Scrapbooks & Sulphur Springs Loan & Building Assn.

The third section is dedicated to scrapbooks, the Sulphur Springs Loan Building Association papers and other local entities. These scrapbooks, meticulously assembled over the years, capture the social, economic, and cultural developments of the community. Highlights include family reunion announcements, personal scrapbooks of prominent individuals like Dick Hare, and detailed records of local events from the mid-20th century. This collection offers a vivid portrayal of community life, providing context and color to the genealogical and historical records found in the other sections of the archives. ​​

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Scrapbook CollectionSB 1(Yellow Labels)Family Reunion Annoucements 1986-1992
Scrapbook of Dick HareSB 2(Yellow Labels)Dick Hare 1976-1980
Scrapbook of Dick HareSB 3(Yellow Labels)Dick Hare 1964-1976
Scrapbook of Dick HareSB 4(Yellow Labels)Dick Hare 1976-1979
Scrapbook of Dick HareSB 5(Yellow Labels)Dick Hare 1973-1980
Scrapbook of Dick HareSB 6(Yellow Labels)Dick Hare 1981-1983
Scrapbook of Dick HareSB 7(Yellow Labels)Dick Hare 1983-1984
Scrapbook CollectionSB 8(Yellow Labels)Bradstreet Ratings 1913
Scrapbook Austin School PTASB 8A(Yellow Labels)Austin School Parent-Teacher Association Scrapbook 1939
Scrapbook of Jessie BinghamSB 9(Yellow Labels)Jessie Bingham 1964-1972, clippings from Colorado
Scrapbook of Rita AdamsSB 10(Yellow Labels)Rita Adams 1986
Scrapbook of Jessie BinghamSB 11(Yellow Labels)Jessie Bingham 1940s, clipping from Colorado
Scrapbook of Jessie BinghamSB 12(Yellow Labels)Jessie Bingham 1950-1960
Scrapbook of Dick HareSB 13(Yellow Labels)Land Rights Procedures donated by Dick Hare (desk copy)
Scrapbook of Dick HareSB 14(Yellow Labels)Dick Hare scrapbook
Scrapbook CollectionSB 15(Yellow Labels)Ladies Home Journal 1912
Scrapbook CollectionSB 16(Yellow Labels)Ladies Home Journal 1912
Scrapbook of Dick HareSB 17(Yellow Labels)Amarillo & Hopkins County, donated by Dick Hare 1977
Scrapbook of Rita AdamsSB 18(Yellow Labels)Rita Adams - newspaper clippings "Remember When"
Scrapbook of Dick HareSB 19(Yellow Labels)Dick Hare 1970s
Scrapbook CollectionSB 20(Yellow Labels)Texas Sesquicentennial
Scrapbook CollectionSB 21(Yellow Labels)original copy of "Brushmen & Vigilanties"
Scrapbook of Pam White/Lisa GammillSB 22(Yellow Labels)Postcard Collection of Pam White & Lisa Gammill
Scrapbook of Jessie BinghamSB 23(Yellow Labels)Jessie Bingham, newspaper clippings from Colorado
Scrapbook of Carol CagleSB 24(Yellow Labels)picture album from North Hopkins Cemetery - by Carol Cagle
Scrapbook of Carol CagleSB 25(Yellow Labels)picture album from City Cemetery - by Carol Cagle
Scrapbook of Carol CagleSB 26(Yellow Labels)picture album from Arbala Cemetery - by Carol Cagle
Scrapbook of Louise PassonSB 27(Yellow Labels)Louise Passon's scrapbook & pictures
Scrapbook of Larry HarmonSB 28(Yellow Labels)scrapbook donated by Larry Harmon (picture album)
Scrapbook of Dick HareSB 29(Yellow Labels)scrapbook donated by Dick Hare (mostly about Amarillo) 1973
Scrapbook of Dick HareSB 30(Yellow Labels)Dick Hare 1975-1979 (newspaper clippings)
Scrapbook of Jessie BinghamSB 31(Yellow Labels)Jessie Bingham - photo album/scrapbood (Pine Forest School pictures, 1921 & 1924)
Scrapbook of Jessie BinghamSB 31(Yellow Labels)photo--Pine Forest School 1921
Scrapbook of Jessie BinghamSB 31(Yellow Labels)photo--Pine Forest School 1924
Scrapbook of Jessie BinghamSB 32(Yellow Labels)Jessie Bingham - family history w/ old photos of the Bingham, Bannister & Beckman families and Pine Forest Church from 1920s
