomew: The Portland Area HistoryRebecca DeArmond-Huskey
ARFaulknerSchoolHendrix College: The Move From Altus to ConwayRobert W. Meriwether
ARFranklinCensusFranklin County Arkansas 1870 United States CensusBill Hanks & Margaret Harrison Hubbard
ARFultonCemeteriesCemeteries of Fulton County Arkansas
ARGarlandCemeteriesGarland County, Arkansas Tombstone Inscriptions: EasternVol. 1Inez E. Cline & Bobbie Jones McLane
ARGarlandCemeteriesGarland County, Arkansas Tombstone Inscriptions: WesternVol. 2Inez E. Cline & Bobbie Jones McLane
ARGarlandCemeteriesGarland County, Arkansas Tombstone Inscriptions: City of Hot Springs, ArkansasVol. 3Inez E. Cline & Bobbie Jones McLane
ARGarlandPeriodicalsThe Record1976
ARGarlandPeriodicalsThe Record1977
ARGarlandPeriodicalsThe Record1979
ARGarlandPeriodicalsThe Record1980
ARGarlandPeriodicalsThe Record1981
ARGarlandPeriodicalsThe Record1982
ARGarlandPeriodicalsThe Record1983
ARGarlandPeriodicalsThe Record1984
ARGarlandPeriodicalsThe Record1985
ARGrantHistoriesOur Timberland Home: A History of Grant CountyElwin L. Goolsby
ARGrantCommunitiesCentennial Album 1880-1980 with supplementT.W. Wilson, D.C.
ARGrantSchoolA History of Sheridan School District 1879-1979Elwin L. Goolsby & Bobbie Nelson Graves
ARGrantGeneralFamily Maps of Grant County, ArkansasGregory A. Boyd, J.D.
ARGrantGeneralGolden Memories A Photographic Album of Grant County, ArkansasElwin Leonard Goolsby & Kay Mosley Goolsby
ARGrantGeneralThe Teeth of the Bradley-Rushing Building and other stories.Elwin L. Goolsby
ARGreeneCensusGreene County Arkansas 1920 Federal Census
ARGreenePeriodicalsThe Green County Historical Quarterly1971
ARHempsteadCensusHempstead County, Arkansas United States Census of 1850Bobbie Jones McLane
ARHempsteadCensusHempstead County, Arkansas United States Census of 1870
ARHempsteadCensusHempstead County, Arkansas United States Census of 1880
ARHempsteadCensusHempstead County, Arkansas United States Census of 1900
ARHempsteadMarriagesMarriage Records 1817-1875 Hempstead County ArkansasMrs. Capitola Glazner & Mrs. Gerald B. McLane
ARHempsteadMarriagesMarriages Hempstead County, Arkansas 1875-1900
ARHempsteadCourtsFamily Maps of Hempstead County, ArkansasGregory A. Boyd, J.D.
