Place Names

An Index to Hopkins County Place Names
Information on Hopkins County Place Names is available from:

  • Land Survey Abstract Indexes of original land owners:  US GenWeb Archives
  • The table below, compiled by HCGS:
AddranSchool District1890-1906North Central
AddranVillage1857?North Central
AdoniaChurch1900'sNE cor county
ArbalaPost Office1899-1933Clifton's PrairieS Central
ArbalaSchool District1900'sClifton's PrairieS Central
ArbalaVillage1957-PresentClifton's PrairieS Central
Ash GroveSchool District1855Btwn Nelta/Dike
AskewPost Office1901-1906BethelN of Pickton
AskewVillage1853-1900'sBethelN of Pickton
BacchusPost Office1870-1876Como,Carroll's PrairieSE Sul Spg
BacchusTown1870-1873Como,Carroll's PrairieSE Sul Spg
Barker SpringsSchool District1900'sSherley,FrazierSW Part County
Barker SpringsVillage1870'sSherley,FrazierSW Part County
BeckhamPost Office1899-19049 mi NW Sul Spg
BeckhamVillage18649 mi NW Sul Spg
BethelSchool District1900'sAskewN of Pickton
BethelVillage1900'sAskewN of Pickton
BirthrightPost Office1871-1940'sLone StarN of Sul Spg
BirthrightSchool DistrictPre-1900'sLone StarN of Sul Spg
BirthrightVillage1900'sLone StarN of Sul Spg
Black CreekChurch/Baptist1870Near Como
Black Jack GroveConfederate P.O.13 Aug 1861Cumby,TheodociaW Part of Co
Black Jack GrovePost Office1848-1896Cumby,TheodociaW Part of Co
Black Jack GroveVillage1848-1896Cumby,TheodociaW Part of Co
Black OakChurch,Baptist1884-18855 mi S of Como
Black OakChurch/Meth.1884-18855 mi S of Como
Black OakConfederate P.O.13 Aug. 18615 mi S of Como
Black OakPost Office1854-18955 mi S of Como
Black OakSchool DistrictPre-1900's5 mi S of Como
Black OakVillage18565 mi S of Como
BlackoakPost Office1895-1905Black Oak5 mi S of Como
BlountSchool District1900'sSulphur Bluff Sch.Dist.Near Sul Bluff
BonanzaPost Office1898-1906Fowler's Store,Gold HillSo Line of Co.
BonanzaVillage1872Fowler's Store,Gold HillSo Line of Co.
BoonvilleVillage1874Dike14 mi NE Sul Spg
Booth HillCommunityEarly 1900'sN of Peerless
BradfieldSchool District1900'sNE of Brashear
BranomChurch/Meth.Ray's Chapel Meth Ch.W part of Co
BranomChurch/Presby.Mt.Zion Presby ChurchW part of Co
BranomSchool District1915Pecan & Greenwood SchW part of Co
BrashearChurch/Baptist1899West Central
BrashearPost Office1899-PresentWise RanchWest Central
BrashearSchool District1900'sWise RanchWest Central
BrashearTown1898-PresentWise RanchWest Central
Bright StarConfederate P.O.1861-1865Sulphur SpringsCentral
Bright StarPost Office1854-1871Sulphur SpringsCentral
BrinkerPost Office1901-19068 mi E Sul Spg
BrinkerVillage18458 mi E Sul Spg
BugscuffleSchool District1900'sBugtussleSo of Reilly Spg
BumblebeeSchool District1900'sNear Pickton
Burk's CreekNegro Church1900'sNear Shady Grove
CaneyChurch/Baptist18562 mi S Pickton
CaneySchool District1900'sBtwn Dike/Weaver
Carroll's PrairiePost Office1876-1894Bacchus,CarrolltonSE Sul Spg
Carroll's PrairieVillage1850'sBacchus,CarrolltonSE Sul Spg
CarrolltonChurch/Baptist1875Bacchus,Carroll's PrairieSE Sul Spg
CartwrightSchool District1900'sSo of Saltillo
CassadySchool District1900'sSE of Brashear
Cedar GroveSchool District1900's-1955Gafford Chapel Com.6 m NW of SS
Cedar Point #1School District1900'sNE Miller Grove
Cedar Point #2School District1900'sW of Mler Grove
Center GroveChurch1900'sSE of Pickton
Center HillSchool District1900'sSo of Saltillo
Center PointChurch1900'sBtwn SS & Weaver
Chapman ArmsVillagePre-1900TiraNear Birthright
Chappell HillChurch/Baptist1875E part of Co?
CharlestonConfederate P.O.1861-1864Lake CreekDelta Co 1870
