
Monthly Meetings

The Society meets the third Thursday of each month at the HCGS Research Library, 611 N. Davis St., Sulphur Springs, TX, 75482, at 7:00 p.m.

Programs during these meetings are free and visitors are always welcome. The Society does not meet in June, July or December.  The August meeting is usually a joint meeting with the Hopkins County Historical Society at Heritage Park.

Live too far from Sulphur Springs to come to the HCGS monthly meetings?

Join us via Zoom! Registration in advance is required. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. HCGS members and supporters who are on our email distribution list already receive our monthly meeting notices. If you are not currently on our distribution list and would like to receive the monthly meeting notices, please send an email to

HCGS does not permit the recording of presentations at our meetings under any circumstances or in any form or media, including but not limited to audio recordings, video recordings, or literal transcripts, except by specific written permission. Screen captures or photos may not be taken for any reason without the prior consent of the speaker.

2025 Speakers List

Apr 17th – 

Details will be posted here when available.

Mar 20th – Emily Coffman Richardson, Ed.D

Our speaker, Emily Coffman Richardson Ed.D., is a professional genealogist and lecturer based in Denton, Texas. She began her genealogy journey alongside her mother, searching courthouse records and cemeteries for their Ohio and Pennsylvania ancestors. After retiring from a career in higher education in 2019, she moved to Texas and revived her mother’s genealogy business, Kinsearchers. Her work includes lineage society applications and solving family tree conflicts, particularly name discrepancies.

Emily is currently serving a two-year term as president of the Texas State Genealogical Society (TxSGS), beginning January 1, 2025, after previously holding roles as secretary and Director-at-Large. She also oversees the production of the new TxSGS podcast, Lone Star Family Trails. In addition to her leadership roles, Emily chairs programming for the Robson Ranch Genealogy Club and teaches genealogy courses for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at the University of North Texas. She frequently lectures at genealogy societies across Texas.

A dedicated storyteller, Emily is working to preserve her ancestors’ histories—a request from her mother, who focused on the research side. She is completing a four-volume work on the descendants of her 5th great-grandfather, Melchior Yoder, who arrived in the U.S. in the 1750s. This project is part of her role as coordinator for the non-Amish branch of the Yoder Family Newsletter. Emily will be speaking on collateral research.

Collateral Research: Using Nine Children and DNA to Develop the Story
Thorough genealogical research often requires exploring individuals beyond direct ancestors—collateral relatives such as aunts, uncles, cousins, and siblings of grandparents and great-grandparents. Examining their lives can provide crucial context, uncover hidden family connections, and help resolve gaps in research.

Feb 27th – Patty Massey Williams

This meeting has been rescheduled to Feb 27th due to the expected weather.

Have you ever wondered what life was like in the 1800s?  Well, it often began with a shiver! Rich or poor, in city dwelling or farm laborer’s cabin in the western frontier of Texas, the first step out of bed was likely to leave you cold. The wealthier class would have coal or wood burning fireplaces in their bedrooms, but these were rarely lit. Come and explore with Eliza Bullard Butler the practicalities of living in East Texas during the Victorian Era.

Patty Massey Williams, a sixth-generation American, descends from ancestors who fought in every war since the American Revolution. She earned a Master of Education from Stephen F. Austin State University and taught for 37 years, spending 27 years in early primary education (Kindergarten through Second Grade) and the last decade training teachers to integrate advanced technologies into their classrooms.

Patty now presents historical interpretations for schools, genealogical and historical societies, and events like the Spirits of Oakwood Cemetery in Tyler and Voices of Longview’s 150th Celebration. She has published award-winning historical articles.

She is an active member of the Tyler chapters of the Daughters of the American Revolution and United Daughters of the Confederacy, currently serving as chapter President. Patty also serves on the Oakwood Historical Cemetery Preservation Committee and is a member of the Smith County Historical Association.

Raised in Hawkins, northeast of Tyler, Patty’s ancestors have lived in Wood, Hardin, and Brazoria counties for generations. After marrying her college sweetheart, Monty Williams, they settled in White Oak to raise their two daughters, Laura Horn and Joanna Schinkle. Their families remain in East Texas, and the grandchildren cherish time at Meme and Gramps’ house.