Scrapbook of Jessie BinghamSB 32(Yellow Labels)photos--Bingham, Bannister & Beckham families
Scrapbook of Jessie BinghamSB 32(Yellow Labels)photo--Pine Forest Church 1920s
Scrapbook of Jessie BinghamSB 33(Yellow Labels)Jessie Bingham - information of the Bingham, Banister, Waters, Payn & McGill families
Scrapbook of Jessie BinghamSB 33(Yellow Labels)information on the Bingham, Bannister, Waters, Payne & McGill families
Scrapbook of Jessie BinghamSB 34(Yellow Labels)Jessie Bingham - family pictures and histories
Scrapbook of Jessie BinghamSB 34(Yellow Labels)pics--Pine Forest School & several school pictures from the 1920's
Scrapbook of Jessie BinghamSB 35(Yellow Labels)Jessie Bingham & G. Cross major trips
Scrapbook of Grace CrossSB 36(Yellow Labels)Grace Cross - family history & photos
Scrapbook of Jessie BinghamSB 37(Yellow Labels)Chaff by the Gleaner - Jessie Bingham 1929-1930s (includes newspaper clippings from the Pine Forest Gleaner)
Scrapbook of Jessie BinghamSB 38(Yellow Labels)Jessie Bingham & Grace Cross - picture album
Scrapbook of Jessie BinghamSB 39(Yellow Labels)Jessie Bingham - student english projects Spring of 1932
Scrapbook of Dick HareSB 40(Yellow Labels)Dick Hare - Moore County collection
Scrapbook CollectionSB 41(Yellow Labels)Book of Poems
Scrapbook CollectionSB 42(Yellow Labels)Senior Citizen Activites
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 43(Yellow Labels)photo--taken at Hopkins County Genealogical Society (unknown woman)
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 43(Yellow Labels)photo--Band with the following gentlemen listed Goodson, King, Sheppard, Fulkerson, Lindley, Tate & Bell (no first names)
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 43(Yellow Labels)photo--Mitty Ward, Lena Day, Mrs. Richard Tibbs, Agnes Lilly, Mary Campbell, Malverne Glover, Paulee Drake, Mrs. Klough Williams, Mildred Florine Tetts, Imogene Ford, Marilyn Seay, Ethel Sellers, Addie Mae Glover, Mary Dale Hendrix
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 43(Yellow Labels)photo--Joe Baily in cotton yard during political campaign
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 43(Yellow Labels)photo--Allie Wilson Garage - he is the man in the white shirt in center of photo, was the son of George H. & Myra (Tuggle) Wilson
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 43(Yellow Labels)photo--Capt. W.R. Bradford, Julie Christopher, W.A. Buford & son Benjamin (Sidney Brice's kin)
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 43(Yellow Labels)photo--first fire department - 1905
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 43(Yellow Labels)photo--May Day Parade 1915? (driver, Will Bryson; daughter, Vera Bryson; son, Hugh Bryson)
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 43(Yellow Labels)photo--1925 baseball team
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 43(Yellow Labels)photo--50 year anniversary of Alex Brice & wife Ellen, 25 Jan 1888
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 43(Yellow Labels)photo--Central College about 1888 (is on the same property that now has Lamar Elementery School)
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 43(Yellow Labels)photo--Calloway family home
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 43(Yellow Labels)photo--Harry Cunningham
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 43(Yellow Labels)photo--Pete "Grandpa" Robert Nance, brother of Martha Ann Nance Johnson
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 43(Yellow Labels)photo--Crisp (man & woman)
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 43(Yellow Labels)photo--Alex Brice & half-brother Bill Brice & ?