CharlestonVillage1857-1870Lake CreekDelta Co 1870
ChautauquaSchool District1880'sGum Pole,RolphNear Pine Forest
Cherry GroveChurch1900'sNear N.Hopkins
Christian HomeChurch/Baptist1878Near Nelta
Clifton's PrairieVillage1857ArbalaSo Central
Coat'sSchool District1900'sNear Harmony Church Coffee's CreekChurch/Baptist1870 S Como-Coke Rd
Cold HillChurch/Baptist1884-1885Bonanza12 mi SW Sul Spg
Cold HillChurch/Presby.1884-1885Bonanza12 mi SW Sul Spg
Cold HillPost Office1883-1898Fowler's StoreSo Line of County
ComoPost Office1894-PresentBacchus,Carroll's PrairieSE Sul Spg
ComoSchool DistrictPre-1900'sBacchus,Carroll's PrairieSE Sul Spg
ComoTown1894-PresentBacchus,Carroll's PrairieSE Sul Spg
CorinthSchool DistrictPre-1900'sAddranNo of Addran
CornersvilleGhost Town1869-1900'sGrotto20 mi E Sul Spg
CornersvilleSchool District1900'sGrotto20 mi E Sul Spg
CornersvilleVillage1869-1900'sGrotto20 mi E Sul Spg
Cotton PlantSchool District1900'sSo of Como
Cow HeadCommunity1880'sIndependence10 mi N Sul Spg
CrispSchool District1900'sE of Peerless
CrossroadsSchool District1900'sSo of Cumby
CrushVillage1900ThermoE of Sul Spg
CumbyPost Office1896-PresentBlk Jack Grv,TheodociaW part of Co
CumbySchool District1900'sBlk Jack Grv,TheodociaW part of Co
CumbyTown1842-PresentBlk Jack Grv,TheodociaW part of Co
CypressChurch/Baptist1875Wood Co ?
DaisyPost Office1886-1891Evan's PointNear Saltillo
DaisyVillage1886-1887Evan's PointNear Saltillo
DannemoorRailroad Stop1900'sDunsmoor15 mi W Sul Spg
Dark CornerCommunityPre-1900W of Sul Bluff
DikePost Office1890-PresentBooneville14 mi NE Sul Spg
DikeSchool District1900'sBooneville14 mi NE Sul Spg
DikeVillage1874Booneville14 mi NE Sul Spg
DillonPost Office190319064 mi SE Saltillo
DillonVillage19034 mi SE Saltillo
DivideChurch/Baptist19055 mi NE Bonanza
DividePost Office1880-18995 mi NE Bonanza
DivideSchool District1900's5 mi NE Bonanza
DivideVillage18805 mi NE Bonanza
DunsmoorRailroad Stop1900'sDannemoor15 mi W Sul Spg
East CaneyChurch1900'sSo of White Oak
Elm RidgeSchool District1900'sE of Como
EmblemChurch/Baptist188315 mi NW Sul Spg
EmblemPost Office1892-1896Soon-Over15 mi NW Sul Spg
EmblemSchool District1900'sSoon-Over15 mi NW Sul Spg
EmblemVillage1876Soon-Over15 mi NW Sul Spg
Evan's PointPost Office1887-1907DaisyNear Saltillo
Evan's PointSchool District1900'sDaisyNear Saltillo
FabiusPost Office1902-19034 mi SE Birthright
FairviewCommunityPre-1900E of Sul Bluff
FairviewSchool District1900'sE of Sul Bluff
FairylandPost Office1880-1891PeerlessNW part of Co
FairylandVillage1880-1891PeerlessNW part of Co
Fauk GroveSchool District1900'sN of Cumby
FloraPost Office1902-1905SE of Sul Bluff
FloraSchool District1900'sSE of Sul Bluff
FloraVillage1860-1864SE of Sul Bluff
Forest AcademyChurch1854NW of Como
Forest AcademySchool District1855NW of Como
Fowler's StorePost Office1879-1883Gold Hill,BonanzaSo Line of County
FrazerPost Office1887-1889SherleySW Part of Co
FrazerVillage1870'sBarker Spgs,SherleySW Part of Co
FrazierPost Office1887-1889SherleySW Part of Co
Gafford ChapelChurch1881Russell School6 mi NW Sul Spg
GallileeSchool District1900'sSo of Como
Glade CreekPost Office1866-1868On Quitman Hwy
Gold HillPost Office1855-1857Fowler's Store,BonanzaSo Line of Co
Gold HillSchool DistrictPre-1900'sFowler's Store,BonanzaSo Line of Co
Gold HillVillage1855-1900'sFowler's Store,BonanzaSo Line of Co
Good NeighborCommunity1900'sN of Century Lake
Green PondCommunity18703 mi SW Como
Green PondSchool District1900's3 mi SW Como
GreenpondChurch/Baptist18953 mi SW Como
GreenviewCommunity/chch18453 mi N Bonanza