ARHempsteadCourtsHempstead County, Arkansas Index to the 1890 Tax Receipts Record Book
ARHempsteadHistoriesWashington, Arkansas: History on the Southwest TrailMary Medearis
ARHempsteadCemeteriesHempstead County, Arkansas CemeteriesBook 1
ARHempsteadCemeteriesHempstead County, Arkansas CemeteriesBook 2
ARHempsteadCemeteriesHempstead County, Arkansas CemeteriesBook 3
ARHempsteadCemeteriesHempstead County, Arkansas CemeteriesBook 4
ARHempsteadGeneralLineage Charts and Family Group SheetsVol. 1
ARHempsteadGeneralLineage Charts and Family Group SheetsVol. 2
ARHempsteadPeriodicalsHempstead Trails1990-1998
ARHempsteadPeriodicalsHempstead Trails1999-2006
ARHot SpringsMarriagesHot Springs County Arkansas Marriages 1825-1853
ARHot SpringsMarriagesMarriage Records Hot Springs County, Arkansas 1825-1900
ARHot SpringsCemeteriesHeadstone History Cemetery Inscriptions Hot Springs County, Arkansas West of the Ouachita RiverVol. 1
ARHot SpringsCemeteriesHeadstone History Cemetery Inscriptions Hot Springs County, Arkansas East of the Ouachita RiverVol. 3
ARIndependenceMarriagesIndependence County, Arkansas Marriage Records 1877-1898Betty Helms-Vinski & Joan Cole Clark
ARIndependenceMarriagesIndependence County, Arkansas Marriages 1899-1909Joan Cole Clark & Betty Helms Vinski
ARIndependenceCourts1890 Personal Property Tax Assessment List for Independence County, ArkansasNancy Britton & Nana Farris
ARIndependenceHistoriesA History of Batesville and Independence County ArkansasVol. 1, 1840-1907Gary Perkey
ARIndependenceCemeteriesCemetery Records of Independence Co., ArkansasChalman & Mae Chinn Green
ARIndependenceGeneralA History of Independence County ArkansasA.C. McGinnis
ARIndependenceGeneralIndependence Pioneers 1836-1986Vol. 1Nancy Britton
ARIndependenceGeneralIndependence Pioneers 1836-1986Vol. 2Nancy Britton
ARIndependencePeriodicalsBits of Bark From The Family Tree1990-1999
ARIndependencePeriodicalsBits of Bark From The Family Tree2000-2007
ARIndependencePeriodicalsBits of Bark From The Family Tree2008-2015
ARIndependencePeriodicalsThe Independence Chronicle1979
ARIndependencePeriodicalsThe Independence Chronicle1985-1986
ARIndependencePeriodicalsThe Independence Chronicle1990
ARJohnsonCensusJohnson County, Arksans 1880 Federal CensusJimmie & Doris Evans Dewberry
ARJohnsonMarriagesJohnson County, Arkansas Marriages 1850-1890Books N, O, P, Q
ARJohnsonGeneralHistory of Johnson County Arkansas The First Hundred YearsElla Molloy Langford
ARLafayetteCommunitiesRoane Township Scrapbook Bradley Lafayette County ArkansasAletha Barker Hamiter
ARLawrenceCourtsLoose Probate Papers 1815-1890
ARLawrenceCommunities1886-1986 Portia Centennial Celebration
ARLawrenceFuneral HomeAbstracts of Johnson Funeral Home 1916-1943Susan D. Hilburn & Catherine S. Richey
ARLawrenceGeneralFamily Maps of Lawrence County, ArkansasDeluxe EditionGregory A. Boyd, J.D.
ARLawrencePeriodicalsLawrence County Historical Quarterly1978-1985
ARLawrencePeriodicalsLawrence County Historical Quarterly1986-1996
ARLeeCemeteriesCemeteries From The Western Area Of Lee County, ArkansasFoyd L. & Flora M. Turner
ARLoganCensusLogan County, Arkansas Census of 1880Bill Hanks & Margaret Harrison Hubbard
ARLoganMarriagesLogan County, Arkansas Marriage Records - The First Fifty Years1877-1924Bill Hanks
ARLoganCommunitiesRemembering...Shoal Creek, Blain - New Blaine, Harkey's Valley, River Mountain, Pin Hook - Liberty - New Literty, and Delaware in Logan County, ArkansasRatha Burnham Lane & Mary Wood Gehring
ARLonokeCourtsLonoke County, Arkansas Will Books A and B1873-1913Tracey Carrington Converse
ARLonokePeriodicalsLonoke County Historical Society Newsletters2nd edition, 1995-2000
ARMadisonCensusMadison County, Arkansas Population Schedule of the United States Census of 1860Ruby Wiedman & Frances Woods
ARMadisonCourtsArkansas Land Patents: Madison CountyDesmond Walls Allen & Bobbie Jones McLane
ARMadisonGeneralAtlas of Madison County Arkansas
ARMadisonGeneralFading Memories: Stories of Madison County PeopleVol. 1Carol Whittemore
ARMadisonGeneralFading Memories: Stories of Madison County People and PlacesVol. 2Carol Whittemore
ARMadisonGeneralFamily Maps of Madison County, ArkansasDeluxe EditionGregory A. Boyd, J.D.