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 43(Yellow Labels)photo--Mrs. Alex Brice, Mrs. Tom Brice, Delia Brice, Alice Ann, Miss Nanny Brice, Alex Brice, Tom Brice, Robert Brice, John Brice, Bill Brice
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 43(Yellow Labels)photo--R.B. Bedford, Lizzie Askew, Joe Ed Buford, Sam Hasmil, Mary Zed?, W.A. (Dooley) Buford, John C. Buford, Elizabeth Askew Buford
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 43(Yellow Labels)photo--Home Talent Show play at M.L. Morris' home 1908 with Lizzie Murry, Ruth Brashear, Pauline Searls, Laura Cummings, Norma Pates, Myrtle Yantis, Howard Durksley
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 43(Yellow Labels)photo--Team: Coach Roady, John S. Bell, Edgar Glossup, Jim Glossup, Johnny Lynch, Herman Hooten, Jewel Ed Spence, David McHaffey, Joe McMullan & Ivy Wilson
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 43(Yellow Labels)photo--1925 team: Coach Roady, Bailey Melrath, Iva Wilson, Gordon Smith, Hubert Clifton, Dick Caldwell, Joe McMullin, Ernest Thomas, Alton Benton, Aubrey McGill, Guy Minter
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 43(Yellow Labels)photo--baseball team: Coach DeFord, Weldon Lindley, Hubert Clifton, Johnnie Sickles, Jake Orr, Frank James Markham, Weldon Greenwood, Valton Hyde, L.F. Bridges, Aubry McGill, Bailey Melreath, Neylan Greenwood, Charles Carothers, Ernest Thomas, Earl Robertson, Johnny Lynch, Lawrence France, Ben Rippy, Robert Faucet
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 43(Yellow Labels)photo--descripton?
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 43(Yellow Labels)photo--courthouse about 1906
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 44(Yellow Labels)Sidney Brice photos - family histories of Dr. Stirling, Dr. Avinger, Connally, Lanier, Crisp, Weaver, Currin, Davis & Bagwell also band history, history of Old Pleasant Hill Methodist Church, 1927 obit for Sallie Jones, 1927 obit for Jeff Davis
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 44(Yellow Labels)family history for the Stirling, Avinger, Connally, Lanier, Crisp, Weaver, Curring, Daivs & Bagwell families
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 44(Yellow Labels)band history
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 44(Yellow Labels)history of the Old Pleasant Hill Methodist Church
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 44(Yellow Labels)obit--Sallie Jones
Scrapbook of Sidney BriceSB 44(Yellow Labels)obit--Jeff Davis
Scrapbook CollectionSB 45(Yellow Labels)Senior Citizen Activites
Scrapbook of Mamie GardnerSB 46(Yellow Labels)Mamie Gardner - photos of Mamie & Susie Gardner, Iva Gregg, Jim Gregg, Kate Posey, Sulphur Bluff School, Rhoda Lambeth, Nannie Gardner Sanders, Susie Gardner Worsham, Bettie Lambeth Gardner
Scrapbook of Mamie GardnerSB 46(Yellow Labels)photo--Mamie & Susie Gardner
Scrapbook of Mamie GardnerSB 46(Yellow Labels)photo--Iva Gregg
Scrapbook of Mamie GardnerSB 46(Yellow Labels)photo--Jim Gregg
Scrapbook of Mamie GardnerSB 46(Yellow Labels)photo--Kate Posey
Scrapbook of Mamie GardnerSB 46(Yellow Labels)photo--Sulphur Bluff School
Scrapbook of Mamie GardnerSB 46(Yellow Labels)photo--Rhoda Lambeth
Scrapbook of Mamie GardnerSB 46(Yellow Labels)photo--Nannie Gardner Sanders
Scrapbook of Mamie GardnerSB 46(Yellow Labels)photo--Susie Gardner Worsham
Scrapbook of Mamie GardnerSB 46(Yellow Labels)photo--Bettie Lambeth Gardner
Scrapbook of Lloyd BockstruckSB 47(Yellow Labels)Lloyd Bockstruck - newspaper articles he wrote
Scrapbook of Mildred Frances AlexanderSB 48 A(Yellow Labels)The Girl Graduates Memory Book by Mildred Frances Alexander
Scrapbook of Lora Elizabeth SmithSB 48 B(Yellow Labels)My Golden School Days (diary) of Miss Lora Elizabeth Smith
Scrapbook of Julia McGillSB 48 C(Yellow Labels)a memory book of my school days Miss Julia McGill
Scrapbook of Louise PassonSB 49(Yellow Labels)Louse Passons scrapbook
Marge Clement CollectionSB 50(Yellow Labels)scrapbook of the City Cemetery Society (A-D)
Marge Clement CollectionSB 51(Yellow Labels)scrapbook of the City Cemetery Society (E-J)