GreenviewSchool District1900's3 mi N Bonanza
GreenwoodVillage1859Penn5 mi SE Salltillo
GrottoPost Office1901-1905Cornersville20 mi E Sul Spg
GrubbsSchool District1900'sSo of Seymore
Gum PoleCommunity1860'sRolph SchoolNear Greenwood
HagerRailroad Stop1900's5 mi E Sul Spg
HamlinSchool District1900'sN of Saltillo
HarmonyChurch/Meth.Pre-1900Harmony CemeteryEast of Pickton
Harper's CrossingRiver CrossingPre-1900'sOn S Sulphur Riv.
Harper's HillCommunity1900'sNE of Posey
HatchetvilleVillage190810 mi NE Sul Spg
HedgeSchool District1900'sSul Bluff SchoolsSo of Sul Bluff
Hickory GroveSchool District1900'sSo of Como
HilldaleVillage1842Fairyland,PeerlessNW Part of Co.
Hog BedCommunityPre-1900SE of Sul Bluff
Honest RidgeCommunityPre-1900So of Sul Bluff
HopewellSchool District1900'sNE of Dike
HulseyPost Office1901-1905E of Miller Grove
IndependenceSchool DistrictPre-1900's10 mi N Sul Spg
IndependenceVillage1888Cow Head10 mi N Sul Spg
IndependentChurch1900'sE of Reilly Spgs
KateVillage1840'sNelta,Pleasant Hill6 mi E Birthright
Lake ForkPost Office1871-187211 mi SE Mler Gr
LibertyChurch/Baptist1900'sN of Arbala
LibertySchool District1900'sN of Arbala
LindleySchool District1909E of Peerless
LinePost Office1902-1903S of Miller Grove
Lone StarChurch/Meth.Pre-1892BirthrightN of Sul Spg
Lone StarVillage1870BirthrightN of Sul Spg
LynchPost Office1901-1902N of Miller Grove
MacedoniaSchool District1900'sSo Reilley Springs
MacidoniaSchool District1885W of Birthright
MahoneySchool District1900'sWhite Oak6 mi NE Sul Spg
MahoneyVillage1900White Oak6 mi NE Sul Spg
MallowRailroad Stop1900'sBtwn SS & W Oak
Maple SpringsSchool District1900'sSul Bluff SchoolsNear Sul Bluff
Martin SpringsSchool District1900's4 mi E Sul Spg
Martin SpringsVillage18734 mi E Sul Spg
MaysSchool District1900'sSo of Saltillo
MidwayChurch1900'sW/Sandifer Sch
Miller GrovePost Office1868-1940'sSW Part of Co
Miller GroveSchool DistrictPre-1900'sSW Part of Co
Miller GroveVillage1848SW Part of Co
Morris GroveChurch1900'sE of Pickton
Mt. PisgahChurch1850'sPine ForestNear Pickton
Mt. SterlingChurch/Baptist1840'sNorth LibertyOld Tarrant
Mt. SterlingSchool District1900'sNE Sul Spg
Mt. ZionChurch/Baptist1850's-1980'sPine St.Ch.-WinnsboroE of Pickton
Mt. ZionChurch/Presby1900'sBranom1/2 mi W Branom
Mt. ZionSchool District1900'sE of Pickton
NeedmoreVillagePre-1900Now Delta Co.
NeltaPost Office1884-1906Kate,Pleasant Hill6 mi E Birthright
NeltaSchool District1900'sKate,Pleasant Hill6 mi E Birthright
NeltaVillage1843Kate,Pleasant Hill6 mi E Birthright
New BirthrightVillage1900'sBirthright1 mi W Birthright
New HomeSchool District1900's5 mi SE Pickton
New HopeChurch1900'sSo Camp's Lake
North HopkinsSchool District1943-PresentAddran,Birthrt,Peerless4 mi W Biright
North LibertyChurch/Baptist1840's-PresentMt. Sterling6 mi NE Sul Spg
Oak GroveChurchPre-1900Pleasant ValleyN of Birthright
OakdaleSchool District1850'sE of Birthright
OaklandSchool District1900'sN of Ridgeway
Old BrantGhost TownPre-1900Brant Gin,Liberty SchN of Sul Spg
Old SaltilloChurchPre-1900's1 1/2 mi SE Saltillo
Old SaltilloVillagePre-1900SaltilloSo of Saltillo
Old Sulphur BluffVillagePre-1900Sulphur BluffNE of Sphur Bluff
Old TarrantVillage1846Tarrant5 mi N Sul Spg
Old UnionChurchPre-1900Union3 m W Reilly Spg
OverlandSchool District1900'sN of Brashear
Paint RockChurch1900's6 mi SW Sul Spg
Paint RockSchool District1900's6 mi SW Sul Spg
PalestineChurch1890SE of Cumby
PalestineSchool District1900'sSE of Cumby
Park SpringsSchool District1900'sSo of Sul Spg
ParksSchool District1900'sSE of Como