ARMadisonGeneralMisc. Records of Madison Co., Arkansas
ARMadisonPeriodicalsMadison Co. Musings1989-1997
ARMadisonPeriodicalsMadison Co. Musings1998-2001
ARMarionCemeteriesCemeteries of Marion County ArkansasLester & Marian Burnes
ARMillerCourtsArkansas Land Patents: Miller CountyDesmond Walls Allen & Bobbie Jones McLane
ARMillerCourtsProbate Records of Miller County, Arkansas 1823-1838James Logan Morgan
ARMillerGeneral20 Years In Miller County Arkansas 1875-1890 Tax & Census Record Index
ARMonroeCemeteriesCemeteries of Monroe County, ArkansasFloyd L. & Flora M. Turner
ARMontgomeryCourtsMontgomery County Arkansas Deed Record Book "A"1845-1849James M. & Lillian Hart
ARMontgomeryCemeteriesMontgomery County, Arkansas Cemeteries
ARMontgomeryPeriodicalsThe Crystal1989-1996
ARNevadaMarriagesMarriages Nevada County, Arkansas 1871-1901
ARNevadaCourtsArkansas Land Patents: Nevada CountyDesmond Walls Allen & Bobbie Jones McLane
ARNevadaCommunitiesEarly Prescott- Nevada County History Centennial Edition 1972Betty A. Twining Stinson
ARNevadaCemeteriesNevada County, Arkansas Cemetery Records
ARNevadaCemeteriesMt. Moriah Cemetery, Nevada Co. Ark.
ARNevadaGeneralNevada County, Arkansas Biographical and Historical Memoirs(Goodspeed)
ARNewtonHistoriesHistory of Newton County, ArkansasWalter F. Lackey
ARNewtonGeneralFamily Maps of Newton County, ArkansasDeluxe EditionGregory A. Boyd, J.D.
AROuachitaCourtsArkansas Land Patents: Ouachita CountyDesmond Walls Allen & Bobbie Jones McLane
AROuachitaPeriodicalsOuachita County Historical Quarterly1986-1989
ARPhillipsMarriagesPhillips County Arkansas Marriages 1820 to July, 1879Kathryn R. Bonner
ARPhillipsCemeteriesPhillips County, Arkansas Old & Abandoned CemeteriesFloyd L. & Flora M. Turner
ARPikeCensus1890 Census of Pike Co., Arkansas (Reconstructed)Russell P. Baker
ARPikeMarriagesPike County Arkansas Marriages 1834-1895 (Reconstructed)
ARPikeMarriagesPike County Arkansas Marriage Records 1895-1910Dorothy Kennedy Partain & Linda Meek
ARPikeHistoriesEarly History of Pike County, Arkansas
ARPikeHistoriesEarly History of Pike County, Arkansas, Index to
ARPikeGeneralFamily Maps of Pike County, ArkansasDeluxe EditionGregory A. Boyd, J.D.