Marge Clement CollectionSB 52(Yellow Labels)scrapbook of the City Cemetery Society (K-Mc)
Marge Clement CollectionSB 53(Yellow Labels)scrapbook of the City Cemetery Society (N-S)
Marge Clement CollectionSB 54(Yellow Labels)scrapbook of the City Cemetery Society (T-Z)
Marge Clement CollectionSB 55(Yellow Labels)City Cemetery burials and notes
Bill Tuck CollectionSB 56(Yellow Labels)scrapbook donated by Bill Tuck
FFA Official ScrapbookSB 57(Yellow Labels)1941-1942 SSHS FFA - lots of photos of members, sweethearts, sponsors
SB 58(Yellow Labels)misc. newspaper clippings & cartoons from various papers throughout the state of Texas - nothing related to Hopkins County
Rita AdamsSB 59(Yellow Labels)scrapbook--Waverly Club 1999 to 2003
Rita AdamsSB 60(Yellow Labels)scrapbook--Daughters of the Republic of Texas 1993-1994
Bobby McDonald EstateSB 61(Yellow Labels)Texas Sesquicentennial Scrapbook
Jr. Waverly ClubSB 62(Yellow Labels)Junior Waverly Club Scrapbook 1977-1984
Jr. Waverly ClubSB 63(Yellow Labels)Junior Waverly Club Scrapbook 1985-2004
SB 64(Yellow Labels)Hopkins County United Fund Scrapbook 1978 (publicity & promotion committee)
SB 65(Yellow Labels)United Way Scrapbook 1977-78
SB 66(Yellow Labels)United Way Scrapbook 1979-84
SB 67(Yellow Labels)United Way Scrapbook 1990-2010
SB 68(Yellow Labels)United Way Campaign Brochure Book
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #1(Blue labels)Original SSL&B Assn. Minute Book 1890-1907
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #2(Blue labels)Record of Acknowledgement 1903-1920
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #3(Blue labels)Record of Acknowledgement 1928-1930
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #4(Blue labels)Record of Acknowledgement 1930-1933
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #5(Blue labels)Record of Acknowledgement 1934-1937
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #6(Blue labels)Record of Acknowledgement 1944-1950
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #7(Blue labels)Stockholders Records; Articles of Incorporation; Franchise Tax Receipts; By-Laws
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #8(Blue labels)W.A. Smith's Correspondence; contracts Gregg Farm
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #9(Blue labels)Letters 1897-1906
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #10(Blue labels)Letters 1899
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #11(Blue labels)Letters 1900
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #12(Blue labels)Letters 1900-1903
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #13(Blue labels)Letters 1902-1903
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #14(Blue labels)Letters 1906-1910
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #15(Blue labels)Letters 1908-1914
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #16(Blue labels)Letters 1910-1914
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #17(Blue labels)Letters 1915-1916
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #18(Blue labels)Letters 1916-1917
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #19(Blue labels)Letters 1917-1919
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #20(Blue labels)Letters 1917-1923
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #21(Blue labels)Letters 1918-1923
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #22(Blue labels)Letters 1919-1920
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #23(Blue labels)Letters 1919-1924
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #24(Blue labels)Letters 1920-1921
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #25(Blue labels)Letters 1921-1922
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #26(Blue labels)Letters 1922-1923
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #27(Blue labels)Letters 1922-1923
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #28(Blue labels)Letters 1923
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #29(Blue labels)Letters 1923-1924
Sulphur Springs Loan & Building AssociationBook #30(Blue labels)Letters 1942
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