PecanSchool District1915Branom4 mi W Ridgeway
PeerlessPost Office1891-1934FairylandNW Part of Co
PeerlessSchool District1900'sFairylandNW Part of Co
PeerlessVillage1842Gay's Mill,Hildale,FairylndNW Part of Co
PennPost Office1880-1906Greenwood5 mi So Saltillo
PicktonChurch/Baptist1900'sSE of Sul Spg
PicktonChurch/Meth.1900'sSE of Sul Spg
PicktonPost Office1881-PresentSE of Sul Spg
PicktonSchool DistrictPre-1900SE of Sul Spg
PicktonTown1881 to PresentPick TownSE of Sul Spg
Pine ForestChurch/Meth.18535 mi N Pickton
Pine ForestPost Office1889-19055 mi N Pickton
Pine ForestSchool DistrictPre-19005 mi N Pickton
Pine ForestVillage1853Saratoga5 mi N Pickton
Pine HillCommunity1900'sSo of Greenwood
Pleasant GroveChurch/Baptist1878N of Sul Spg
Pleasant HillChurch1900'sNelta6 mi E of Birthright
Pleasant HillConfederate P.O.1861-1865Nelta6 m E of Birright
Pleasant HillPost Office1849-1866Nelta6 mi E of Biright
Pleasant HillVillage1843Nelta,Kate6 mi E of Biright
Pleasant ValleyChurch/Baptist1870's-?Oak GroveNear Birthright
PlunkettSchool District1900'sE of Cumby
PlymouthSchool District?E of Pine Forest
PointSchool District1900'sSo of Miller Gr
PoseyChurch/Baptist1905Reuben11 mi NE Sul Spg
PoseyPost Office1902-1906Reuben11 mi NE Sul Spg
PoseyVillagePre-1900Reuben11 mi NE Sul Spg
Post Oak GrovePost Office1848?
Post Oak KnobSchool District1909?
Prairie GroveSchool District1900'sNW of Saltillo
Prairie ViewCommunityPre-1900E of Sul Bluff
RadicalSchool DistrictPre-1900Btwn Brinker/Pine Forest
Reilly SpringsChurch/Baptist1884-1885SE Part of County
Reilly SpringsChurch/Presby.1884-1885SE Part of County
Reilly SpringsPost Office1913-1940SE Part of County
Reilly SpringsSchool DistrictPre-1900'sSE Part of County
Reilly SpringsVillage1840'2-PresentReily SpringsSE Part of County
Reily springsPost Office1871-1906SE Part of County
RetinaConfederate P.O.1861-1865Bt R Spg & M Gr
RetinaPost Office1852-1867Bt R Spg & M Gr
ReubenPost Office1902Posey11 mi NE Sul Spg
ReubenVillagePre-1900Posey11 mi NE Sul Spg
RichlandChurch1870So of Mahoney
RichlandSchool District1900'sSo of Mahoney
RichlandVillage1845-1901Currently known as Brinker CommunitySo of Mahoney
RidgewayPost Office1888-1940'sW Part of County
RidgewaySchool DistrictSchool DistrictW Part of County
RidgewayVillagePre-1887W Part of County
Rock CreekChurch/Baptist1890E of Sul Spg
Rock CreekSchool District1900'sE of Sul Spg
RockdaleSchool District1900'sSW of Sul Spg
RolphSchool District1860'sGum Pole,ChatauquaNear Greenwood
RuffPost Office1899-19053 m W Ridgeway
RuralSchool District1900'sN of Hulsey
RussellSchool District1880'sGafford Chapel6 mi NW Sul Spg
SaltilloChurch/Meth.1884-1885E Part of County
SaltilloConfederate P.O.1861-1865E Part of County
SaltilloPost Office1860-PresentTwin GroceriesE Part of County
SaltilloSchool District1900'sE Part of County
SaltilloVillage1850-PresentTwin GroceriesE Part of County
Sand HillCommunity1850-1900s?South Sulphur3 mi E of Tira
Sand HillSchool DistrictPre-1900'sSouth Sulphur3 mi E of Tira
SandfieldSchool District1900'sSE of Reilly Spg
SandiferSchool District1900'sSo of Como
SaratogaVillage1840'sPine Forest5 mi N of Pickton
Sartin BluffCommunity?So Part of County
Schooley CreekSchool District1880'sNE of Miller Gr
SeymoreChurch/Baptist1914E of Arbala,H 154
SeymoreSchool District1900'sE of Arbala,H 154
SeymoreVillagePre-1888E of Arbala,H 154
Shady GroveChurch/Baptist18834 mi So Sul Spg
Shady GroveSchool District1900's4 mi So Sul Spg
SherleyChurch/Meth.SW Part of Co
SherleyChurch/Presby.SW Part of Co
SherleyPost Office1889-1905Barker Springs,FrazierSW Part of Co