Patty’s love for reading and family history research began with her grandmothers in the 1960s, continued by her parents through the 2000s, and now rests with her as the family historian. Her home is filled with cherished antiques and heirlooms. Passionate about teaching the true stories of our ancestors, Patty says, “I am continuing this legacy for my own children and grandchildren.”

Jan 16th – Jerry Tittle

Jerry’s topic will be:  “Growing Up in the Franklin County Jail with Dad Sheriff and his Grandfather Sheriff Before That”.

He was born and reared in Mt. Vernon, Tx. While his dad Junior Tittle, was sheriff of Franklin Co , Jerry lived in the family quarters on the bottom floor of the Franklin Co Jail. Jerry graduated in 1964 from Mt. Vernon High School. He put his college days at East Texas State College on hold after a brief time, and he and his high school sweetheart, Sue Martin were married December 1965. They recently celebrated 59 years together. Jerry enlisted in the US Army to serve from January ,1967 to January ,1970, spending 13 months in Korea and 23 months in Seattle, Washington. After the Army Jerry, Sue and their young daughter Holli, relocated to Sulphur Springs. Jerry used his Montgomery G.I. Bill to earn a BA degree in English and Journalism, and later a MS degree in Counseling and Guidance, all from East Texas State, later named East Texas State University. Jerry worked a couple years as Sports Editor and Sunday Feature writer for the News Telegram in Sulphur Springs. Going forward, Jerry and Sue had two additional children Jeff and Sloane. Jerry taught 10th grade English for five years and was a school counselor for 27 years, all at Sulphur Springs High School, where he retired in 2012. After that date , Jerry worked as a Middle School Counselor for 6 years at Princeton ISD. Jerry says he always longed to write, but watching life play out through a keyhole in a locked jailhouse door was where he really honed his craft.

2024 Speakers List

2024 Speakers List

Nov 21st – Annual Election of Officers & Don Easterling

Head’s up to our members:  Thursday, November 21, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. at the library at 611 North Davis Street, we will hold our annual election of officers and we need to make sure we have a quorum, so we ask that you try to attend.  As of this year you can also vote via Zoom.  The vote will occur at the library and on zoom at the beginning of the meeting, so you will want to be on time.

Don Easterling will be our speaker this month.  He will review his latest book, Tales of a Purple Tiger.  In the book he discusses the history of football, UIL, and the history of football in Mt. Vernon.  He will cover the hiring of the first coach, Herman Morgan and how he built a winning team.  Also covered is the connection between Sulphur Springs, Mt. Vernon and SMU.  Included will be a short summary of life after high school of the seniors on the 1938 team. We are looking forward to this interesting and informative presentation Don will be bringing us.  He will also have copies of his book available for purchase and signing!

Oct 17th – John Sellers 

We are excited to have our society president, John A. Sellers, as our speaker this month.  John’s PowerPoint presentation will be about the “FamilySearch Experiment.”  He will show us how to maneuver through this new test site for researching deeds on FamilySearch, what it consists of and what is included.

Please join us for this program in person on Thursday, October 17, 2024, at 7:00 P.M, 611 N. Davis, Sulphur Springs Texas. If you cannot attend in person, we invite you to join us via Zoom.


Sep 19th – Gwen Takes Horse 

Join us on Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. for Mississippi Choctaws: Journey To The Dawes Roll. Gwen Takes Horse, Choctaw and Chickasaw, has been a Genealogist with the Choctaw Nation Membership Department for the past 11 years and a Choctaw Nation employee for 25 years. A graduate of Southeastern Oklahoma State University with a Masters of Behavioral Science in counseling Psychology, she has worked as a counselor in Indian boarding schools, public schools, and prior to working in Genealogy, she was a Counselor for the Choctaw Nation Upward Bound program. A member of the Oklahoma Genealogical Society and National Genealogical society, Gwen is the current Vice-Chairperson of the Johnson-O’Malley Program and on the Indian Education Board at Colbert Oklahoma Public Schools.