ARPikePeriodicalsThe Gems of Pike County Arkansas1990-1994
ARPolkCensusPolk County Arkansas 1890 "Census" ReconstructedWanda Tilley
ARPolkMarriagesMarriage Records 1901-1905 Polk County, Arkansas
ARPolkCemeteriesCemetery Inscriptions of Polk County ArkansasBook 1Nixby Daniel Kannady & Loreda Hicks Daniel
ARPolkCemeteriesCemetery Inscriptions of Polk County ArkansasBook 2Nixby Daniel Kannady & Loreda Hicks Daniel
ARPolkObituariesObituaries 1899-1900-1902-1904-1914 Plus Selected OthersShirley "Gypsie" Cannon
ARPolkGeneralAncestors: A Book of Family Group SheetsVol. 1
ARPolkGeneralAncestors: A Book of Family Group SheetsVol. 2
ARPolkGeneralAncestors: A Book of Lineage ChartsVol. 1
ARPolkGeneralPolk County Newspaper "Clips"Vol. 1Shirley "Gypsie" Cannon
ARPolkGeneralPolk County Newspaper "Clips"Vol. 2Shirley "Gypsie" Cannon
ARPolkPeriodicalsPolk County PioneersSep. & Dec. 1998
ARPopeCensusPope County, Arkansas United States Census of 1850 and Marriage Book "A" April 1830 - November 1849Capitola Glazner & Bobbie J. McLane
ARPopeHistoriesHistory of Pope County, Arkansas
ARPopePeriodicalsPope County Historical Association Quaterly2013-2015
ARPulaskiCemeteriesMounty Holly Cemetery Burial Index 1843-1993Sybil F. Crawford & Mary Fletcher Worthen
ARRandolphMarriagesMarriage Records Randolph County Arkansas
ARRandolphHistoriesHistory & Families Randolph County, Arkansas
ARRandolphHistoriesHistory of Randolph County ArkansasLawrence Dalton
ARRandolphCemeteriesCemetieries and Burial Sites of Randolph County, ArkansasMargaret A. Barnhart
ARSalineCourtsSaline County, Arkansas County Court Record BookVol. 1Sybil Crawford
ARSalineCourtsSaline County, Arkansas Will Book A-1Sybil Crawford
ARSalineHistoriesSome History About Shaw Township Saline County, ArkansasShirley Parson Coppock
ARSalineGeneralFamily Maps of Saline County, ArkansasDeluxe EditionGregory A. Boyd, J.D.
ARSalinePeriodicalsThe Saline1990, 2012 & 2014
ARScottCensus1833 Reconstructed Census Scott County Arkansas
ARScottCensus1840 Census Scott County Arkansas
ARScottCensus1850 Census Scott County Arkansas
ARScottCensusReconstructed 1890 Census of Scott County Arkansas
ARScottDeathsDeath Records: Scott County, ArkansasWanda M. Gray
ARScottMarriagesMarriages of Scott County, Arkansas 1882-1943Books: a,b,c,d,e,f,gWanda M. Newberry Gray
ARScottMarriagesMarriage Book "B" 1890-1901 Scott County, Arkansas
ARScottCourtsArkansas Land Patents: Scott CountyDesmond Walls Allen & Bobbie Jones McLane
ARScottHistoriesFrom Memory's Scrapbook: A History of Early Days of Scott County ArkansasVol. 2P.M. Claunts
ARScottHistoriesHistory of Scott County Arkansas
ARScottHistoriesImages of America Scott County ArkansasWanda M. Gray
ARScottCemeteriesCemeteries of Scott County, ArkansasPart 1, revised editionWanda M. Newberry Gray
ARScottCemeteriesCemeteries of Scott County, ArkansasPart 2, revised editionWanda M. Newberry Gray
ARScottObituariesObituaries and Deaths From Scott County Newspapers 1888-1911Vol. 2
ARScottObituariesObituaries and Deaths From Scott County Newspapers 1911-1912 & 1916-1923Vol. 4
ARScottGeneralA Scott County ScrapbookNorman Goodner
ARScottGeneralFamily Maps of Scott County, ArkansasDeluxe EditionGregory A. Boyd, J.D.
ARScottGeneralScott County "Days Gone By"Norman Goodner
ARScottGeneralScott County In RetrospectCharles E. Goodner
ARSebastianCensus1890 Census (Reconstructed) Sebastian County Arkansas
ARSebastianHistoriesThe Goodspeed Histories of Sebastian County, Arkansas(Goodspeed)
ARSebastianGeneralFamily Maps of Sebastian County, ArkansasDeluxe EditionGregory A. Boyd, J.D.