SherleyVillage1870'sBarker Springs,FrazieSW Part of Co
ShirleyCommunity1900's2 mi E Birthright
Shooks ChapelChurch/Meth.18874 m So S S H 154
Smith MillCommunity1850'sNear Sul Bluff
Soon-OverCommunity1900'sEmblem15 m NW Sul Spg
South LibertyChurch1887-PresentLiberty11 mi So Sul Spg
South LibertySchool District1900'sLiberty11 mi So Sul Spg
South SulphurChurch/Baptist1878Sand Hill3 mi E Tira
South SulphurCommunity1850-1900'sSand Hill3 mi E Tira
South SulphurSchool District1900'sSand Hill3 mi E Tira
St. LukeSchool District?NE of Sul Spg
St. Mark'sSchool District1900'sSE of Pickton
Star RidgeSchool District1900'sNear Reilly Sprs
Stone RidgeSchool District1900'sE of Sul Spg
Stout's CreekChurch/Baptist1856-1925Near Saltillo
StringtownVillagePre-19002 m NW Sul Bluff
SulphurSchool District1900'sTiraE of Tira
Sulphur BluffConfederate P.O.1862-1865NE Part of County
Sulphur BluffPost Office1849-PresentNE Part of County
Sulphur BluffSchool DistrictPre-1900NE Part of County
Sulphur BluffTown1842-PresentNE Part of County
Sulphur SpringsChurch/Baptist1884-1885Central Pt of Co.
Sulphur SpringsChurch/Catholic1884-1885Central Pt of Co.
Sulphur SpringsChurch/Meth.1884-1885Central Pt of Co.
Sulphur SpringsChurch/Presby.1884-1885Central Pt of Co.
Sulphur SpringsCounty Seat1850-PresentBright StarCentral Pt of Co.
Sulphur SpringsPost Office1871-PresentBright StarCentral Pt of Co.
Sulphur SpringsSchool DistrictPre-1900Central Pt of Co.
Sunny PointSchool District1900'sSW of Cumby
Sunny SlopeSchool District1900'sSo of Peerless
TarrantConfederate P.O.1861-1865Old Tarrant5 mi N Sul SpgTarrantSchool DistrictPre-19005 mi N Sul Spg
TarrantVillage1846-1871Old Tarrant5 mi N Sul Spg
TazewellPost Office1887-19045 mi S Sul Spg
TazewellVillage1875-1900's5 mi S Sul Spg
TenragRailroad Stop1900'sGarnet spelled backwardsNr Branom Sch
TheodociaPost Office1857-1858Black Jack Grove,CumbyWest. Pt of Co.
TheodociaVillage1857-1858Black Jack Grove,CumbyWest. Pt of Co.
ThermoBrick Plant1910Crush5 mi E of Sul Spg
ThermoVillage1900'sCrush5 mi E of Sul Spg
ThomasSchool District1900'sEast of Sul Spg
TiraPost Office1898-1919Chapman ArmsN Part of County
TiraSchool District1900'sChapman ArmsN Part of County
TiraVillage1850Chapman ArmsN Part of County
Twin GroceriesCommunity1850'sSaltilloNear Saltillo
UnionSchool District1900'sN of Seymore
UnitySchool District1900'sNE of Nelta
Vaden's CreekChurch/Baptist1875Near Birthright
Valley SpringsCommunityPre-1900So of Sul Bluff
ValparisoPost Office1903-1905SE of Como
ValparisoSchool District1900'sSE of Como
ValtonPost Office1902-19044 mi W of Addran
WeaverPost Office1888-1940'sWhite OakE Cl on SLSWRR
WeaverSchool District1900'sWhite OakE Cl on SLSWRR
WeaverVillage1887White OakE Cl on SLSWRR
WeirCommunity1900'sWeirvilleN of New Biright
WeirvilleCommunity1900'sWeirN of New Bihright
WesleyChurch1900'sE of Old Tarrant
White OakConfederate P.O.1861-1865SE of Weaver
White OakPost Office1847-1888WeaverSE of Weaver
White OakSchool District1900'sWeaverSE of Weaver
White OakVillage1843WeaverSE of Weaver
WhiteoakPost Office1901-1904WeaverSE of Weaver
Who'd Thot ItGhost TownPre-1900'sEast of Tira
Willow OakSchool District1900'sSW of Emblem
Willow SpringsChurch1900'sSW of Saltillo
WinterfieldSchool District1900'sNE of Pickton
WolfpenCommunityPre-1900White Oak Creek
Wood SpringsSchool District1900'sNorth of Como
WoodlandConfederate P.O.1861-1865NE of Como
WoodlandPost Office1855-1866NE of Como
WoodlandVillage1859NE of Como
YesnerPost Office1901-1906S Ctral Part of Co.
YesnerVillage1900S Ctral Part of Co.