Aug 22nd – Annual Historical Society Joint Meeting

It is August again and time for the annual joint meeting of the Hopkins County Genealogical Society and the Hopkins County Historical Society.  The historical society will host the genealogical society once again and dual member, Paula Altenbaumer, will present in first person and costume the early pioneer of Hopkins County and wife of Dr. Stephen Beasley Longino, Mary Edna Young Longino.
Mary Edna Young Longino passed away at the early age of 42 years, but she left behind a loving husband, a sweet daughter and niece, two noble sons and many friends to mourn her greatly.
Join us in the Winifred Building, Hopkins County Heritage Park & Museum, 416 N. Jackson St., Sulphur Springs, TX., at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, August 22, 2024, for Paula’s delightful presentation of this lovely and historically significant lady!

May 16th – Ken Hanushek 

Ken Hanushek was born in Cleveland, OH, but raised in Pittsburg, PA. He has a BA in History from Grove City College, PA, a MS in Political Science from Auburn University, AL and a MS in History from Texas A&M, Commerce, TX. Ken is a retired Air Force Lt. Colonel. He was on the history faculty of Northeast Texas Community College for 16 years, on the history faculty at PJC, full time, for 7 years and still teaches part-time at PJC Sulphur Springs Tech Center. Ken is married and has 2 daughters and 4 grandchildren.  In addition he is an accompanist for the Northeast Texas Choral Society and the organist at the Presbyterian church in Sulphur Springs, Tx.

Ken’s topic will be “The Relationship Between Sam Houston and Andrew Jackson.” 

April 18th – Donna Toups 

Donna Toups will present to us “Relatives ‘Round Me.”  Her program will include a demonstration of the use of to determine how/if we are all related, beginning with starting a family tree and entering a deceased relative. Donna Toups and her husband, both native Texans, have 4 children and 13 grandchildren.  They have lived in Van Zandt about 17 years where she enjoys her hobbies of mowing and twirling batons with a senior group of ladies.  Her career includes teacher, college and career advisor and employment specialist. In her Church, she has the calling as a Family History Consultant and works at the Wills Point Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ Family History Center each week.

March 21st – Kenneth Sivard

Our speaker for the March meeting is Kenneth Sivard. He is a seventh-generation resident of McCurtain County, Oklahoma. Currently he is the president of the McCurtain County Historical Society and serves on the board of directors of the Oklahoma Historical Society where he sits on the organization’s Research and Publications Committees. He also serves on the executive board of the Friends of Fort Townson Historic Site and the board of directors of the Friends of Honey Springs Historic Battlefield. Kenny will be speaking on Doaksville, Choctaw Nation and it’s relationship with Texas.

February 22nd – Jim Thornhill

After 15 years of Family History research, Jim Thornhill embarked on a second career, applying his existing experience in research, critical thinking, writing and speaking to genealogy and started Heroes of the Past, a company that seeks to delight clients and tell them about the Heroes of their pasts.

He is a professional genealogist and the chief researcher for Heroes of the Past.

Jim is a graduate of the Gen Proof and ProGen professional genealogy course, TIGR (Texas and Advanced Southern Research) as well as attending countless live classes and virtual presentations.   He is Past President of the Dallas Genealogical Society, an author for Stirpes, the Journal of the Texas State Genealogical Society, and has spoken for the National Genealogical Society, the Texas State Genealogical Society, and many local societies in North Texas.  Jim is a native Texan who has been living in the Dallas area his entire life, and has roots in pre-civil war Texas and Mississippi.

Jim’s topic for this meeting will be “Migration Across the American South.”

January 18th – John Sellers

Come join us on Thursday, January 18, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. at 611 N. Davis St., for ” The First Years of Hopkins County through the Eyes of John Sellers and his Research.”   John will do a storytelling lecture about his early finds in Hopkins County history through newspapers, courthouse records, and online research.  Everyone knows what a good story-teller John is (and if you don’t, it’s time to find out), so we hope you will attend either in person or by Zoom.


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