ARSebastianGeneralSebastian County, Arkansas Biographical and Historical Memoirs(Goodspeed)
ARSevierCemeteriesSevier County, Arkansas Cemetery RecordsJoy Webb Raper
ARUnionCemeteriesCemetery and Bible Records of Union County, ArkansasVol. 4, 1812-1971Juanita Butler Hancock
ARUnionCemeteriesCemetieries Union County, ArkansasBook 1
ARUnionCemeteriesCemetieries Union County, ArkansasBook 2
ARUnionCemeteriesCemetieries Union County, ArkansasBook 3
ARUnionCemeteriesCemetieries Union County, ArkansasBook 4
ARUnionCemeteriesCemetieries Union County, ArkansasBook 5
ARUnionCemeteriesCemetieries Union County, ArkansasBook 6
ARUnionCemeteriesCemetieries Union County, ArkansasBook 7
ARUnionGeneralDates and Data of Union County Arkansas 1541-1948Anna Harmon Cordell
ARUnionGeneralFamily Maps of Union County, ArkansasDeluxe EditionGregory A. Boyd, J.D.
ARUnionPeriodicalsTracks and Traces2011
ARVan BurenCemeteriesCemetery Index Van Buren County, Arkansas
ARWashingtonCensusWashington County Arkansas Sheriff's Census for 1865Nancy Maxwell
ARWashingtonMarriagesWashington County, Arkansas Marriage Records Books: A, B & C, 1845-1871Lois N. Miller
ARWashingtonMarriagesWashington County, Arkansas Marriages Book D-E-F-G-H-ILois N. Miller
ARWashingtonMarriagesWashington County, Arkansas Marriages Books: J-K-L, 1891-1901
ARWashingtonCourtsArkansas Land Patents: Washington County (granted through 30 June 1908)Desmond Walls Allen & Bobbie Jones McLane
ARWashingtonCourtsWashington County, Arkansas Index to Wills 1828-1931
Index to Probate Books A-K 1837-1901
Lois N. Miller
ARWashingtonCemeteriesCemeteries in Washington County ArkansasLloyd McConnell
ARWashingtonCemeteriesFayetteville Arkansas National Cemetery
ARWashingtonGeneralFamily Maps of Washington County, ArkansasDeluxe EditionGregory A. Boyd, J.D.
ARWhiteCourtsArkansas Land Patents: White County (granted through 30 June 1908)Desmond Walls Allen & Bobbie Jones McLane
ARWhiteCommunitiesSearcy Centennial 1837-1937A.P. Strother, Sr.
ARWhiteCemeteriesWhite County CemeteriesVol. IMrs. Leister E. Presley
ARWhiteCemeteriesWhite County CemeteriesVol. IIMrs. Leister E. Presley
ARWhiteCemeteriesWhite County CemeteriesVol. IIIMrs. Leister E. Presley
ARWhiteCemeteriesWhite County CemeteriesVol. IVMrs. Leister E. Presley
ARWhiteCemeteriesWhite County CemeteriesVol. VMrs. Leister E. Presley
ARWhiteCemeteriesWhite County CemeteriesVol. VIMrs. Leister E. Presley
ARWhiteCemeteriesWhite County CemeteriesVol. VIIImogene Rowe
ARWhiteCemeteriesWhite County CemeteriesVol. VIIIMrs. Leister E. Presley
ARWhiteCemeteriesWhite County CemeteriesVol. IXMrs. Leister E. Presley
ARWhiteGeneralWhite County Heritage Civil War Collection
ARWoodruffCourtsWoodruff County, Arkansas Loose Probate Records 1862-1900Marion Stark Craig & Desmond Walls Allen
ARWoodruffCemeteriesCemetieries of Woodruff County East of Cache RiverSection IIAdelia C. Kittrell
ARWoodruffCemeteriesCemeteries of Woodruff County West of Cache RiverSection IAdelia C. Kittrell
ARWoodruffPeriodicalsRivers and Roads and Points in Between1972-1982
ARWoodruffPeriodicalsRivers and Roads and Points in Between1983-1993
ARYellPeriodicalsYell County Historical and Genealogical Association Bulletin1981-1983
ARYellPeriodicalsYell County Historical and Genealogical Association Bulletin1997-2004
ARYellPeriodicalsYell County Historical and Genealogical Association Bulletin2005-2011
ARYellPeriodicalsYell County Historical and Genealogical Association Bulletin2012-Present
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