(“I take no credit for location all these place names. The bibliography lists the sources in which I found these place names mentioned. My main contribution was collecting the information and devising the index. I know it is not perfect and I hope its publication will result in refinement and improvement.” Mack W. Mullins)

Adams, Florene Chapman. HOPKINS COUNTY AND OUR HERITAGE, (Sulphur Springs, Texas, 1976.)

Boyd, Ernest Mack. AN ECOLOGICAL STUDY OF SULPHUR SPRINGS, TEXAS, (Unpublished Masters Thesis, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, 1967.)

Brice, Sydney. A CENTURY OF MEMORIES, (Echo Publishing Company, 1954)


Fleming, E.B. EARLY HISTORY OF HOPKINS COUNTY, TEXAS. (1902, Reprinted 1976 by Hopkins County Historical Society.)


(Pioneer Book Publishers, Hereford, Texas, 1972.)

Johnson, Roy L. THE STORY OF REHOBOTH. (Executive Board, Rehoboth Baptist Association, Sulphur Springs, Texas, 1938)

Long, Mattie Mae. SULPHUR SPRINGS SIXTY YEARS AGO (1920) (Hopkins County Historical Society, 1980.)

Orren, G.G. THE HISTORY OF HOPKINS COUNTY, TEXAS. (Master’s Thesis, East Texas State University, 1938.)


Polk, R.L. TEXAS BUSINESS DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER, 1883-1884. R.L. Polk Publishing Company, Dallas, Texas.)

Rehoboth Baptist Association. REHOBOTH BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. (Unpublished Associational Reports, 1858-1910. The Texas Collection, Baylor University, Waco, Texas)

St. Clair, Gladys. A HISTORY OF HOPKINS COUNTY, TEXAS. (Library Binding Company, Waco, Texas, 1965.)

Swindell, Ellie and Harrington, Vera. REILLY SPRINGS HERITAGE, 1850-1977, (Sulphur Springs, Texas, 1977.)

Tarpley, Fred. PLACE NAMES OF NORTHEAST TEXAS, (Educational Research & Field Services Division, East Texas State University, Commerce, Texas, 1969.)


(Washington, D.C., 1981) Maps 67 & 68.

Webb, Walter P. THE HANDBOOK OF TEXAS, (Lakeside Press, Austin, Texas, 1952.)Volumes I, II, III.

Wright, Celia M. HERITAGE FROM THE PAST: SKETCHES FROM HOPKINS COUNTY HISTORY (The Shining Path Press, Sulphur Springs, Texas, 1959.)

Wright, Celia M. SENTINELS FOR A CENTURY, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH SULPHUR SPRINGS, TEXAS, 1859-1959, (Hughes Printing Company, Sulphur Springs, Texas, 1959.)

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